One Step to The End

Chapter 885: House thief is hard to guard

"Ah come! It's been a long time, you've grown up like this..."

Relatives in a large room surrounded Zhao Guanren enthusiastically. The elders took his hand, touched his head, and rubbed Zhao Guanren like children. However, the old Zhao’s family is a three-generation single pass, and the distant relatives have not come together for a long time. The dozens of slogan relatives here are all from the Sha family.

"Auntie! Don't rub his head. What kind of status is Alai now? Let people see the joke..."

A group of relatives smiled and pulled the old elders away. Now the only people who can rub Zhao Guanren’s head are these elders. He also rarely smiles very shyly, but his little aunt suddenly walked over, and he immediately understood why they were called. She satha is already.

The women of the Sha family seem to be favored by God, all of them are much younger than their actual ages, and this nearly forty-year-old Shada is not only young like a light mature woman, but also has a natural fascination with every smile. Take off a stunner class fairy.

"My God! Look at my handsome nephew..."

Sada held Zhao Guanren in his arms and laughed: "He was sobbed by his mother in the street, chasing behind my **** and calling his aunt to save me. I didn't expect to be so much taller than me in a blink of an eye, and he became a fan. A superhero of thousands of girls, the genes of our Lao Sha family are really good!"

"No! Half of the old Sha's blood is bleeding on my body..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "Dear elders, brothers and sisters, I just came over from Japan for a long journey. It is not convenient to bring more things. You can't look down on the small things, so I will give you the vaccine as a meeting ceremony. Don’t dislike it. what!"

"Wow! Long live, there is a vaccine..."

The juniors all cheered, and Sadaji patted his chest and smiled: "Awesome! You deserve to be the hero of our family. He solved the world-class problems as soon as he came back, but I just heard you. Mom said, your hands. There are not many vaccines, right?"

"Anyway, it's enough for the family to use, so don't go out to promote it, so as not to make people jealous..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and sat at the dining table. Zhang Xinyue and Zhou Miao were also very familiar with them. They sat down in a lively manner. Relatives chatted around him and talked. His uncle also slaughtered a sheep specially. , Yelling to eat roast whole lamb tonight.

"Uncle! Don't be busy..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hands and laughed: "I have to accompany my wife and children to a meal tonight. I owe them too much. Tomorrow I will go around twice and get some good cigarettes and wine. Let's have a reunion dinner together with the whole family!"

"Come on, little! What do you plan to do later? Go back to Japan or go to Japan..."

The uncle came over and stared at him curiously. Zhao Guanren said: "No hurry! Isn't it half a month before the New Year, I will spend a good year here before talking, then I will definitely arrange you properly, you will wait. Just enjoy the good fortune!"

"Brother! Don't ask about things you shouldn't care about..."

Shada waved his hand and said, "Alai is now a man of the world, and the whole world is staring at him. His plan cannot be known to the outside world. If it is leaked, it will be troublesome. Keep your mouth tight!"

"Look at my brain, come for you to drink tea, uncle planted it by himself..."

A group of relatives started the tea party mode again, seeing everything is fresh, playing with his sword, and pondering the fabric of his dragon robe. Fortunately, Zhao Guanren is also a "talking tuber" disease. He just got up until dark. Go to the toilet.

"Just keep an eye on Sean, don't let him find out..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the toilet and used his watch to give an order, but when the water started to be released, the toilet door was suddenly kicked open. A little brown-haired foreign girl came in and leaned against the wall indifferently, and said : "Give me ten vaccines!"

"Who are you? Go out..."

Zhao Guanren turned his body irritably, but the little foreign girl kicked his **** and giggled in English: "I am Amanda. If I haven't seen you in a few years, I will be forgotten. I returned to China. At that time, you took me to the playground!"

"I'm going! Amanda, you are so old, what do you want a vaccine for..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head to look at the little cousin in surprise. Amanda is Sataj's mixed-race daughter, but she doesn't look like Sataj at all, but looks like a Middle Easterner.

This girl has several fancy tattoos on her body, lip studs and tongue studs, and she wears small hot pants that can be called T-shirts. She also has only a small sling on her upper body. People who don't know think it is a street girl.

"Not bad! You can finally understand English, and I am already nineteen..."

Amanda lay on his back and smiled: "Everyone guesses that you are the only person who has a vaccine. Many people have also come to the Rocky Camp to ask for information. My girlfriends, boyfriends and friends have come to me. You can't let I'm ashamed in front of them, and I won't take your vaccine for nothing!"

"Hey! You are already a big girl, even your cousin has to be careful..."

Zhao Guanren quickly put on the waistband, and Amanda leaned back and laughed: "What does it matter? My mother is fooling around with her cousin, as long as you give me ten vaccines, I will call my two girlfriends. Sleeping with you is definitely hotter than your yellow-faced ladies!"


Zhao Guanren turned and depressed and said: "What kind of education did you receive in the United States? Maybe my aunt hasn't cared much about you since she was a child, but you have to be cultivated as a big person, so you can't let people think that you don't have a tutor!"

"If you had seven stepfathers, you would also have no tutor..."

Amanda suddenly calmed down and said, "Auntie is looking for the ghost who leaked your whereabouts? You should check from my mother. She has countless heads here. Even a male dog can get on her. Her mouth is like her. Your underwear is as loose!"

"Amanda! What are you talking about here, are you crazy..."

Sadaji suddenly rushed in angrily, and Amanda smiled arrogantly: "I'm just flirting with my cousin, just like you did with your cousin. By the way, you can talk about your romantic deeds. Don't thank me. Ms. Sharia! Haha~"

Amanda shook her head and walked out. Sadda was squeezing her fist with a full face. Zhao Guanren handed her a cigarette and said, "Auntie! It seems that your education has failed. You and my mother are sisters, so how can you do it? Like this?"

"Because you have a good father, and I have never found such a man..."

Sada lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, leaning against the wall and said frustratedly: "I didn't reveal your whereabouts. Although I like to play very much, men are just clothes in my eyes. I will only be worthwhile. Wear, they won't let them get news from me!"

"I have found the person, Sean..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her seriously, and Shada frowned and said, "How could it be him? I took a video of him killing his lover. My sister has been using the video to control him. Maybe he deliberately handed the handle to our hands. Lower your vigilance against him!"

"Sean should be a senior spy of the Eagle Head Society..."

Zhao Guanren asked, "Is there any contact between Amanda and them? Maybe Amanda got the news from you, and inadvertently revealed it to them!"

"Amanda is too young, I never tell her important things..."

Sada shook his head and said: "The first time we talked to you, we chose to be in the woods of Dongshan. We shouldn't be overheard by outsiders, unless... you take me to catch Sean, and I want to know how to vent it. Secret, otherwise my sister will start to doubt me!"

"Okay! Sean will leave the camp after dark, I will take you to catch him..."

Zhao Guanren said: "After the New Year, I will take you away to a country where there are no living corpses, but you can no longer fool around like a little girl. As a mother, you must first set an example and see if Amanda learns from you. What happened?"


Sada said with tears: "Amanda is my only daughter. I have been very restrained for her, but bad things can always be bumped by her. I will try to be a good mother in the future!"

"Let's go! Eat first, and I will notify you when we leave..."

Zhao Guanren patted her on the shoulder and walked out. Who knew that when he called Zhang Xinyue and Zhou Miao and returned to the mayor’s house together, Amanda was sitting in the living room of his house, reading stories to his children Book.

"Why are you here, and you still want a vaccine..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the two girls, walked into the restaurant and sat down at the big table. Amanda followed up with the children and laughed: "I'm here for the injection. I'll take my share first. You will be the rest. Give it to me too, my little friend is waiting for my news!"

"You stupid boy, do you know how valuable the vaccine is? Give it to someone stupidly..."

Sha Xiaohong led the wives in. Zhao Guanren waved his hand and said, "Sit down and eat together. I will give you ten places. The day after tomorrow, you will ask them to line up for injections. Is this the way to go?"

"Wow! Thank you, brother, you still treat me well..."

Amanda hugged him and kissed him, waved her hand and smiled: "I'm not hungry! You can eat slowly, I will go to my little friends now and tell them the good news!"

After Amanda finished speaking, she ran out like a gust of wind. Zhao Guanren asked, "Does this girl have a serious boyfriend? Who do you usually hang out with?"

"It's not just a bunch of puns who don't accept money and cheat on her..."

Sha Xiaohong filled a bowl of soup and handed it to him, saying, "Amanda has the same personality as her mother, but she is not as good as her mother's brain. Last time, people got drunk on the hillside. It's so clean, but fortunately her mother arrived in time, but within a few days she got mixed up with that group of people again!"

"She said Auntie and Cousin..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her awkwardly, and Sha Xiaohong punched him and said: "It's not your cousin, just a nominal cousin. Your aunt can't mess around in the house no matter how **** it is. Hurry up and eat yours. Eat, don’t gossip me here!"

"I think if you hadn't met my dad, you wouldn't be much better than her..."

Zhao Guanren said a sentence and hurriedly retracted to drink the soup, but this sentence made Sha Xiaohong lost his senses, and it took a long time before he smiled bitterly: "Official benevolence and benevolence! It is the name he gave you. Let me remember it all my life, and never go astray again!"

"You want your lover again, I'll look for Zhao Ziqiang when I look back, that **** is especially suitable for you..."

Zhao Guanren blinked with a smirk, and Sha Xiaohong provokes another pounding meal. As a result, halfway through the happy reunion dinner, a female grandmaster suddenly ran in and said: "Xiao En took someone to leave, but the car There is a girl with miscellaneous hairs in panties, who just came in here!"

"Amanda? Did Sean tie her..."

Zhao Guanren knew that miscellaneous hair means mixed blood, but the female grandmaster shook her head and said, "No! She hugged and kissed a foreign hair kid before getting in the car, and then got on Sean's car together!"

"Gao Jie! Count the number of vaccines to see if there are fewer..."

Zhao Guanren immediately put down the bowl and walked out. Gao Jie ran out and opened the vaccine box, but after only one glance, he exclaimed: "That's okay! There is one version and fifty bottles missing. Amanda must have stolen it!"

"This prodigal thing, chase..."

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