One Step to The End

Chapter 796: The secret of the alert


The dull air defense alarm sounded again, and the yellow sand samurai appeared one after another, but the convenience store seemed to be in another space, completely free from the harassment of the sand people, but the newcomers of the exile island were very anxious, and the alarms sounded from time to time. It's really a headache.

"Relax, comrades, this is ten thousand times happier than when the Necromancer attacked..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and walked to the second floor of the convenience store. The warehouse on the second floor was changed to a Datong shop. The floor was covered with thick tatami mats, and a few curtains were drawn in the middle for shelter. Except for the four rotating sentinels, the remaining The next twenty-one people are here.

"But the offensive of the necromancer is not so noisy, the alarm is really very nervous..."

Song Qian leaned against the wall depressed, and Lin Zirui and Madam Pan also sat beside her, both holding pillows with a weakened appearance.

"I really met the army of the dead, you know how lucky you are now..."

Zhao Guanren took off his boots and sat on the tatami. He said: "At that time, Dongjiang had a population of more than 5 million people, but only tens of thousands were slaughtered overnight. There are corpses everywhere on the ground. Anyone who steps on it may be your friend. We are seventy. Many people are hiding in a small cold storage, and the dead clan kills people outside the door, and the sound of someone dripping urine can be heard!"

"Are you scared? Have you ever been scared to pee on your pants..."

Song Qian suddenly sat upright, and even Shen Qingwen and the other women were curious. They all looked at him with piercing eyes. In the impression that Zhao Guanren had never been afraid of heaven and earth, he had never seen him timidly.

"My mother has told me since I was a child that only by confronting fear can I overcome fear, but when I first met Xue Ji, I felt like I was peeing..."

Zhao Guanren sighed: "I am the only one in the two-story underground parking garage. There is no light. Blood can flood the calf under one foot. In front of them are the corpses of more than 100,000 people. Eyeballs staring at me with unsatisfied eyes, as if they were waiting for me to accompany them!"


Everyone made him horrified, Lin Zirui was still interpreting in a low voice, even foreigners could understand it, and Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and leaned against the small tea table to tell the past, everything is the experience of a lifetime of nine deaths. , So that everyone was terrified and admired at the same time.

"Your mother has the foresight..."

Song Qian said with a complicated face: "If she hadn't driven you out of the house since childhood and let you go alone, you wouldn't have achieved what you are today, but if you return to a normal society and only marry a wife, you would Who to choose?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhao Guanren covered his mouth and coughed fiercely. I don’t know if the little ladies are really stupid or really bad. They are asking this kind of proposition, and Shen Qingwen also asked very cooperatively: "Yes! I also want to know, so many women Who will you choose?"

"Pee! Zi Rui posted the form..."

Zhao Guanren got up and walked downstairs, but Shen Qingwen just chased him down, followed him all the way into the convenience store toilet, folded his arms and asked, "Would you like me to help you hold it? Please answer my question without supporting it. Who is your choice?"

"Bian Xianglan!"

Zhao Guanren said without hesitation: "Fanglan's love for me is pure. She will always consider me from my perspective. She just wants to pay without asking for anything in return. So I always feel owed to her because I can't do what she does to me. That kind of love!"

"You mean, I don't love you enough..."

Shen Qingwen was a little unwilling, but Zhao Guanren said: "You treat love as a deal. If you give me eight points, at least I will give you five points, otherwise you will feel unfair, so your love is selfish. , And never see what I gave you!"


Shen Qingwen looked at him speechlessly.

"I admire independent women, and I will give you equal respect and can even tolerate your little willfulness..."

Zhao Guanren looked at the toilet and said, "But this does not mean that I owe you. I never asked you to love me. You can't because you are willing to bury me. I owe you for a lifetime. There are more people willing to bury me. Do I owe them all? I am qualified to say that the woman I owe her is my mother except Bian Xianglan!"

"Sorry! I've been a little bit up lately..."

Shen Qingwen leaned against the wall in frustration. Zhao Guanren shook a few times and said: "You are too drifting, thinking that if you run out of the soul world, you are a great female superwoman, but the dead race recognizes which green onion you are. Ah, that's the face that Lao Tzu got in exchange for his life!"

Zhao Guanren turned his head and left after talking. Shen Qingwen immediately squatted on the ground and started crying, but he muttered without looking back: "Little bitch! It's okay to ask questions, I won’t let you know how great you are, Lao Tzu. Can't live anymore in the future?"

"Boss! Come here to soak your feet..."

Lin Zirui waved his hands on the second floor. Zhao Guanren walked back and sat on a chair. Lin Zirui immediately brought a wooden bucket and squatted down to help him take off his shoes and socks. The wall was covered with posters. , It's all the date and time when the alarm sounded.

"Captain! This is the information of all the survivors..."

Jonathan handed over a list and said: "Identity information may not be true, but we checked a few people with special identities and found no problems for the time being, but there is no one related to the research institute. This is the biggest one. problem!"

"No hurry! Did you find out the law of the alarm..."

Zhao Guanren took the list and looked forward. Everyone was studying the law of the alarm, and a few people were still writing and drawing seriously.

"No! It's messy..."

Song Qian shook her head and said: "The survivors have been studying for more than a month. These things are completely irregular. I feel like they do what they want, and I can't figure out whether the sand man appeared because of the alarm or whether the alarm was warning the appearance of the sand man!"

"Have you tried Morse code? The one commonly used by the U.S. military..."

Zhao Guanren looked forward thoughtfully, but Song Qian shook her head again and said, "Billy and the others have tried it a long time ago, and they recorded the alarm sound for analysis, but they are completely indifferent to the Morse code, and the alarm sound continues. There is no intermittent!"

"Okay! It seems that I can only find the source..."

Zhao Guanren nodded helplessly. Who knows that Ergua suddenly shook his head and hummed the song, and then pointed to the poster on the wall and said: "I think this is the song's score. As long as it is converted into a twelve-hour system, the connection is The score!"

"What song did you play? Sing it out and listen..."

Everyone was all excited at once, Zhao Guanren also hurriedly stood in the bucket, but Ergua scratched his head and said: "I have never heard this song, and there is more than one song in it. If there is a guitar, I can play it. Let's listen together!"

"Hoho~Who said we are idiots, you are too smart, you can make your debut with a girl group in the future..."

I stayed and kissed Ergua's head, and Zhao Guanren immediately ordered: "Jonathan! There are two Japanese girls who can play and sing, go and bring them up with the guitar, and just say that we have discovered the pattern!"


Jonathan immediately led people to run to find the guitar. The two Japanese girls were soon brought up, handed a guitar with a blank face, and they alarmed everyone. The survivors of the izakaya all came out and flocked to them. Ears pricked downstairs.

"Play it!"

Jonathan handed the guitar to Ergua. Everyone looked at him with piercing eyes, but Ergua copied the score first. After copying it, he found that there were two songs, and the third one had only one beginning, so he started from the beginning. Bounced.


Captain Nancy suddenly hugged his head and shouted: "This is not a Japanese song. This is an English folk song called "Northern Station". You can play the next one... God! This is also an English song, but I think I can't afford to call it anymore!"

"I know! Lovers in the sunset..."

Song Qian stomped and shouted, Ergua immediately switched to the third song. Although only played a short beginning, it was obviously a fast-paced song.

""Miami Beach"! Get the map out soon, I know the secret of the alarm..."

Nancy surely picked up a map of the island and said loudly, "Look! The station is in the north, Miami is in the south of the United States, and there is a beach in the south of Sakurasha Island, so we have to set off at sunset and go from the station to the beach. It’s the customs clearance secret!"

"Hey~ girls! You two can go down now, thank you..."

Jonathan immediately drove the Japanese girl off, and turned around and said: "Nancy! You shouldn't be so loud. In case there is someone from the base among the survivors, our trouble will be great. This may be our only chance!"

"Everyone! Don't get excited, you have overlooked a problem..."

Zhao Guanren pressed his hand and said: "It is completely certain that the sand man was generated because of the alarm. The alarm is not to remind us to pay attention to the sand man, so it will never tell us how to get out. The music score is just a mockery, a naked trap!"

"Uh~ Captain! I mean just in case..."

Nancy said: "The operator who played the alarm found out that he put the secret of escape into the song, maybe his superiors did not know it, and there was even a possibility that he himself was a prisoner, and wanted to use this method for us to rescue. he!"

"Do you know how I lived till now..."

Zhao Guanren shook a finger and said: "Never be led by others, disrupt all their plans. Although the possibility exists, gambling is a big part. Once you bet on the wrong bet, you will be finished. Now, do you really want to gamble with your life?"

"Nancy! Listen to the captain, he is the expert..."

Jonathan patted Nancy on the shoulder, but Zhao Guanren said: "However, the score gives us the initiative. As long as we write the score for the third song, we will know when there will be a sandman, and then there will be plenty of time. Go exploring!"

"But I think they will also act and go directly to the south beach..."

Jonathan pointed thiefly downstairs, but Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "Isn't it good for someone to find the way for us, not to mention that if there are people from the base, he will be exposed tomorrow, comrades! Let's tonight! Get a good night's sleep and wait and see tomorrow!"

"Captain! I like your cunning so much..."

Nancy kissed him excitedly. At this time, the survivors also had a meeting, all concentrated in the izakaya, looking excited.


Just listen to Billy whispering: "Those soldiers are just a bunch of bastards. Don't expect them to be merciful. Maybe they will make us the victims of Pathfinder. So we should leave before them. There is only one chance!"

"But once we leave, they will definitely find..."

A Japanese looked at him worried, but Billy smiled and said: "Let some girls seduce them to the hot spring hotel, invite them to drink the wine made with poisonous mushrooms, and make sure that they can run naked in the hotel, and then we take the opportunity to take it. Take their weapons and go directly to the beach!"

"This is a good idea, but who should I choose..."

Everyone looked around, but Moustache took the initiative to raise his hand and said: "We are responsible for the Korean army, and the U.S. army belongs to you. As long as the professional soldiers are dealt with, the remaining civilians don't need to care, we can directly tie them up! "

"Very good! You are such a smart guy, you are welcome to join us..."

Billy shook hands with him very satisfied, but Li Qin whispered to Sister Zhu: "Sister! How could Ning Brother be like this? Let us seduce Han Jun, so they really let them do it. If they find that the wine is poisonous, it will be deadly!"

"I can't help but, Billy let Catherine on, and sister gave you the most handsome, you just treat us as filming..."

"Hey~ I hope they won't be called dead dumb, or I'll be over..."

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