One Step to The End

Chapter 778: Mountain rain is coming

"What's the matter? How did the mutant find you..."

Zhao Guanren put on the translation headphones and walked into a wooden house. The eldest sister of the Nandong Gang was sitting in a chair, her face haggardly wrapped in a blanket. After Mrs. Pan drove her men out, she closed the door and said, "We use test paper to test. After that, she is really Song Wisdom!"

"Five mutants, they should have landed at night, their shoes are wet, and there is a smell of sea..."

Song Zhihui said with wet red eyes: "They have become refugees. Two of them are ours. When they learned that Mark was coming, they tied me into the cellar and cut my wrist to **** blood. Become me and ask a lot of things!"

Zhao Guanren helped her put on a headset and asked, "Why are they killing Mark?"

"In order to lead you over, you will only come if an important person is dead..."

Song Zhihui said calmly: "They were sent by Lisa without telling her superiors. In order to avenge you for slandering her, they also said that they were combat mutants from Experimental Island No. 1, but in the end there was a man on the intercom. Say, he has successfully entered your camp!"

"Any clue?"

Zhao Guanren picked up the hot water bottle on the table, made a cup of instant coffee and handed it to her. Song Zhihui nodded gratefully, and after blowing it out, he drank two mouthfuls, and his tight body finally relaxed.

"It should be from your country. He doesn't speak Korean, but speaks English like your accent..."

Song Zhihui held the coffee cup and said, "That person should be trying to deal with your fiancée. I heard him say that it will be handed over to me. If you don’t kill you, he will poison you in the camp and may go. Poisoning, that's all I have observed!"

"Liu Yungang! Come here for a moment..."

Zhao Guanren immediately opened the door and called in the militia, and told him to go back to the camp to check for drugs. He was forbidden to eat and drink until he found it.

"Oba! I remembered one more thing..."

Song Zhihui said: "Some people say that the story won't be true. Lisa's face is crooked. This shows that they met Lisa himself before they came. Someone complained that if Maldo can help, use a missile. It will save you trouble!"

Zhao Guanren solemnly said: "Oh? So Island One is not Mal Island?"

"Absolutely not! I think Mal Island was a lie from the beginning..."

Song Zhihui immediately shook his head and said: "With their area of ​​no less than 80,000 people, 40,000 is already the limit. In order to prevent people from discovering, even the Marines deceived. Mark tracked the radio signal of the base today. From the southeast!"

"Southeast? Are there any large islands or bases..."

"There is no base, only a small Sakurasha Island..."

Song Zhihui said: "Mark said that they had studied this afternoon. The most likely source of the signal is Yingsha Island. The helicopter flight time is about two hours. The other islands are in the radiation circle of the nuclear explosion and are not suitable for human habitation! "

"Okay! Tell me what you think of, take a good rest..."

Zhao Guanren took off Song Zhihui’s earphones and was about to leave, but she got up and said, “Captain! My husband is dead. We have many enemies. The people will not convince me. They must kill me and grab food. Take me to your camp?"

"Do not worry!"

Mrs. Pan smiled and said: "I will let people come to receive your supplies, and you will live in the valley tonight, and we will guarantee your safety!"

"This is a good idea, come to me if you want to eat..."

Zhao Guanren gave Song Zhihui a hug, and Song Zhihui also kissed him on the cheek. Zhao Guanren took Mrs. Pan out, but Mrs. Pan dragged him into the woods and said, "You are too romantic, right?" , Actually has something to do with her!"

"Ani (no)! Flirting, didn't sleep..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and said something in Korean, but Mrs. Pan hugged his neck again and said anxiously: "You have angered Lisa, and we are seriously short of food. It is really internal and external troubles, Oppa! You are Zhao Guanren, you must have The way, right?"

"Have you seen someone starving to death? One day they didn't fill you up..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and put on her earphones. Madam Pan kissed him and said, "But our people are hungry. I know you have hidden a lot of food. I will try my best to let the US military hand over the weapons. You, just give us some, please!"

"Let me talk to me in the old place tomorrow, go back and continue investigating mutants, there may be more than five..."

Zhao Guanren patted her ass, and Madam Pan nodded and smiled: "OK! Tomorrow you wear the red set, but you have to help me deal with Andy. Old Pan actually made her pregnant, which embarrassed me very much. There is also the fishery steal tonight, he has not been drugged at all, the old thing is lying!"

"Okay! You bring Andy here for a few days, just say it's my kind..."

Zhao Guanren smiled bitterly and took off her earphones. As soon as she walked out of the small woods, President Pan’s daughter walked up to him, and Mrs. Pan hurriedly hid in the woods.

"Brother! What are you doing in the woods, have you seen my stepmother, my father is looking for her..."

Pan Zhi looked towards the forest friendly and curiously, Zhao Guanren stepped forward and embraced her shoulders, and smiled as he walked: "Song Zhihui is convenient in the forest. She is afraid of the dark and asked me to guard her. Your stepmother should go there and talk to people. I've already gone back, would you like to have supper?"

"Don't go! My father was frightened and uncomfortable..."

Pan Zhiyou shrank into his arms and said softly: "Brother! I didn't mean to pretend to be dead. My father misunderstood what I meant. I was sad because you had a female partner. He thought I... don't like you, but as long as your fiancee doesn't No, I, I am still a little willing!"

"Zhiyou! Thank you for your favor, but I am not suitable for you..."

Zhao Guanren let go of her and said seriously: "I really like a pure girl like you, so I don't want to hurt you. I will come with your stepmother tomorrow. I will give you a vaccine. In the future, I will find a man who only loves you. Let's talk about a relationship!"

"I didn't say this for the vaccine, I really like you, but thank you..."

Pan Zhiyou bowed sadly, and left with a pitiful wave of hands. Zhao Guanren chuckled and rode on a women’s bicycle and swiftly pedaled towards the East Island. As a result, he ran into Zhou Fafa at the bridge head and looked like a ghost. Squatted in the shadows.

"There is an inner ghost responding, otherwise the mutants won't be able to enter the camp..."

Zhou Fafa waved and shouted, Zhao Guanren stopped the car and wondered: "How the **** do you know everything? I think you are the inner ghost, right?"

"I'm silly, my inner ghost is squatting here waiting for you..."

Zhou Fafa got up and said, "Your people just ran back hurriedly, talking about who has been replaced, not a mutant, but also a performer, you set your own rules, there are at least three people who come out of the camp. One group, how could he get in without a ghost!"

"Learn the knowledge of the sea, I will take you out to sea when I have time..."

Zhao Guanren left a word and rode towards the camp, but when he came to the camp door, he saw the corpse. Everyone was surrounded in the open space. A broken mutant corpse was lying on the ground. The parasites in his belly were blown up. The pulpy.

"Who killed it? How could it be done like this..."

Zhao Guanren was puzzled and dropped the bicycle. Shen Qingwen turned around and said, "Tanny! She found this guy sneaked into your room, asked for the ID code and couldn't answer it. After being killed, she suddenly mutated, and Tang Ni stuffed her in her stomach. A thunder!"

"Director! This guy really carries poisonous powder..."

A militiaman came over with a small bag and took out a black glass bottle. Zhao Guanren walked to the gate non-committal and called the guard and asked in a low voice: "Who did the mutant come in with? Didn't the other two find the clue? ?"

"Did not go to the main entrance!"

The guard said annoyedly: "We called in the surveillance and discovered that he climbed from the outside like a monkey until he climbed to the sea cliff to the east. He deliberately wore a cold mask and spoke a standard Mandarin. care!"

"That's it! Strengthen the prevention and control of Sea Cliff..."

Zhao Guanren patted him on the shoulder and walked back, called Shen Qingwen and Tang Ni into the office, unfolded a chart and asked, "Tanny! Do you know Yingsha Island?"

"I know!"

Tang Ni leaned over and pointed to an island, and said, "This island originally had thousands of residents. They were evacuated after the leak of the Japanese nuclear power plant. They have been abandoned for many years. There is no material on this island!"

"Some people say that this island is Base No. 1, and Mal Island is just a cover..."

Zhao Guanren pressed a little bit of the chart, and Tang Ni thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible to say that it's a base, but Base One won't be so small. Yingsha Island is not much bigger than Banished Island, but I heard... There seems to be a mountain dock for storing nuclear submarines!"

"You go to the West Island and have a look. There are more than 400 U.S. troops without a leader, and your rank is the highest..."

Zhao Guanren straightened up and looked at her. Tang Ni frowned and hesitated slightly, then walked out without saying anything.

"Brother Xuan!"

Shen Qingwen immediately leaned over and asked: "Why did you let her go to the West Island? Do you suspect that Tang Ni is collaborating with her? She obviously noticed that you were testing her. Tang Ni is not a stupid person!"

"It's not a temptation. Don't underestimate the more than 400 soldiers. Their combat effectiveness is not low. If Tang Ni doesn't bring them under her command, there will be great troubles soon..."

Zhao Guanren raised his watch as he spoke, and said, "Counselor! Push the image of Sakura Sand Island in the Sea of ​​Japan, the kind that requires night vision!"

"Sorry! I can't freely convert coordinates, I can only center on Shen Qingwen..."

"Damn! What a broken watch, then push a large-scale one..."


A virtual picture suddenly appeared in front of him, and he immediately zoomed in on the dim image. Although the pixels were terrible, Sakurasha Island just covered it, and he could barely see that there were more than a dozen large and small ships parked at the Sakurasha Island Pier. There are two smoky gray battleships.

"Sure enough, it's a base, it's hidden in this kind of place..."

Shen Qingwen clenched his fists excitedly, Zhao Guanren also nodded and said: "You go to Xiaobo'er, and there is still a mutant that has not been found. Everyone has to investigate again. There can be no inner ghosts on this kind of bones. Now it is basically possible. Sure, Lisa is on Yingsha Island!"

"Okay! I must hack this stinky lady alive..."

Shen Qingwen said that he was about to go out, but Zhao Guanren asked again: "I saw Song Qian holding you before, did you fool her?"

"Wait to drink my old mother's footwashing water, I will teach her to lick the plate tonight..."

Shen Qingwen blinked coquettishly, Zhao Guanren's mouth grew in horror, and he was sluggish for a long time before exclaiming in shock: "I'm going! Is this really footwashing water? This is pot water, hello! Let's go, can I go and observe it?"

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