One Step to The End

Chapter 775: Corpse Extinction Bureau

"Big brother! I really didn't take you to do it like this, you are so embarrassed to start..."

Zhou Fafa wore a military coat embarrassedly, and shrank on the sofa crying and clutching his crotch. Only Zhao Guanren was left in the office. He pulled the swivel chair and sat in front of the sofa, lighted two cigarettes and handed him one. , Asked: "Why didn't you say your identity before?"

"Brother! There is a Ding Xiaodan by your side, that girl obviously has a problem..."

Zhou Fafa took two puffs of cigarettes and said, "I'm an errand boy, not a professional agent. The moment you get on the boat, you will be upset. How dare I tell you my home? I'm just a cannon fodder in your hands. , And my little buddies are all dead!"

"You better not brag to me..."

Zhao Guanren leaned back on the chair and said, "You are the one who has to smoke three mouthfuls, and the water in your words squeezes me. Whether you can stand and go out tonight depends on your level of cooperation, come! Let's talk about your corpse poison investigation team from the beginning!"

"Dead Investigation Bureau! The name given by the British, we are a joint investigation by the six countries..."

Zhou Fafa said: "It's almost half a year after you left. There suddenly appeared a living corpse in South Asia. It was completely different from the previous corpse demon. Later, it was discovered that it was an artificial virus. Then Luo Zixuan, who was in the UK, took advantage of your relationship. , And formed the Six Nations Investigation Bureau!"

"Depend on!"

Zhao Guanren said irritably, "I knew that Luo Zixuan would not be at peace. Her head is not a normal person. By the way! Did she give birth to me a son or a daughter?"

"Huh? She, she is pregnant with your child..."

Zhou Fafa said in surprise: "Luo Zixuan had a miscarriage last year. When I first saw her, I heard that she had just finished her confinement. The last time I saw her was in Japan. , You said she...reliable?"

"What do you mean? Isn't she your deputy leader..."

Zhao Guanren subconsciously sat up straight, and Zhou Fafa hesitated while smoking a cigarette: "Actually! I received a satellite text message before boarding the cruise. Another secret letter sent to me by the deputy team leader contained only a short sentence... Qu The team leader sacrifices, there is a ghost inside, return home quickly!"

"What? Old song is dead..."

Zhao Guanren was shocked and said: "You tell me how many people have come from Dongjiang, and even though Luo Zixuan was pregnant with my child, I didn’t know her for half a month. What happened afterwards I didn’t know. Not sure!"

"I thought you were here to avenge him. In fact, I started Hotpot City. After the bankruptcy, I went to Dongjiang to find a rigorous gangster..."

Zhou Fafa looked at him and said: "Strictly arranged me to work under Lao Qu. Later, the official found us and wanted you to take the lead in investigating the South Asian corpse poisoning case. The duck is on the shelf!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "How about my daughter-in-law, are they still in Dongjiang?"

"I don't know anymore. Anyway, the last news is that they are all in Dongjiang, guarding the Coffin Nail Building..."

Zhou Fafa said, “Both Zhang Xinyue and Zhou Miao gave birth to you sons, and the rest became dams. Therefore, the only one who came out of Dongjiang’s Thirteen Taibao was Lin Rui. She was originally in South Korea with me. Finally separated from me when the corpse poison broke out!"

"How come it broke out..."

Zhao Guanren wondered: "What did you find in Japan, where is the outbreak point, and why are you all right?"

"This is what we do. Of course, we are more careful than ordinary people. At first, we thought it was a kid who committed the crime. The Bureau of Investigation clearly went to investigate. Among the six countries, there is the old beauty, and there is no obstruction..."

Zhou Fafa recalled: "But when they were investigating the Nachuan base, the first wave of the virus broke out suddenly. There were at least twelve outbreak points in the world, and the spread was very fast. It swept the world in half a month, obviously. It was caused by man!"

Zhao Guanren pinched out the cigarette **** and asked: "So you haven't found anything?"

"I and Lin Rui are investigating in South Korea. There is nothing here in South Korea, but they must have found something in Japan for Laoqu, otherwise they would not use the word sacrifice..."

Zhou Fafa said: "But Lin Rui knows more than I do. She said that there is a consortium called Bald Eagle, which has big investments in the places where the corpses first appeared, and they are all investments in medicine or biology, and this consortium’s The background is too complicated and there is a very big suspicion!"

"Bald Eagle?"

Zhao Guanren asked thoughtfully: "Have you ever thought about why they chose to conduct experiments in Southeast Asia? Is there any special discovery?"

"I have to ask you, why do zombies speak our language..."

Zhou Fafa said in a dubious manner: "A black-skinned giant was photographed on the news. It shocked me with a mouthful of northeastern accent. Foreigners said that we have unified the hell, so they are all experts on East Asian issues. Can speak basic Mandarin!"

"You're talking about jams, he let the big head go astray, and the old iron is fine if he doesn't move..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand and said: "I won't talk about the old past. Anyway, this time has nothing to do with the soul world. Some humans have transformed the second generation of corpse poison, which led to this large-scale spread. Since I am back, I have to check it out. ,what's your plan?"

"I'm really afraid of death! But if I retreat, I'm really sorry for the brothers who died..."

Zhou Fafa took a puff of cigarette, and said anxiously: "My ability is very limited. I have been stuck on a cruise ship for so long and I can do nothing. But if you are useful to me, as long as you don't let me be cannon fodder, I will do my best. Go ahead and give an explanation to the brethren!"

"Actually, your IQ and observation ability are good. Ding Xiaodan is indeed a mutant sent by the base, but there is another one who is lurking. It should be someone on the cruise ship..."

Zhao Guanren said: “There are currently four known experimental islands. Mal Island may not be the base’s nest, so I’m experimenting with the base. I’ll let you know when the results are available. You can go back to Qiaotou to continue selling seafood and observe the gangs in West Island. Gang, come to me when you have news!"

"I still sell fart seafood, I can sell barbecue..."

Zhou Fafa put on his army coat and stood up, snarled his legs apart, and asked, "There is something you can tell me about. Have you gotten bald Pan's wife?"

"Why are you saying this? I haven't had a personal relationship with Madam Pan..."

Zhao Guanren stood up with a face full of innocence, Zhou Fafa disdainfully said: "Pull it down! Mrs. Pan has become more attractive as she gets dressed recently. Someday she won't come to you for a while. If she doesn't let you hit, you can give her the vaccine. Right now, people are rushing to get her urine!"

"Why? Do you want to give her a pregnancy test..."

Zhao Guanren picked his nose subconsciously, but Zhou Fafa said: "I don't know which pervert said, saying that Madam Pan's urine can eliminate corpse poison and has the effect of rejuvenation. People with heavy tastes want to take two mouthfuls, but Madam Pan seems Really become younger!"

"The metabolism speeds up, it will be like this after the vaccination..."

Zhao Guanren was about to leave with the treasured sword, but Zhou Fafa was expecting Ai Ai to rub his hands. He smiled and said, "You also want a vaccine. Wait until I verify your identity. As long as you haven't lied to me, the vaccine will definitely have your old age. A copy of the kid!"

"If you have this, I will have motivation. You can check it out. Real gold is not afraid of fire, hehe..."

Zhou Fafa walked to the desk triumphantly and said, "You are ruining Lisa with a short story. I'm really not afraid that she will throw you at the missile. The story is written about everyone going crazy, and even if they drive the ship, You can't see it with the naked eye!"

"Don't tell me what you say, inquire less if you shouldn't know..."

Zhao Guanren kicked him on his ass, Zhou Fafa quietly walked along half a cigarette, and said as he walked out, "I will keep my affairs with Qin Manying secret. In fact, that girl is nice, soft-hearted and timid. It's just a little vain, I won't **** her in the future, let her have a good relationship!"

"Who else are you having trouble with, I will help you keep it secret..."

Zhao Guanren looked at him with piercing eyes, Zhou Fafa opened the door and smiled: "I am not as high-end as your big boss, and I follow the civilian route, but you still become my cousin. Chen Jiamin and her younger brother and sister are my little concubine, and If I were you, I would replace Dahe, Jiang Zhenghe is not honest!"

"You won't have anything to do with Dahe's daughter-in-law, beware that others will kill you..."

Zhao Guanren hugged his arms suspiciously, and Zhou Fafa waved his hand and said, "I don't have that blessing. Anyway, I just remind you. If you say too much, it will be a bluff, but he will surprise you and leave. Ah...Thank you director, I will never dare to do it again next time!"

Zhou Fafa walked out yelling, he looked like a bereavement dog, Zhao Guanren praised his acting skills and IQ secretly, while Shen Qingwen jumped in from the window and asked: "This old boy is so greasy, will he be here? Lie to you?"

"There are basically no flaws, all details are correct..."

Zhao Guanren slowly stepped forward and said: "It is not unreasonable for his hometown to choose him. This kind of marketer has rich experience and can grasp the small details that ordinary people can't notice. Moreover, he has a sense of responsibility and bottom line. clue!"

"I don't think we should delay any longer, we are already very passive..."

Shen Qingwen looked at him seriously, he hugged Shen Qingwen and said: "You can't go for the time being. You don't understand the power of modern warfare. Once we go to sea, we will soon be discovered. Well, whoever has insufficient concentration now will expose flaws!"


Shen Qingwen suddenly hugged him affectionately and spoke a lot of Korean, but Zhao Guanren pushed her head away and cursed, "You watched Korean dramas so much, and you're still reading lines with me, where am I? Does it look like Kim Soo Hyun?"

"But Jun Ji Hyun looks like me, don't you think, Ouba..."

Shen Qingwen looked at him with big eyes flickering, with the appearance of a second girl, Zhao Guanren said dumbly: "If you have nothing to do, play a little bit of fun. Korean dramas are things that damage IQ. I am such a big prince to be rich and handsome. The little star is exciting!"

"I don't like stars, I am a novelty..."

Shen Qingwen held him again and said, "The people I watched in the TV series all live in tall towers. There are many families in a tower, and there is no yard at home. Is it the same in your hometown? His house?"

"Uh~ we don't have a yard..."

Zhao Guanren wiped his nose and said, "My house is on the ninth floor. There are two wing rooms and a living room. The house is the size of Zhao Wang's mansion. It is called a park in our country. Private people cannot build such a big house. But my mother has four rooms. Into the yard!"

"Do you have a few maids and horses, do you have a bearer..."

Shen Qingwen frowned slightly, and Zhao Guanren grabbed his scalp and said, "Uh, horses are not allowed in the city, and there are no maids, but I have a car!"

"What kind of business do you do, do you have an official position, have you ever obtained fame..."

"What are you doing? Check your account..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her inexplicably, and Shen Qingwen pointed to her nose and said, "Ding Xiaodan told me that you are a street vendor selling crayfish on the street, and there is no scholarly culture. Your poems are basically copied, and later on. It’s my mother-in-law, isn’t it?"

"How is it? Will it prevent me from becoming a prince? Let's not laugh at anyone..."

Zhao Guanren yelled in irritation, but Shen Qingwen proudly said: "This lady has always thought that she is not worthy of you. It turns out that you have climbed high. I am also from a family of officials. I will turn over your sign tonight tonight. !Hahaha……"

"I'll take care of your sister's bed, run to me to find confidence, right..."

Zhao Guanren kicked her ass, but Shen Qingwen sang a little song happily as if she had won the first prize, but Lin Zirui suddenly ran over and said, "Boss! Several people have died on West Island, and Mark of the US Army has died. , The blood of the whole body has been sucked up!"

"Damn! No mutants will land on the island anymore, ask a group of militiamen to follow me..."

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