One Step to The End

Chapter 951: The Last Giant (Part 2)


The dull opening sound was like a heavy fist. He punched the two people's heart violently, making the hearts of the two beating wildly. At the same time, they held up their weapons and retreated several steps. After the escape pod slowly opened from the middle, finally Revealing the full picture of the giantess.

"Xiao Ai! You two liars, what can live for hundreds of thousands of years..."

Zhao Guanren is almost grabbing the wall in anxious manner. They can't kill this thing. If you kill it, you will be put to death by the starship. Humans kill a piece of armor without leaving it.


Xiao Ai said anxiously: "We didn't lie to you. We couldn't detect the situation in the cabin. We just found out after energizing the escape cabin that she... the corpse has changed!"

"What? The corpse, the corpse has changed..."

The two looked at each other in shock, and Xiao Ai said again: "Yes! She knew she was infected, was vaccinated to delay it, and took away the power crystals from other escape capsules, and finally turned on the life support system, so it I've only lived until now!"

"Then what authority does it have, pull it back and destroy it..."

Zhao Guanren raised the knife subconsciously, but Xiao Ai said, "It was a deputy captain before the corpse. The main system cannot go against its will, and the giants have four brains, and it has surgically blocked one of them from being infected. , The main system will judge it to be a living person!"


The giantess suddenly rolled out of the cabin, probably because it hadn’t moved for hundreds of thousands of years. She squirmed stiffly on the ground, but the golden fork in her hand was tightly gripped, and her head was always there. Staring at the two of them, it was obvious that they wanted to get up very much.

"Xiao Ai! Can the starship set sail, does it have the ability to destroy mankind..."

Zhao Guanren tightened the treasure knife in his hand, and Xiao Ai immediately said: "The only cabin that can take off was driven away by the last female crew member last year and was destroyed after crashing into the sun, but the escape cabin can still fly. The spear is comparable to a nuclear weapon and can be reused tens of thousands of times!"

"Fuck! This still makes people live..."

Zhao Guanren glared at each other anxiously and angrily. Who knew that the other party suddenly pulled off the black helmet, revealing a bare head with no hair, and bluish-grey shriveled skin, and let out a roar like a living corpse. Voice.

"Main system!"

Big head Lu suddenly shouted: "We have completed the mission. It is none of our business if the crew refuses to recycle. You must honor your promise immediately, lift us from our imprisonment, and give us absolute freedom!"

"Yes! Our task has been completed..."

Zhao Guanren’s eyes lit up suddenly, and Xiao Ai also hurriedly shouted: "Boss! Hurry up and ask the main system. You still have the final task rewards that you haven’t received. Don’t ask him for a vaccine anymore. Leave two smart assistants for use. Permission, otherwise you won’t be able to go back to the big man!"

"The system judges! The task has been completed..."


The electronic sound of the main system came up and said: "Thank you to the two VIP-class passengers for their great contributions to our starship. Without violating the starship safety rules, the two can freely enter and exit the interior of the starship for life. Enjoy the right to use the smart assistant!"

"Don't shame! We still have task rewards, everyone has one..."

Seeing that the giantess was about to stand up, Lu Datou suddenly pointed to her weapon and said loudly: "I want its weapon as a reward, and its escape capsule belongs to us. We are going to travel in space in a spaceship. Do not violate the safety rules!"

"No! Passengers do not have the right to own any weapons on the starship..."

The main system said indifferently: "With no objection, the escape pod can be used by you until a crew member issues an order to take it back, but this is not a reward. Your mission reward is freedom and the right to use the intelligent assistant. This is the end of the call!"

"Big head! Get rid of the spaceship, I'll do it..."

Zhao Guanren shot at the giant woman with a kick on her feet, and smashed two sword lights in the air. The giant woman just got up from the ground. Who knew that it didn't make any movements, the sword lights disappeared before it came in front of her. A white light suddenly shot out from the golden long fork.


Zhao Guanren hurriedly fired two lightning balls, but he couldn't resist Bai Guang's offensive at all. He hurriedly turned over and dodged the white light dangerously and dangerously, but the white light suddenly hit the top of the hole and shot out with a bang. A big hole.


The two humans exploded at the same time, and the soil layer of tens of meters thick was shot through at once, and a broken stone was not dropped, so the soil was like gasification. A large hole with a diameter of several meters can be used directly. See the stars in the sky.


The main system suddenly said loudly: "VIP passenger Zhao Guanren, it has detected that you have attacked the crew. This is the first verbal warning. If such behavior occurs again, the system will deprive you of your VIP qualifications and take back all your rewards! "


Xiao Ai yelled anxiously: "You quickly throw the knife. The giants have a tradition of hand-to-hand combat. As long as you don't use any external force, the main system will not determine that you have an intention to attack. If something happens, the armor will not automatically defend itself!"

"Damn! You didn't say it earlier, don't shoot the big head, we have to keep a VIP..."

Zhao Guanren threw the knife to the head of Lu abruptly, and shot it at the giantess with a kick of his feet. He saw that this lady also had a ghost particle shield. Even if the weapon was used, it would not produce any effect. He shot it quickly and thought. They have to fight hand-to-hand, but the aunts don't speak martial arts at all.

"Boom boom..."

The sky shook with three consecutive laser shots, and the cave was shot through three large holes again. If Zhao Guanren’s reaction was not fast enough, he would almost be stunned, and the laser was probably the smallest gear, if it had the maximum power. It's definitely easy to blow up here.

"Aren! The old lady hasn't moved yet, don't get close to it. When I drive the spaceship away, let's blow up the hole..."

Lu Datou turned his head and ran into the blasted hole. Although the giantess had stood up, her body was still in a stiff state, otherwise she would have rushed directly, and Zhao Guanren was also very tacit understanding and took off her gas mask. Jumping and jumping.


The giantess uttered a roar, and the human scent seemed to arouse the bloodthirsty nature. It dropped its long fork and opened its stiff thighs, and walked towards Zhao Guanren with a roar. Zhao Guanren immediately ran to the entrance of the cave and continued to jump, taking it step by step. lead.

"Xiao You! Get out of the spaceship..."

Lu Datou suddenly slipped out from the side, and jumped into the escape pod like a gust of wind. The intelligent assistant immediately helped him control the system, but the door was like a scallop, just closed and suddenly opened, and the giantess also jerked back. Overdone.

"Fuck! What are you looking at, this spaceship is mine..."

Lu Datou’s scared hair stood up, but Xiao You yelled anxiously: "Brother! Run, it has a brain that has survival awareness, and refuses you to control its escape pod. It has just been injected with a life-saving solution. , The body will become more and more flexible!"


Lu Datou pierced the spaceship with a fierce man. He only heard a loud "bang". A laser beam slammed across his head and hit the escape capsule. The escape capsule was actually blown in half. Tuan Lieyan directly blew him out.


Lu Datou screamed and flew out. Fortunately, his ghost particle shield was also turned on, blocking the flames around him, but Zhao Guanren hugged him in the air and shot into the new diagonally opened hole. Among them, he flees lifelessly.


The explosive power of the escape capsule was neither great nor small. The flames sprayed violently along several underground holes. The two of them were like mice in a gas tank. The ground sank severely.

"Yeah! Kill you old rice dumpling..."

Big head Lu cheered loudly in the air. Now even if the giantess can't be blown up, he can still bury it in the ground, especially if the small spacecraft that blows it up, it loses its ability to fly to the sky and can't hold it. Its forks bombed everywhere.


The two fell heavily on the rocky mountain. There was nothing to protect them with particle shields. The soldiers garrisoned hurriedly came up to help them. Someone asked in shock, "Your Excellency! Is the devil resurrected? How can I fight you out? NS?"

"Resurrected! Quickly mobilize the heavy artillery, the muzzle..."


Zhao Guanren's words were not finished yet, and there was a sudden loud noise in front of him, which slammed everyone to the ground, only to see a large swath of mud rising into the sky, directly obscuring the starry sky, and then pouring down like a torrential rain. Down.

"Run! Run..."

Zhao Guanren screamed desperately, the mud that covered the sky and the sun crashed on the ground, and most of the people who had just gotten up were buried in an instant, and the ones lying on the ground were buried alive, and there were a lot of heads smashed by gravel. Broken blood.


The rift valley was suddenly full of chaotic crying, people left their things and fleeed out, but a huge black shadow soared into the sky, and the black tight-fitting armor gleamed in the moonlight, still holding up like a "sea queen". With a steel fork.

"Oh! This girl can fly..."

Zhao Guanren looked at the sky in horror, and even forgot to pull himself out of the soil. After the giantess twisted her neck in the air, she immediately made a series of fried bean-like explosions all over her body, followed by a beast-like sound from her head up. The roar.


The giantess rushed to the position on the rocky mountain and did not use the extremely powerful steel fork, but the soldiers on the position suffered a lot. It suddenly squashed a large area and picked up several large living people with one claw. It slammed into the big mouth of the blood basin.

"Fire! Quickly fire..."

I don’t know who yelled, the self-propelled artillery on the north mountain immediately turned its muzzle, and rumblingly shot at the giantess, but just as Zhao Guanren expected, all the shells were easily blocked by the particle shield, even the giantess. No hairs were hurt.


The giant female suddenly roared in annoyance, grabbed a handful of human beings and stuffed her in her mouth, suddenly stood up from the high mountain, and waved a steel fork like a telephone pole, she even directly shot out more than a dozen white lights. The direction covers the entire Beishan.

"Hurry up!!!"

Zhao Guanren grabbed the big head of Lu next to him and activated the leap function at the same time he jumped up, but they were still a step too late, and the white light suddenly exploded under their feet, as if throwing a small nuclear bomb, blasting them away fiercely. After going out, the entire Beishan also collapsed...

(Thanks to the leaders of "Country Revitalization Efforts First" for the rewards, as well as the judges who voted for monthly tickets and rewards. Your support has always been the driving force for my creation, and I am grateful!)

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