One Step to The End

Chapter 902: Lake camp


The Vineyards shot loudly for a time, and dozens of high-power searchlights were turned on, but the lights were exploded one after another. The gunners came out and killed one by one, and even the snipers on the tower were killed. Was stuck in the house and did not dare to come out.


A small oil tanker exploded fiercely, exploding several houses in an instant. The fire blazed into the sky and screamed again and again, but Zhao Guanren ran out of the inner courtyard in time. The power to the container bunker was cut off and he threw it straight away. A snatched grenade passed by.


The offensive grenade exploded on the second floor. Lu Datou also took Maggie out of the hut, and fired into the container with him. At this time, Xia, who was hiding in the grape grove, was not idle, firing frantically while shouting. Said: "Hurry up, here!"


Maggie rushed over and hugged her excitedly. The people in the container didn't know whether they were dead or not. Anyway, no one dared to show up and shoot. The four of them quickly got out of the manor by the light of the fire, and jumped directly into the muscle car on the side of the road and galloped away. .

"Yohoo~ Too wild! Too exciting..."

Xia yelled excitedly in the back row, hugged Lu's big head and kissed fiercely, while Zhao Guanren lost a bottle of mineral water to Maggie, the co-pilot, looked at her swollen nose and smiled and asked: "It's okay, you Where did you get the vaccine?"

"What vaccine? Maggie, what did you hide from me..."

Xia was also surprised. Maggie drank her saliva and said, "There is no vaccine! They are looking for lost experimental data. A friend of mine once worked in the experimental center. He discovered some terrible secrets. In the end, he was killed. They I think the information is in my hands!"

Xia was surprised: "What does the gang want for information? Are they working for the laboratory?"

"I guessed so too..."

Maggie nodded and said: "The laboratory is doing something ugly with the government behind it. They couldn't do anything against me in the camp, so they asked George to trick me out of looking for insulin, but the bald men didn't know the truth. vaccine!"

Zhao Guanren pretended to inadvertently ask: "Did your friend meet with you before he died? What information is so important?"

"It's been a long time, we contacted by landline and letter..."

Maggie said dejectedly: "Last week he sent me a package. The package was only the medicine my son needed. There was no information. However, he hinted to me in the letter that he had taken some things and maybe the video was only needed. Is the key!"

"You go back and look for it, maybe you have overlooked something..."

Xia picked up some food and handed it to her. Maggie asked about the origins of the two. Xia explained it again with a smile. Maggie was surprised and said, "God! Is this your luck or my luck? , They appeared too timely!"

"Of course it's my luck, you should thank me well..."

Xi Yamei smiled and hugged Lu's big head, and kissed him affectionately.

"You are really my goddess of luck..."

Maggie smiled bitterly: "I really thought I was going to die there. I didn't expect to be able to escape. And Jack is the most realistic imitator I have ever seen. Are you two special soldiers? You said a code word that I don't understand, and Super skill!"

"I just learned a little from masters. Although we were born in Australia, we grew up in Europe, so we can understand English, but we don't speak well..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and pressed the car music, lit a cigarette to prevent her from asking, but Maggie said seriously: "We can't go back to Camp Cook now. M8 will definitely block us on the road. We have to wait until dawn and follow. Let the camp transporter go back together!"

"Go to the campsite! There must be no one there..."

Xia leaned over to set the navigator route. It was about forty minutes away. Soon the two of them got to know each other in the back seat. Maggie exclaimed, "Hey! Xia, what are you doing, you All his butts are exposed!"

"Don't be surprised! This is the second time..."

Zhao Guanren smiled indifferently. Maggie lit a cigarette to relieve her embarrassment. After taking a couple of awkward puffs, she blushed and said, "I'm sorry! I did it for my friend." I apologize to you!"

"You don't have to apologize, we both have friends like this..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and blinked at her. Maggie laughed happily. The single mother finally opened the chatterbox and said that her husband died before the end. She took her son to live alone for five years and was paid as a police officer. Almost all are used to buy medicine.

"How old are you? Are you thirty..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her curiously. It's hard to judge the age of the foreign girl, but Maggie shoved her hands and smiled: "Hey! This is an impolite question. Anyway...a little bit older than you, turn left into the woods, the lake. The campsite is right by the side!"


Zhao Guanren slowly parked the car in the woods. A large area of ​​dense woods was next to the lake. There were as many as a dozen RVs, large and small, but the car was swept away long ago, and the ground was abandoned. Rubbish.

"Come with me. Normally no one will come here. There are man-eating fish in the lake..."

Maggie raised the flashlight and got out of the car. Zhao Guanren went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He took out a travel bag and threw it to her, saying, "I have collected some medicines. I don't know if there is insulin. You can see for yourself!"


Maggie hurriedly put the big bag on the front of the car, turned it over a few times, and immediately surprised and said: "Oh my God! Jimmy, you are really my lucky god. There are three boxes of insulin here, enough for my son for a year. I really, Thank you so much!"

Maggie threw up excitedly and hugged Zhao Guanren, and kissed him **** the face, but Xia took out a few paper bags from the trunk and smiled: "Look what this is, you two dudes, Actually collected women's clothes!"

"This is not for you. You look best without clothes..."

Lu Datou blinked with an obscene smile, and Xiya kissed him in an annoyed manner. The four of them picked up food and drinks and walked into the largest caravan with a bed on the front and back, leaving nothing but empty. There is a folding table in the middle of the mattress.

"Let's have a few drinks and celebrate the rest of our lives..."

Xia excitedly put the wine on the table and pulled Maggie up with a smile: "Two gentlemen, please wait a moment, the two hot girls are going to change costumes, of course! I hope that when we come out again, you will greet you nakedly. Us! Haha~"

"Wait for me! This is respect for you..."

Maggie kissed Zhao Guanren's cheek, picked up the paper bag of clothing and entered the bed at the back of the car. There was no curtain to cover the back of the car, but Xiya didn't care about it, so she took off her clothes and changed, but Maggie hid in the corner.


Lu Datou asked in a low voice, "Do you think Maggie's friend's video material is important? If it is really a bald eagle, you shouldn't find a group of gangsters, right?"

"The underworld is the best scapegoat..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and said: "This is the bald eagle's own territory. They have to consider public opinion. The public does not know that their new government is a puppet, including the photographer of the laboratory, otherwise he would not dare to leak the secrets!"

"Yes! When ordinary people discover an astonishing crime, the first thing they think of is the police..."

Big head Lu agreed: "Maggie is very likely to get the video, but do you think she, as a policewoman, would rather die than tell the whereabouts of the video out of a strong sense of justice? It's not surprising that it happened to foreigners!"

"You have watched a lot of American blockbusters. In my interrogation experience, it happened to be the fastest white man accounted for..."

Zhao Guanren said: "Maggie came out to take the risk for her son. She will not give up her son for any scandal. Perhaps as Xiya said, Maggie ignored the photographer's hint and didn't know if she took something!"

"Well! Let's ride a Yanma first, and then go to the stables to look for..."

Lu Datou opened two bottles of beer and drank with him. Halfway through the drink, the two women finally dressed up. Xia put on hot pants and a rhinestone vest. Maggie was a low-cut suspender dress. The two women also used the cosmetics they picked up. , And simply spat.

"Hey~ Whose hot girl is this, it won't be mine..."

Lu Datou smiled and opened his arms. The two women are all typical tall horses, but Xia is a tough soldier, while Maggie wants to be an imperial sister, with natural brown hair and luxurious headlights, not first-class beauties. Can also score 80 points.

"No, no, no! You are mine, Mr. Captain..."

Xia grabbed Lu's big head by the collar and sat down in his arms and kissed him. The two adulterous and passionate people did not care about others, and Maggie sat down as usual, hesitatingly said: "Jimmy I really don’t know how to thank you!"

"Then accompany me for a good drink, cheers..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and raised the bottle. Maggie happily touched the bottle with him. Xia also turned to join the drinking ranks, but Zhao Guanren and Lu Datou's vocabulary is limited. They are basically listening to two women, but a few bottles of wine. Maggie let go.

"Don't worry about us, we are going to start the third round..."

Xia was drunk and blushed and raised Lu's big head. With the light music playing on the phone, he was shaking and kissing while holding him. The clothes began to come down one by one, and Maggie's turquoise eyes began to start. Watery looked at Zhao Guanren.


Maggie leaned on Zhao Guanren and said with a slightly smirk: "Your skin color is really sexy, I am too busy this time, I need to be naked and sunbathing, so that my skin color is as **** as you!"

"Some people say that my skin color looks like Asian..."

Zhao Guanren raised his arm, Maggie squeezed his arm and smiled: "He must be color-blind. Asians don’t have your charming skin color. Oh! You are so strong. I bet you have eight pack abs. May I appreciate it?"

"You drool, do you want to kiss my abs..."

Zhao Guanren lowered his head and looked at her amusedly. After Maggie took a drool, she suddenly got up and hugged him by the neck, and kissed him without a word.


Xia raised her arms and cheered: "Maggie! You little girl, I know you can't help it. Jimmy is too sexy. Take off your clothes. The game between the two of us has begun. Let the boys hand in guns first!"

"Xia! I will definitely lose to you, his muscles are too hard, hahaha..."

Maggie’s alcoholic strength began to rise, pulling Zhao Guanren up and running behind the car, impulsively and proactively stabilized him again, and finally threw Zhao Guanren down on the bed, panting, "I have to repay you well, with All my strength!"

"Are you sure you are repaying, I'm only 21 years old..."

Zhao Guanren laughed shamelessly, Maggie immediately bit his lower lip and smiled: "Do you care about age so much? It's because my face is a little swollen after the beating, but after tonight I will definitely make you fall in love with me. ,I swear!"

"But I'm still a virgin..."

"Oh! You liar, it's impossible, your kissing skills are awesome..."

Maggie kissed him fiercely. Zhao Guanren, an old driver, can move freely, but Maggie is definitely a long-term drought in the rain, shivering impulsively on his body, and very dedicated, taking care of his little brother’s feelings in all aspects. ...

"Xia! Your friend is wilder than you, she hasn't touched a man in a long time..."

Lu Datou lay on the bed in the front of the car and looked at the opposite side. Xia lay on his chest and smiled: "Actually, there are many people pursuing her, just to take care of her two children. She doesn't have the energy to fall in love, but Jimmy is her favorite type. , She is still her savior, of course she can't help it!"

"Two children? You two female liars..."

Lu Datou looked at her dumbfoundingly, and Xia smirked: "Jimmy is too young, she doesn't want Jimmy to think that she is old, hey! Do you want to watch the show all the time? Maggie won't let him off easily, let's wait. You can appreciate it slowly! Haha~"


Lu Datou's gold chain suddenly shook, and Zhao Guanren who was opposite also sat up suddenly, but Lu Datou jumped out of bed and said, "You play slowly and leave it to me!"

"Jack! What happened..."

"An unexpected guest is here..."

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