One Step to The End

Chapter 845: Desperate City (middle)

"It's not Ben and the others? But how do you know that they are alive? Could it be that you can see things across the wall..."

Zhu Sanshui squatted by the kitchen window of the sushi restaurant, squinted a tearful left eye, and watched with the monocular night vision device on the helmet. The back was a residential street, mostly two-story single-family buildings or small apartments. , There are no tall buildings or closed communities.

"Of course it depends on experience..."

Zhao Guanren leaned against the window, smoking a cigarette, and said, "Have you seen the red roof building on the left? There are at least four people. They are located within 500 meters to the southeast. They have children and are very hungry, so it cannot be Ben’s person. Help ordinary survivors who have worked hard!"

"Isn't it?"

Zhu Sanshui was surprised: "I can only see a small part of the small building, and you can analyze so many things just by listening to the sound. You are not deliberately talking nonsense here just to show off to me, right?"

"Father will teach you to be good today. Someone just knocked the pot to the ground and stopped immediately after a sound. Only living people are afraid to make a noise..."

Zhao Guanren said proudly: "They entered the small building immediately after the pot sounded, indicating that they had observed in advance and were not afraid of encountering living corpses, but in front of the small building was an apartment, which could only be observed from the southeast, and the survivors had a normal radius of activity. No more than 500 meters, more than 500 meters is to move!"

"Can't they live in an apartment building..."

Zhu Sanshui retorted: "Or when you come out looking for food, take a look at the Xiaolou by the way, and how can you be sure they have children? You can't bring them out to find food. I know that if you are hungry, you won't run out in the middle of the night. Killing!"

"You really are a pig! Didn't you see that there are living corpses in the apartment building? The living corpses are observed from upstairs. The survivors will take the initiative to avoid the building. Those who live behind the building will only explore both sides..."

Zhao Guanren reprimanded: "The doll on the window sill of the small building was taken away. It must be a gift for the children. They ran out at night not because they were hungry, but we took the living corpses away, but they haven't come out yet. Naturally, I eat in the house to replenish my energy and save supplies!"

"Wow! It's really amazing this time..."

Zhu Sanshui applauded in amazement and said: "I always thought you would only brag, fight, and play with women. When you encounter problems, you will only use violence to solve them. I didn't expect your observation power to be so terrible. I recognize it too!"

"Fuck you mother! Don't be affectionate here..."

Zhao Guanren tore a pack of peanuts, and ate with emotion: "It's almost seven years. From the original dead to the later souls, and then from the ancient corpses to the living corpses, I have slashed to the present. , The ultimate survival you think is just my starting point!"

"Big Brother! Who doesn't know you are..."

Zhu Sanshui stood up and said lamented: "But why do you want to bring me this burden? You want to teach me more is the way, you can't really fix me to death, these days I will massage you and pinch your feet, and there will be no credit. Hard work?"

"If it wasn't for the sake of you serving me, I won't take you out this time, do you think it's fun to bring a tow bottle..."

Zhao Guanren said sternly: "At first the angel of Yin and Yang made you repent. You said a basket of bad things. In the end, it threw your soul into the soul world. You have extremely negative emotions and absorbed a lot of negative energy. This is what caused it. The reason why your EQ plummeted, and you couldn't stop talking about it!"


Zhu Sanshui covered his mouth in horror, and trembling: "No wonder, no wonder I can't control myself. I know many things shouldn't be said, but I can't help but say it. If it wasn't for your good temper, it would be early to change someone. Killed me!"

"Li Qin's negative energy is heavier than you, but she didn't affect other people..."

Zhao Guanren said seriously: "Your negative energy is different from ordinary people. Your heart is still kind, but your mentality is very sad. People around you are affected by you. That's why I took you out alone and let your will to survive. Dissipate negative energy, of course... you may also die here!"


Zhu Sanshui asked with a gray face: "You mean to say that I am a rat shit. Either I reformed or abandoned me?"

"You can understand this, you dare to threaten me even if you hold on to me. Is this something normal people do..."

Zhao Guanren threw down the peanuts and said: "Your problem is very serious. I can't let you influence others. But I hope you learn more this time, observe the world from different angles, and break through yourself under pressure. I will try my best to teach. You, but you also have to stand up for yourself!"

"Thank you! There is indeed something wrong with my mentality, and the level of looking at things is too low..."

Zhu Sanshui bowed with teary eyes, and the survivors who happened to be diagonally opposite also came out. Sure enough, there were three men and one woman, four people, thieves holding cold weapons, but their harvest did not seem to be rich, and they actually walked on tiptoes to the sushi restaurant. Touch it.

"I remember this is the kitchen, take a look..."

Four people tiptoed to the bed, a middle-aged man turned on the flashlight and held it with his hand, looking carefully into the kitchen. The next second he suddenly saw Zhao Guanren, grinning and grinning, the middle-aged man instantly When the flashlight was turned off, the companion covered his mouth.

"Pick you up!"

Zhao Guanren opened the window and squeezed his eyebrows. The hair on the top of the four people's heads suddenly stood up, and their mouths opened like a ghost. They only saw that they were two young men and a middle-aged man, as well as a light mature young woman, all in black jackets.

"Eat it?"

Zhao Guanren picked up a big bag of seaweed and smiled in English: "There are a lot of food here, which can be given to you and your children. Should you come in and chat, it's dangerous outside!"


The four people looked at each other in shock, but it seemed that only the young woman was good at English. After the young woman translated it in a low voice, the three men subconsciously nodded and bowed. Finally, the middle-aged man stretched his head to look at Zhu Sanshui and hesitantly crawled in.

"Excuse me!"

The middle-aged man cautiously walked to the door of the kitchen and quickly irradiated it with a flashlight. After finding that all the living corpses in the shop had been killed, he beckoned to let his companions in, and then curiously asked: "Aren't you Japanese? The police?"

"Yes! We are the rescue team of the International Zombie Alliance, and I am the deputy captain Pete..."

Zhao Guanren turned on the watch release function and said: "Did you see a helicopter flying by during the day? That is we are searching for survivors. Unfortunately, we were attacked and a helicopter crashed. Only the two of us survived! "

"Yes! We saw it, the helicopter crashed into the school..."

A guy nodded and said, "You started to act last night. We heard the sound of helicopters in the middle of last night. One of the helicopters crashed and exploded. Later, there were helicopters flying around, but we sent out the distress signal and no one paid any attention. !"

"It wasn't our plane last night, it was a military plane from the US military camp, you should know the camp..."

Zhao Guanren took out a cigarette and took a cigarette, popped a few more cigarettes and handed it over. The four Japanese were stunned. The middle-aged man quickly bowed and took one. The two boys waved their hands, but the young woman also took one. Gen, also took out a lighter to help him light a cigarette.

"Where are you from demolition, right? I work in a mall. Only you can pass cigarettes like this..."

The young woman smiled and said: "We know that the US military camp has sent evacuation information on the radio at the beginning, but the camp is more than 80 kilometers away from us, and we have never searched for survivors. The radio stopped in the second half of the year. We thought the camp was early. It's destroyed!"

"How many survivors do you have, where do you live..."

Zhao Guanren took out a map and spread it on the table. The young woman pointed to a square building, which was very close to the southeast, and said, "Four streets from here. We have twenty-six adults and four children. , Can you take us away?"

"It's hard to say! The helicopter is too noisy and vulnerable to attack..."

Zhao Guanren took out a pen and drew a circle, shook his head and said, "We both lost our way by running around. Can you mark both here and the crash point? It is better to have the approximate crash point of the US military last night. They may also have someone. Live!"

"We in the U.S. Army are not sure, we just saw the flames..."

The young woman took the pen and drew three circles. Ben’s emergency landing point was also in the southeast, but it was nearly three kilometers away from them. The stronghold of the survivors is not far away.

"Would you like to go to our place to rest for one night..."

The middle-aged man rubbed his hands and said: "Our stronghold is very safe. We have lived there for a year. There are still people taking turns to watch the night. You can sleep with confidence. Oh! There is a large terrace in the middle of the building, and the helicopter can land safely!"

"Thank you for your kindness, but we can't go..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to the map and said, "There are several officers trapped in Zuozuo Hospital. We have to find a way to meet them, otherwise the helicopter will not take risks for the two of us, but I assure you that as long as I board the plane, I will come. Rescue you!"

"Mr. Pete! Thank you very much..."

The young woman bowed deeply and said: "My name is Xingtian Asuka, the mother of a child. I know that the capacity of the helicopter is limited. We adults can continue to wait. I only hope that you can pick up the child first. The child is Our future, please!"


The others also bowed deeply. Zhao Guanren agreed very simply, and the four of them searched for food excitedly. After a series of bows and thanks, the four of them crawled out of the way and returned. Everyone was stuffed with bulging bags.


Zhu Sanshui admired: "You are really good at it. You don't need to write drafts when you lie. I believe everything you say!"

"Please use your brain, don't just look at the surface of anything..."

Zhao Guanren put away the map and said: "They took my cigarette, indicating that they are not wary of strangers and have not been entrapped by humans. Asking them to mark the map is a cliché, and at the same time observe their reactions. Xingtian has already suspicious of us tomorrow. But she still chose to believe it!"

"Ah? Where did the stuffing show up..."

Zhu Sanshui looked at him in surprise. Zhao Guanren said: "The crash site is very close to them. They may have witnessed everything a long time ago. When I said that only the two of us survived, she showed a surprised expression, clenched the knife and began to look at it. I!"

"Oh my God! You are so awesome, I am really convinced..."

Zhu Sanshui covered his mouth in shock, Zhao Guanren stopped talking nonsense to her, and directly used the watch to call up the satellite image and asked Xiao Ai's assistant to search for the power crystal.

"Boss! Only one crystal was found, very close to you..."

Xiao Ai marked a red dot on the satellite image and said: "However, this crystal is moving. The other crystal is either powdered or has a detection range of more than five kilometers. There is also a possibility that it was installed in a shielding device. Inside, I can't detect!"

"On the move? I won't let Ben pick it up, right..."

Zhao Guanren enlarged the map in confusion. The clear picture of the map was still not high. He could only see that the crystal had left the crash site and appeared more than a hundred meters away. But when he was preparing to observe further, a miserable sound suddenly sounded outside the window. Scream.


Xingtian unexpectedly escaped back tomorrow. Zhao Guanren looked at them in surprise. They were only left with a man and a woman, and two huge figures were chasing them...

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