One Step to The End

Chapter 819: Judgment Day


A heavy protective door was slowly opened, and a group of soldiers in protective clothing walked out of the tunnel, carrying a few pieces of equipment to the sun-drenched pit, and erected two rotating machine guns on the soil slope, and continued to use them. The thermal imager observes the surroundings.

"Attention! Two o'clock direction, three o'clock direction..."

A man wearing a red armband yelled. Two anti-material sniper rifles immediately fired, knocking the humanoid objects in the grass to the ground one after another, but the two monsters did not die. Instead, they yelled and jumped into the air like crazy dogs. Rushed to the soldiers.


The rotating machine gun fired without hesitation, the weird light blue blood was scattered all over, and the two black-haired monsters were directly torn into pieces, but this was only the beginning. The huge gunshots shocked the entire island, and there were constant similarities. The monster rushed into the mine.

"Boom boom boom..."

Piles of flames exploded one after another, and a group of soldiers rushed out of the tunnel, carrying a rocket launcher to blow the monsters into the sky, and the battle lasted only ten minutes, and hundreds of monsters fell into the pit. Some Fragmented, and some are still pumping.


A burly soldier walked more than ten meters away, pulled out a large-caliber revolver, shattered the head of a thin monster, and then said with the intercom: "Kerry! Come and collect this special species, if Guo Guo's reaction is One more time, it will definitely break through us!"

"Damn it! Replace the guns, they are healing on their own..."

The soldiers rushed out again and shot left and right, but a young guy yelled: "These lunatics have begun to transform the living corpses. They are not mutants at all. The special breed used to be a mother. I saw her in the basement yesterday. Remember her shoes!"

"What's more afraid is that we almost became their accomplices..."

The soldiers returned after filling up their guns. Several researchers stood up from behind the equipment. One of them took off the gas mask and said: "The air is not polluted, and the radiation level is slightly higher than normal. The poisonous gas is afraid of ultraviolet rays, and the surface of the object is not collected. To the toxin!"

"Even if this is Hawaii, I don't want to stay here. This island always makes me shudder..."

The soldiers took off the gas masks one after another, and a militiaman said in suffocated English: "Our danger has not been eliminated. I can bet with you on ten boxes of condoms. Zhu Mingzhu is not a murderer. There are still bases among us. Spy, otherwise she would be too stupid!"

"Guo Guo! You don't have ten boxes of condoms, you are a liar..."

The foreigners sneered and waved their hands, but a middle-aged female researcher laughed and said, “I bet Zhu Mingzhu will be sentenced to death. If the dog is left to sleep for the night, I will give you twenty boxes!"

"What's so good about the dog, he is not as handsome as me..."

Guo Guo looked at her unhappy, and the other party put his arms around his shoulders and smiled: "In the animal world, only strong males can get the right to mate. The human world is the same, smart and capable men can be favored, just like Our master captain, his attraction suffocates women!"

"Madam promised to teach me kung fu, so please wash your **** and wait for me..."

Guo Guo walked back enthusiastically. The soldiers also took their equipment and walked back. A group of people closed the door and entered the elevator laughing and talking. However, as soon as they arrived on the second floor, they saw many people gathered in the meeting. There was a lot of discussion outside the room.

"How? Are there any results..."

Guo Guo and others also squeezed in to look around. The conference room turned into a courtroom. Three former judges sat in the first place. The police and the jury sat opposite each other. The haggard Zhu Sanshui was tortured alone at the end. There was a white female lawyer. Is defending her.

"Zhu Mingzhu is dead, the police team has produced strong evidence, and the jury thinks she is the murderer..."

A middle-aged uncle said cheerfully: "I hope the judge will not sentence her to death. Such a plump and **** stunner is rare. It is best to punish her for low-level services and comfort lonely single men. This is also a waste of use. !"

"Our country does not have the death penalty, and Japan's sentencing is very loose..."

An aunt retorted, but a woman yelled: "We have to enforce the laws of the island village when we occupy this place. Killing and paying for life is a basic common sense. Such people must not be allowed to waste our food. She must be sentenced to death. !"

"Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty..."

Many people raised their hands and yelled, but it was either a woman or the deceased’s relatives and friends who yelled. Most of the men stared at Zhu Sanshui without speaking. Zhu Sanshui’s face value was at most 80 points, but with a plump figure, he could rank among them. First-class beauty.


A judge knocked **** the table, only watching the female lawyer stand aside, twelve jury members handed over the notes one after another. After the three judges counted one by one, they communicated in a low voice, and finally the Korean leader The judge signed the paper.

"It's going to be sentenced! Why didn't the captain come to hear the trial..."

"The captain said that he will not interfere with the judicial trial. This is not an ordinary gang vendetta..."

The people eating melons were all talking outside the door, and more and more people came to watch. Zhu Sanshui, with wet red eyes, was extremely nervous. She clenched her shackled hands tightly. She had no feelings with Zhao Guanren and would not come to hear the trial. It shows his attitude.

"On behalf of the Supreme Court of the Island Village, I announced the following judgment..."

The chief judge stood up and read aloud: "The suspect Zhu Mingzhu, an American national, is now thirty-two years old. According to various certificates provided by the police, the evidence for the murder of interrogator Park Xiran was sufficient and his behavior was abominable. He was in accordance with the provisions of the island village for homicide. , I pronounced Zhu Mingzhu the murderer... the death penalty!"

"No! I'm not a murderer, I didn't kill..."

Zhu Sanshui cried heartbreakingly, but there was enthusiastic applause outside the door. Although many men shook their heads and felt it was a pity, killing is killing. Since they are all villagers of the island village, everyone has to Obey the rules.

"Your Excellency! How should the death penalty be executed, whether it is shot or hanged, or injected..."

The captain of the police force stood up. The chief judge who asked this was taken aback, but the deceased’s companion shouted: “Electric her! Since Xiran had her electrocuted, we should give her a tooth for a tooth. Throw her out to feed the living corpse after dying her. You can't spare her lightly!"

"No! It's really not the one I killed, please let me go..."

Zhu Sanshui cried on the table and turned into tears, but the judge said kindly: "We live in a savage world, but this does not mean that we have to become beasts too, villagers! Let us keep our civilization. Seed it, give her a good time, shoot it!"

"Don't cry! It's over as soon as you close your eyes..."

The two policewomen dragged Zhu Sanshui up. No matter how she cried for mercy, the policemen took her out, and the Wuyang crowd also followed out. I don’t know who made the proposal, and the police came directly. The door was opened on the first floor.

"It's not me! I want to see my godfather, I want to see the captain..."

Zhu Sanshui cried and was dragged out. The sudden sunlight couldn't make her blink, but she was held on the side of the road like a little chicken. Below is the pool at the bottom of the mine, green and deep, like a terrifying picture. The monster has a big mouth.

"Jonathan! Come on, you guys..."

The sheriff couldn't bear to let it aside. Zhu Sanshui didn't realize that she was peeing, but everyone saw her jeans wet. This was not the first time she peeed her pants, but it must be the most desperate, pale. Helplessness was written on his face.

"We are soldiers, not executioners. This is the job of your police force..."

Jonathan rolled his eyes and walked into the crowd. Almost all of them came out to watch the execution. There were nearly tens of thousands of people in the river. Zhu Sanshui, who was kneeling on the roadside alone, looked particularly thin and lonely. She was like a cold wind. A little white sheep shivering uncontrollably

"Wait a minute! Don't shoot..."


A familiar shout made Zhu Sanshui's soul return to her place. She turned her head in excitement, and saw Li Qin and Song Qian rushing over quickly. She hurriedly asked, "Where is my godfather? Did my godfather help me reverse the case? He knows I am not a murderer!"

"Hey~ Sister Zhu! We checked for you all night, and we have done our best..."

Song Qian squatted over with a bowl of fried rice, and said helplessly: "Brother Xuan can't reverse the case for you without evidence, otherwise he won't be able to convince the public, and the evidence is so strong that he can't produce evidence to refute. You should eat more to get on the road!"

"I don't eat! I'm not a murderer, Li Qin! You framed me, I fought with you..."

Zhu Sanshui cried and jumped up and knocked Li Qin to the ground. Several policemen hurriedly came up and pressed her back, but she still yelled crazy: "Li Qin! You bitch, I'm a ghost. I won't let you go, I will find you to take revenge!"

"I didn't harm you, not me..."

Li Qin was sitting on the ground and cried into tears. The police did not want to linger anymore, and picked a male policeman to execute. The male policeman helplessly took out a pistol and pointed it at the back of Zhu Sanshui's head and said, "Shut up. Put your eyes up, it's over in one go, it doesn't hurt!"


Zhu Sanshui suddenly roared up to the sky, tears of despair and anger bursting, but after hearing a shot, she suddenly rolled down the grass slope, like a rabbit hunted by a goshawk, in a huge but infiltrating way. A lonely white shadow was left in the gray mine.

"I really don't see that she is thirty-two years old. It's a pity for such a beautiful woman..."

"You can go down while it's hot, her **** looks superb..."

"There are many beautiful women, and Japanese captives are very good..."

"It's time for lunch, let's go pick some wild vegetables..."

"I want to go to the opposite town, there may be new clothes..."

Villagers’ comments kept coming from above. No one cared about Zhu Sanshui’s life or death. But Zhu Sanshui, who was lying on the grass, was surprised to find that she was not dead, but her body was stiff and numb. Her ability to move her fingers together nothing.

"Hurry up and carry her away, don't let anyone find out..."

Three wretched old men suddenly appeared, and skillfully lifted Zhu Sanshui up. Zhu Sanshui wanted to yell but didn't have any strength. His eyes were also fascinated by blood, and he quickly lifted her into the grass. Throw in the small cave.

eat human? While it's hot? With vaginal marriage...

Countless horrible thoughts surrounded Zhu Sanshui, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. He couldn't tell whether he was dead or not, but he only felt that someone was pressing on her body and pulling off her pants with force...

(Wish you a happy new year, drive away the haze of 2020, and welcome a beautiful 2021, and wish every reader all the best and good luck!)

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