One Step to The End

Chapter 869: Gold medalist


A lightning ball shot into the electric control cabinet, causing several lights to burst instantly, and the knife "cracking" tripped. Zhao Guanren waited a while before he walked out from behind the wall, turned on the thermal imaging mode of the night vision goggles, and confirmed Several sets of cameras all stopped working.

"My God! Faceless students really killed a lot of people..."

Zhu Sanshui and Lin Rui turned on the flashlights and walked out. There is a pure white corridor ahead. The glass curtain walls on both sides are filled with laboratories, but the ground is full of corpses, guards with guns, and researchers in protective clothing. , And they all killed each other.

"It can be seen from the isolation design that this place has long been prepared to be backlashed..."

Zhao Guanren walked forward and said: "This place is not a core area. People and equipment can be abandoned in an emergency. So it is very difficult to enter the core area. Even if they don't know I'm coming in, they are ready to face the battle. !"

"Wait a minute! Are you sure you want to open the door..."

Lin Rui looked at him hesitantly. They had already come to a vault door. The bright metal material was half a meter thick, which made people wonder whether it could withstand the bombardment of artillery shells, and there were several destroyed. The cannons and flamethrowers have a fairly high level of defense.

"What? Are you doubting the loyalty of my Da Song Tanhua Lang, unless he doesn't even want the family temple..."

Zhao Guanren walked to the gate without hesitation. When the faceless illusion heard this, he knelt in shock and showed his loyalty. The family temple is similar to the current ancestral hall. The first thing to destroy the Jiu Clan is to demolish the family temple. Find out the genealogy and kill them one by one.

"Your Highness!"

The faceless student suddenly raised his head and said, "Someone was talking to the body of the Weichen in the black box, and asked if your Highness, you broke in, how would the Weichen reply?"

"You said that they had killed me and let them let you out. If you asked me what I looked like, you would say that I was big and tall with a black face, a blue shirt, holding a spear, and bringing four family members..."

Zhao Guanren squatted on the door as he spoke. A faint voice could be heard through the keyhole, but he soon heard an angry voice: "Nonsense! What kind of blue shirt spear, do you think it's a big show, I Tell you, if you don’t die, don’t think about it. Killing Zhao Guanren is your only way out! Humph~"

"Ask them for someone to eat! One hundred..."

Zhao Guanren reminded him in a low voice, and the faceless boy yelled cleverly: "If he doesn't come, maybe I'll wait for him for a lifetime. My uncle doesn't have this patience. You can get me some flesh and blood first. Taste, I want a hundred big living people, otherwise I won't do anything when they come!"


The room fell silent for a while, and after a while, someone said: "If you agree to continue, I will give you ten early adopters. They will enter through the west gate, but don't try to run out. There are two gates outside. You will never get out unless I open the door!"

"Ten is ten! If you dare to turn back, I will never forgive you..."

Shaosheng agreed with the master’s gesture, Zhao Guanren immediately let the watch detect, only to see that there were many small green spots 300 meters away, neatly arranged in two groups, obviously the soldiers stationed on the other side, and The interference limit of faceless students is only more than one hundred meters.

"Brother Ren!"

Lin Rui said in a low voice: "There should be another power system behind the door. I am afraid that it cannot be destroyed from here. Once you enter, you will be discovered. It is too dangerous to enter from here. Maybe there is a bomb waiting for us. Let’s find another way out!"

"Since this is a quarantine area, there will be no entrances or exits left..."

Zhao Guanren touched the heavy concrete wall, and after thinking about it, he split up with the two women to search. The result was just as he guessed. This area was like a big stuffy pot without any weak points, but they were able to open the door. Of two keys.

"Haruwen! You haven't slept yet, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly said with his watch: "I will send you a coordinate immediately. You send four helicopters to the southwest direction, and at the same time let the Shimadzu family mobilize the destroyer. It is best to use a ground-piercing bomb to explode ten at the same point. Time, the speed must be fast!"

"Understood! Are you going to make a noise..."

Shen Qingwen knew his routine well. Zhao Guanren asked a few more things, so he found a few chairs and sat at the gate, saying: "Zichu! As long as someone approaches you, you immediately show the opposite situation to the king, and then listen. I command!"

"Weichen obeyed!"

With a cry of "Zi Chu", Zhu Sanshui rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes. Unexpectedly, there could be official fans among zombies, but Zhao Guanren might only dare to think about the trick of letting zombies be officials. If Ben knew it, , It is estimated that the heart is crying to death.


About ten minutes later, Zhao Guanren suddenly noticed that there was an extra group of people on the watch, no more, no less than exactly ten green dots, coming at a very slow speed.

About one hundred and fifty meters away, the faceless student suddenly said: "Your Highness! The minister is bold!"


The dim environment suddenly changed, turning into a wide sewer, surrounded by rows of steel horses, and sandbag walls higher than people, and ten men and women in protective clothing were shaking. Coming loftyly toward a vault door.

"Huh? Why can't I see the things in front..."

Zhu Sanshui stood up questioningly, a cloud of white mist shrouded in front of him. There was nothing behind the sandbag wall, and the scene presented was very blurry. Almost all but ten people were distorted, as if damaged. Old-fashioned video tape.

"It's already very good..."

Zhao Guanren stood up and explained: "Jiang Tanhua is a biological radar. One hundred and fifty meters is the limit of its perception and attack. If it exceeds the range, it will naturally see nothing, otherwise the people at the base would have died early, Zichu! Let this king Talk to them!"


Faceless and flattering, he only watched ten people walk to the gate tremblingly. The vault door is a mechanical and electronic structure. As soon as you walk past the vault door, it opens automatically. Inside is another fire control room, machine guns and There are as many as dozens of flamethrowers.

"Don't look back, just listen to me if you don't want to die..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly said a sentence in English, and ten people shuddered and looked left and right in horror, but they couldn't see where Zhao Guanren was. The faceless students directly interfered with their brains.

"You are deceived, you are giving me food..."

Zhao Guanren deliberately said gloomily: "I am a mutant. They treat me as a living corpse. Actually, I am not interested in human flesh. If I want to live, I will cooperate with me. I just want to leave here. If you understand, just touch it. Touch your chest, there is surveillance on it!"


Ten people in protective suits looked at each other. Their faces were stiffer than the living corpses. Two Japanese girls were obviously crying, and Zhao Guanren asked the watch to translate the words into Japanese. Everyone understood. , An uncle took the lead and touched his chest.

"Hey! What are you guys rubbing against, go in..."

Suddenly there was a shout from the rear, and Zhao Guanren immediately said: "The three people in front came in, and the remaining people surrounded the two girls and told them to take off their shoes and put them on the door frame. Don't let the door close. We are all closed when the door is closed. If you can't live, don't talk to anyone!"


A group of people took deep breaths one after another and started to do as Zhao Guanren told them. The gray sneakers of the two girls were unremarkable. After ten people walked in one after another, the heavy door closed automatically, and they forced their shoes into the door. In the seam.

"Don't look back, all come to the door..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly gave an order. The vault door was locked with a "click", but the lock tongue obviously did not have a top door hole. The vault door left a gap as wide as the cigarette case, and the motor also made a "buzzing" noise. But you can't detect it if you don't look closely.

"Hey! Go and check if the door is unlocked..."


There was a voice from the horn overhead, and the ten people looked at each other in horror. If they were locked, they would be finished. However, at this desperate moment, there was a sudden earth-shattering explosion from the top, causing the entire underground palace. Are shaking fiercely.


A dull siren suddenly sounded. The fool knew that he had been attacked, and the bombing was wave after wave. A middle-aged man immediately rushed to the door, pretending to be very hard, and yelled: "The door is locked. Okay, what should I do next?"

"Go in! Restore the power in the experimental area, and your task will be completed..."

The person in the loudspeaker yelled anxiously, and the thick iron door inside also opened with a "click". The ten people had not yet reacted, and a dark shadow suddenly jumped out of the door and rushed to the door very quickly. , And slammed open the stuck Kumen.

"Haha~ My official Hirayu Tanhanauro, you wait for the thieves to die..."

The faceless student let out a arrogant laugh, and the army stationed in the front immediately exploded. The faceless student is not a brutal monster. People feed on their brains. The illusion engulfed them in the blink of an eye, and a group of people went crazy. The cannibalism.


A lightning ball suddenly shot on the roof of the fire control room, destroying the camera circuit again. Ten pathfinders turned their heads in horror and saw Zhao Guanren walk in slowly and smiled: "Good job, you guys Saved myself!"

"Don't run around, we have launched a general attack..."

Zhu Sanshui and the others also followed in with a smile. Ten cannon fodder was posted on the wall like a prisoner. They didn't even dare to put one on the fart. After Zhao Guanren walked out generously, the front was completely messed up, and he finally saw it. Arrived the faceless deity.

A faceless corpse with a disheveled hair, with a head as big as a leather ball, and many slender granulation shoots out of the severed limbs, allowing it to move like an octopus, but from its gray eyes, this product is both Not a dead race or a black soul, but a mutant living corpse produced in the laboratory.

"Sanshui! The power of your **** is so powerful, I gave this king a great gift..."

Zhao Guanren was very satisfied with a cigarette. He lay faceless on the high sandbag wall. The illusion made humans unable to fight back. Moreover, the bombing was not over. The ground bomb made the sewers shake and rubble. And the powder keeps falling down.

"Of course! My Vanves' big **** is not white, I will take care of your family for ten generations..."

Zhu Sanshui walked over triumphantly, Zhao Guanren inserted the wet cigarette **** into her mouth, pulled out the knife, and shouted: "Zichu! At the time of the Japanese pirates, I will be a pen in the army, and I will live up to the grace of the emperor. You are General Zhenyuan, and you will quickly take the battle for this king!"

"The last general will lead! Zichu swears to follow the prince..."

A faceless excitement knocked his head on the sandbag. People who have not experienced the torment of the imperial examination system can't appreciate the suffering of half a life of inaction. It was shot out like a cannonball, and Zhao Guanren pointed a long knife diagonally at the ground. Stride towards the battlefield...

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