One Step to The End

Chapter 745: Mutual harm

If there is always someone in this world who wants to see you embarrassed, then this person must be your fellow. If there is always someone who doesn't want you to stand out, then this person must be your relative. Song Qian has a deep understanding now, as if returning from a metropolis. Arrived in the village.

"Big star! You are too exaggerated. Bring so many salutes to vacation..."

Pushing three suitcases and more than a dozen bags, Song Qian came to the middle of the eighth-floor cabin with difficulty. Three female roommates were entrenched everywhere in the small cabin, either looking in the mirror or cutting her nails. None of them came to help her. Still yin and yang talking weirdly.

"Hehe~ I brought a lot of gifts to you as a meeting ceremony..."

Song Qian walked into the cabin out of breath. The quadruple room is already considered a luxury package on the eighth floor, with two single beds and two hammocks. Although there are housekeeping requirements on board, there are already many things for girls and they are semi-enclosed. The balcony is full, and the only hammock is also full of debris.

"Haha~ Then you're welcome..."

The three women ran over in surprise, picking and choosing around her salute. There were two girls wearing only pants and bras. They didn't care about the people coming and going in the corridor, for fear that no one would appreciate their good figure.

"These bags are given to you, I have only carried them a few times..."

Song Qian is not a rookie who just debuted. She brought out all kinds of good things to buy her roommate, and said, "Whose lower left bunk belongs to, can you let me? A gold bracelet compensates her!"

"No change!"

A trousers girl carried her bag, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, scratching her head, and said: "Who rare gold jewelry these days, this lady never wears tacky gold!"

A girl lowered her head and said: "Song Qian! I said how you gotta fuck, you don't have a backer when Jonny is dead, you fall from A4 to B7, female security guard, someone is trying to fix you?"

"Sure! Can Princess Kate spare her..."

The pants girl smiled again: "The foreign lady saw that her husband was down, and the white man didn't dare to touch her, so she immediately went to Director Zhao's arms and hugged her. It is said that she spent the whole night in the director's room. Upside down, don't take the opportunity to avenge the Green Riding Hood!"

"Hey! Don't open my box..."

Song Qian pushed a girl away abruptly, dragged things to the side of the hammock coldly, and moved the sundries down the bed violently.

"What's so fierce! This young lady is also A8..."

A girl yelled aggressively: "If we hadn't raised funds for you, could you sleep in Jonny's bed? I knew you were so unbelievable. Even Director Zhao in your home country would not be able to deal with it. We might as well go on our own. A sum of money wasted for nothing!"

Song Qian said coldly: "If you have the ability, go up, no one is stopping you!"

"Song Qian!"

The only girl in a skirt said, “Don’t play big names here. I’m the head of the room. The dormitory is cleaned and fetched every day. The bathroom is not allowed to be occupied for more than 20 minutes. Whoever blocks the toilet will be responsible for it. Keep personal belongings. !"


Song Qian continued to clean up with a sullen face, who knew that there were more and more people outside.

Someone sneered clearly: "I said Director Zhao wouldn't want her. At first, she put on airs in front of others. Within two days, she was slapped. If you want to climb high, you can't afford it!"

"After all, it is a woman who has entertained foreign devils. Who would dare to ask for her? Isn't the size suitable..."

"Yeah! The entertainment industry is so messy, the actor is a senior lady, isn't Kate a good woman, and the director is not stupid..."


A group of people roared with laughter outside the door, but Song Qian suddenly realized that she didn’t feel much about these malicious words. Zhao Guanren’s poisonous tongue was **** and fatal, and it pierced people’s trachea. Superficial mockery is too low-level.

"Ouch~ The leader is coming! I won't watch the big star jokes, right..."

A group of people suddenly stepped away from the door, and only heard the big bald toad say outside: "What a joke? With Song Qian's looks and talents, sooner or later, I will get back from the east. I'm here to inquire about which **** Qin Manying has worshipped and how to go. Has the property management center started A5?"

"Oh hello~ you don't know yet..."

One person added enthusiasm and said: "Go and see Wang Zixun, all the green on his head shines. His daughter-in-law teaches English to the director. The tuition fee is 3,000 points a week. The director took her on as soon as she was promoted. Go up to the eleventh floor, the painting is called a beautiful one!"

"Tsk tusk~ This woman has two brushes, and she took down the director without making a sound. Wang Zixun's hapless thing is still polishing Korean shoes..."

Big Toad stretched her head and glanced at Song Qian, but Song Qian came out with her bag as soon as she wanted to speak. Big Toad hurriedly stepped aside and asked, "Miss Song! Which department's B7 is this? Duty, don’t you want to go to the island?"

"Theatre! Drama actor..."

Song Qian walked out without expression, and listened to the big toad muttering: "So I went to the art troupe. This is the best use of everything, but this woman has always been smart. Even Kate knows that she holds the director's thigh. Why do you have a big somersault?"

"Cut ~ what celebrity, foreigners just treat her like a chicken, don't need money..."

The head of the female room made another knife in the back. Song Qian squeezed her fist so hard that she didn’t go crazy. She finally understood why Zhao Guanren hated them. This group of so-called compatriots hates them more than outsiders. They nod and bow when they are rich, and fall into trouble when they are unlucky. , It is all the poor who harm each other at the bottom.

"Oh! It would be nice if there were more storms and waves, free meals every day..."

The toiling people lined up in a long line, standing in the corridor holding their own rice bowls. Song Qian knew what the free meal at noon was, one fried corn with mushrooms and one white rice, but there were no good things for free. It's moldy.


Song Qian sighed and passed by the crowd. She is really not used to eating public canteens. The body odor of the people at the bottom is also particularly unpleasant. This makes her a big star who is used to eating small stoves uncontrollably produce a vomiting reaction and can only hold her breath. Came to the eleventh floor.

"Hi! I still have a few things I haven't taken away, just go in and come out..."

Song Qian greeted the guard guarding the gate. The guard took a photo of her with a thermal imaging camera and ordered her to come out within five minutes. Her level was no longer enough to enter the eleventh floor, so she had to speed up and rush to get herself. Pet dog.

"Huh? Why can't it open..."

Song Qian slapped her room card in wonder. Who knew the door was suddenly opened. A supermodel girl appeared behind the door, wearing her pink bathrobe, her towel wrapped around her head, and she was holding her. Dog, wearing her favorite plush slippers.

"Lin Zirui? Why are you in my room..."

Song Qian looked at each other in surprise. Lin Zirui was a model from the Bay of Bay Province. The other party was very familiar and pulled her into the room. Two large suitcases were lying on the floor. There were more than a dozen sets of **** underwear and personal belongings on the bed. Has fully occupied her room.

"Sorry! I have already upgraded..."

Lin Zirui smiled in a Hong Kong-Taiwan dialect: "I just passed Mr. Pete's interview. Mr. Pete heard that I often show in Korea and my English is very good, so he hired me to be his translator, and I do it now. A5, congratulations!"

"Have you upgraded to A5? Does the suffix have an E..."

Song Qian looked hard to tell, Lin Zirui nodded and smiled: "I know, E is for mistress, but Mr. Pete is super handsome. I was so nervous when he interviewed me, but I didn't expect him to be so funny. I always He keeps laughing, he is super decent!"

Song Qian covered her mouth and said in shock: "Are you willing to be his mistress?"

"Please! Who wouldn't want to be a super handsome single boss? More than two hundred people compete with me..."

Lin Zirui said with a playful smile: "Jessica and the others have gone. I thought I was out of play. They have high education, good figure, and the youngest is a C cup, but Mr. Pete said that he only has eyes for me, but I'm still in the trial period, and I can upgrade to A4 if I do well!"

Song Qian hesitated: "Where is your boyfriend, have you broken up?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, all you see are my suitors..."

Lin Zirui shook his head and said, "The tenth-floor man is very LOW. He always wants to spend the least money to play with the most beautiful girl, but Mr. Pete gave me 50,000 points for me to enjoy myself. I can leave at any time if I don’t get along well, and I don’t have to return the credits to him. , He is a true nobleman!"

"Zhao Yunxuan is a nobleman? He is just a low-level rascal, okay..."

Song Qian made her laugh alive, but Lin Zirui smiled again: "If a man is not inferior to you, it means you are unattractive to him, okay! I have to change clothes to accompany my husband to the meeting, and I can do your dog. Raise it for you first, I know it’s inconvenient for you to be on the eighth floor!"


Song Qian looked at the well-behaved puppy in her arms, her soul suddenly seemed to be taken away. She didn't know how to get out of the room, but she kept repeating the scene in her mind. Lin Zirui was sitting in front of her dressing table and putting on makeup. There was expensive juice in front of her, and the puppy was so cute at her feet.


Song Qian finally burst into tears that she couldn't control, and walked into the emergency passage crookedly. She could tolerate the cynicism, but could not resist the whole world being taken away.

"What's the matter? It's humiliating, isn't it..."

A beautiful shadow walked down slowly. It was Li Moyan, an A1 senior of the US military. Song Qian quickly got up and wiped away tears, shook her head and wanted to leave.

"Your name is Song Qian, I really don't understand you..."

Li Moyan stood in front of her and smiled: “It’s not easy to survive on a boat. Being a mistress is a shortcut to success, but why in front of Zhao Yunxuan, your humble treatment of Jonny is gone, and your discarded pride reappears. You can live better!"


Song Qian opened her mouth speechlessly, and Li Moyan smiled again: "You like him and don't want him to look down on him, but he doesn't belong to you. He is a popular lover, and women like him, no matter what the skin color, so in the end The poor one is yourself, he doesn't care about you at all!"

"Ms. Morty!"

Song Qian asked in surprise: "You seem to be very interested in him, don't him too?"

"Every woman likes stimulation, even if he is assaulting you, but you do have a heartbeat..."

Li Moyan said: "It's a pity that he is a dangerous person. You understand that he is not an actor. He brought the devil on the boat. They endanger the safety of the entire boat. I hope you can stand on the side of justice, for everyone, for Own!"

"You want me to investigate him? But I..."

Song Qian bit her lip hesitantly, but Li Moyan suddenly took out an A3 tag and said: "You will become a commercial inspector and have an obligation to ensure the safety of the cruise ship, and you will get the vaccine and use the internal quota to go to the Australian camp!"

"Commercial Ombudsman? What kind of position is this..."

Song Qian subconsciously took the tag, Li Moyan turned around and walked downstairs, saying: "Foreigners cannot understand his thinking mode. Only native people understand their own people. Let's regain what you lost. Let the refugees who leave us in danger. You will become a hero!"

Song Qian did not speak, but looked at the A3 tag with the chip in her hand, followed by holding it firmly, and strode towards the twelfth floor...

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