One Step to The End

Chapter 822: Goodbye Luo Zixuan

The sky full of stars does not illuminate the dark sea, but the huge Kuya Island is brightly lit, the torched wharf is potholes, and sunken warships appear occasionally on the bottom of the sea, but a large number of tanks have long been waiting, and helicopters are even in the air. Whizzed past.


Luo Zixuan stepped out of the armored car and looked up at the snow falling in the sky. She was also a snow-white wool coat, with a high pony tail hung proudly and stubbornly behind her head. She was wearing a pair of thin boots, under the protection of a group of strong soldiers. , Like a glamorous queen.


A white officer walked to her, it was the destroyer Captain Wolfe. Luo Zixuan immediately wandered towards the pier, but Wolff followed up and asked: "Are you so confident that he will not kill you? Before Lisa died Tell him everything!"

"I don't know if Zhao Guanren is nostalgic, but he absolutely loves Xiangyu..."

Luo Zixuan folded her hands confidently, just watching two small, one large and three ships approaching, and slowly approaching the shore under the supervision of two small gunboats, Zhao Guanren jumped off the fishing boat alone and laughed with a knife on his back. Said: "What a big battle, this is going to be a battle!"

"It's him! You can't go wrong this time..."

Luo Zixuan lit up her eyes with a little excitement, and quickly walked forward and said, "Brother Ren! We haven't seen each other for almost two years, how come you are getting younger and younger? Apart from growing your hair, you seem to be taller. , Have you developed a second time?"

"Don't you also become beautiful, more and more feminine, let Brother hug..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and opened his arms. Luo Zixuan stepped forward and embraced her very generously. Unexpectedly, Zhao Guanren got her hands up and down and touched her, asking: "Is the nutrition good? The cup is one size bigger, but what about my son? "

"I also want to keep the child, but my body doesn't allow it, and you remember the wrong person, I have always been in the B cup..."

Luo Zixuan took a half step backwards annoyed. After adjusting her coat, she introduced: "This is Colonel Wolfe. He is a representative sent by the military. Their superiors are very satisfied that you can come in person this time. You start all-round cooperation!"

"Hello, Mr. Zhao! This is Wolf. We had a conversation on the radio..."

Wolfe cautiously stepped forward and shook hands. He pointed to the knife in Zhao Guanren's waist and said, "If you don't mind, please disarm. We know that your knife is very powerful. I hope you don't embarrass us. Both I and Evelyn It's a poor worm that can be sacrificed at any time!"

"You know a lot, but the knife is there, and the knife doesn't leave the body..."

Zhao Guanren coldly patted the spirit knife, but Luo Zixuan stretched out her hand and said, “I’ll help you keep the treasure knife. The ruins, unloading the knife is basic sincerity!"

"You have three knives in total, all of which have to be handed in..."

Wolf's attitude has also become tough. Zhao Guanren has already noticed that there are not only tanks and artillery in the front, but there are countless snipers. As long as he dares to act rashly, he will be labeled as a hornet's nest. It's useless.

"Qianqian! Come and give her the knife..."

Zhao Guanren unloaded the knife and threw it to Luo Zixuan. At this time, the villagers were queuing to disembark, and the captives went out of the cabin, but it was Zhou Fafa who came with Song Qian.

"Brother Da! Long time no see, why didn't you see Mrs. Zhao..."

Luo Zixuan smiled without surprise. Zhou Fafa snorted and said nothing, but Song Qian undid the knife and handed it to her. No one is allowed to approach the ship, we are not prisoners!"

"Actually, I am not interested in Shen Qingwen, but an old friend wants to say hello to her..."

Luo Zixuan picked up the knife and beckoned. A bus drove over, and dozens of people came down one after another. In addition to the father and daughter of President Pan, who had already fled, Ding Xiaodan and Morty were also arrested from Exile Island. , And only Morty was not handcuffed.

"Suri? Are you okay..."

Zhao Guanren stepped forward in surprise, but was immediately stopped by the soldiers, only to see the flower arm girl who hadn't seen for a long time walk down, shivering in embarrassment and weakness, crying: "Oba! Our revenge failed. My boyfriends were all killed!"

"Don't cry! Oppa will protect you..."

Zhao Guanren smashed a few soldiers away, the Huabi sister's legs fell softly into his embrace, and Ding Xiaodan had restored his original appearance, and said helplessly: "Brother! We have done our best. The special forces broke through the air-raid shelter. I can no longer become you!"

"You have done well enough, I have to thank you..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and touched her head. He looked at Morty and said, "Morty! How did you become yourself? In fact, I prefer to see you become Tangy. I will be impulsive every time you run. , I really don't like your own face!"

"Don't laugh at me, it's not a pleasant topic..."

Morty walked to Wolfe with a cold face, but two old acquaintances appeared in the crowd, it was Li Lan holding the black child in his arms, and her successor and militia company commander-Jiang Zhenghe.

"Jiang Zhenghe! Why are you shrinking your head, you dare not see me..."

Zhao Guanren looked at the other party mockingly, Jiang Zhenghe was wearing handcuffs and said embarrassedly: "Leader! You know everything about me, anyway, I have done everything, and there is no regret in my dictionary. Let's stop talking in the future, otherwise It will only increase embarrassment!"

"Look at you so much..."

Li Lan hugged the little black boy and smiled and said, "Look at the leaders. You can talk and laugh even when surrounded by the army. This courage is so admirable, that's right, the leader! Thank you for your accomplishment, my child. My biological father found him, and he rewarded me a lot! Hehe~"

"Look at you, Hei Daru will make you cry sooner or later..."

Zhao Guanren turned around contemptuously and asked: "Wolf! How do you want to cooperate? If you remember correctly, aren't you mutant first? Why do you suddenly remember that you want a vaccine? Don't your boss want to be a mutant?"

"Xiete! Your English word order is too confusing, let Evelyn say it..."

Wolf waved his hand in disgust, and Luo Zixuan said: "The success rate of mutants is very low, only one-fifth of the survival rate, and has many defects, so the organization wants to study your vaccine, on the one hand, it will benefit ordinary humans. , On the other hand, transform mutants!"


Zhao Guanren nodded and said, "It sounds good, if we can achieve win-win cooperation, yes! Have you been in contact with China recently? How are my brothers?"

"Don't you know, they are no longer in the country..."

Luo Zixuan shook her head in surprise: "Before the outbreak of the virus, your wives went to Europe to have a baby. The whole process was paid by the "Department Bureau". It was said that it was a strong request from your mother. I remember that the first stop was Switzerland. It seems to have gone to Denmark, Finland and Iceland!"


Zhao Guanren asked her to be stunned, and quickly asked: "Zhou Fafa! Why didn't you tell me this, when did my wife go abroad?"

"Please! They were still in Dongjiang when I entered the Bureau of Investigation..."

Zhou Fafa scratched his head and said: "I heard it carefully. Your mother said that you can't stay in a crowded place. In case of a corpse poisoning outbreak, you will die miserably. By the way, take them abroad to relax. I thought it was just a trip. , I don’t know how to run so many places!"

"Brother Ren! Where did you come from? Haven't you been back to your hometown..."

Luo Zixuan said in a puzzled way: "The Eagle Head Club wanted to contact Zhang Xinyue and ask them to provide consultation and help, but your mother took them around the world, and after the first outbreak of the virus, they lost contact collectively. You don't know. Is this matter?"

"I don't need to know, they are safer with my mother than with me..."

Zhao Guanren held up his hands and looked towards the big ship. Tens of thousands of people have come down one after another. A large area gathered on the wharf. Although most people looked at him nervously, some were ecstatic. There are even cheerful guys.

"Stop acting, you are already home..."

Zhao Guanren clapped his hands and said loudly, "Come on! Let's stop here. The island village stands on the left, and the Eagle Head Society stands on the right. We are ready to accept the rewards from your superiors. Confused, who is betraying me!"

"Members of the Eagle Head Club, come out..."

Luo Zixuan also beckoned generously. The original captives naturally stood up. There were more than a dozen survivors from the shock space, but to many people's surprise, there was no one in the island village. It seemed that they should be rebelled. 'S betrayed long ago.

"Li Qin! Don't you come out to claim credit, it's all your credit..."

Zhou Fafa looked at Li Qin with a smile, and Zhu Sanshui immediately said displeasedly: "You have never finished, when is this? You are still framing her here, Qin Qin..."


Li Qin walked straight to Luo Zixuan, bowed and said, "Hello Director Luo! I am Li Qin, an A4 member of Eagle Head Club, number 689536. I have successfully completed the task assigned by you. Could you please authenticate me and add me? Points!"

"Qinqin! You..."

Zhu Sanshui looked at her dumbfounded. Who knew that Pu Gou left also came out, brought two of his cronies forward and bowed, and immediately evoked a curse. Almost no one thought that Pu Gou left, who was gradually being reused by Zhao Guanren, too. Insider.

"Lao Zhu! You **** saw it, let's give up now..."

Zhou Fafa said loudly: "This **** has been playing tricks on us. I asked the boss if she had **** with her. It was not that I was jealous, but she was an entertainer who would seduce the boss as long as she had no ghosts in her heart. She is halfway through late, she is not a ghost, who else?"

"Qinqin! How can you do this..."

Zhu Sanshui looked at Li Qin eagerly and without tears. Li Qin said domineeringly: "A person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. What can you do with Zhao Guanren? He is just a bastard. Sora has a talent but has no overall view of the overall situation. Well, we will only become his foot wipes!"

"Li Duoshui! Actually you should be thankful that you are a star..."

Zhao Guanren sneered: "I didn't kill you because I didn't watch many dramas. It just happened that you played "The Great Mistress" I was a little bit impressed. Otherwise, do you think I was stupid? The two you smashed were not tactical nuclear bombs at all. Radiation detection The index on the device didn't move at all, I guessed it was you early in the morning!"

"It's not her! What is your memory, the mistress is me, I acted..."

Zhu San's feet jumped straight, and Zhao Guanren was surprised: "No wonder I wanted to smoke you when I saw you. It turned out to be something wrong, but you should go over it quickly. If I break down tonight, I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow morning. , You can still save your life by following Li Qin!"

"I'm not going anywhere, I've died a few times, what's so terrible..."

Zhu Sanshui walked up to him stubbornly, Zhao Guanren slapped her butt, and smiled: "Good girl! I finally saw your loyal side, and you will be my translator tonight, Luo Zixuan of the province. That little **** fooled me!"

"Humph~ When will you understand me..."

Luo Zixuan walked to the chariot angrily, but Zhao Guanren shouted again: "Wait! You have a big leader's fiancee named Vivian. Li Qin killed her in a different space. At that time, she was pregnant and dead. It’s terrible, we can all testify!"

"You nonsense! I didn't, the one who killed her was Liu Yining..."

Li Qin hurriedly yelled, and Zhao Guanren said with a smirk: "Aren't you Liu Yining's accomplice, wait for my husband to come to you for revenge, this is the price you paid for betraying me, brothers! Get in the car!"

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