One Step to The End

Chapter 978: Yellow flower guys

I don’t know what sect Mei Lingxiang came from, but this sect is definitely not small. Lu Datou pretended to be an old driver to deceive a group of people. As a result, many people came one after another, making the mountains and plains full of people, all kinds of lights. Quickly turn the night into day.

"Uncle Shi! Where are you, Uncle Shi..."

The shouts were getting closer and closer to the grass pit. The grass pit was only more than one meter deep. If it weren’t for the dense weeds outside the pit, Zhao Guanren’s two legs could be spotted at a glance, but he heard of Mei Ayaka’s seniority. , Immediately shrank his legs in fright.

"What? I'm afraid, aren't you going to kill me, come on..."

Mei Ayaka made a sound from his fingers, looking at him provocatively, but Mei Ayaka didn't understand this guy at all. Zhao Guanren is a hob who knows he can't beat you and will throw **** on your face. , How can I stand this kind of stimulation.

"I bet you dare not call, do you believe it..."

Zhao Guanren was all over her, Mei Ayaka said disdainfully: "I dare not call? You can take your hand away if there is a kind of thing, see me, Mei Ayaka is not afraid of death, although it is not worthy of having **** with you. The mischief will end up, but it’s enough to have you back me up!"

"Don't be stubborn..."

Zhao Guanren sneered: "Let's make a bet. I will let go of my hand later. If you dare not call, I will have to call Dad if you see me later. If you dare to call, I will call you mom in public, dare you? "

"Okay! Wait for you to call mom..."

Mei Lingxiang stared at him fiercely, obviously stubborn, but in fact they couldn't see each other at all. They just felt Zhao Guanren twisting around her, and suddenly tore off her tight-fitting vest and belt. All made him torn apart.

"What are you doing? Let go of me..."

Mei Lingxiang struggled in horror, but her strength was only able to support her speech, and her eyes began to turn black within a few moments. When she woke up again from the turmoil, she suddenly realized that her whole body was cool and cool, and she felt like a drop in an instant. Ice cave.

"Scream! Scream out loud, Master Uncle..."

Zhao Guanren let go of his hand triumphantly, and said with a smirk: "You said that if people find out that we are hugging each other, what will people think of you? Not only your reputation will be ruined, but also your school. His reputation is going to end, gossip has always spread quickly!"

"You, you are shameless, I killed you..."

Mei Ling was trembling with fragrant scent, and raised her hand tremblingly. Who knew that Zhao Guanren covered her mouth again and sucked on her neck with one mouthful.

"Go away, don't kiss me..."

"This is a hickey, proof of love..."

Zhao Guanren raised her head and smiled evilly, and Mei Ayaka realized that this guy actually sucked a hickey on her neck. Under the shame and anger, she burst into tears and cried out in a dull voice: "You let me go, I want Called someone, get out of here!"

"Call it!"

Zhao Guanren let go and laughed: "Out there are all your disciples and grandchildren, let them all come over and see how to play with small fresh meat for the old and disrespectful master uncle, how to pick up yang and nourish yin, I believe you will soon become famous. Broadcast, your school will be notorious too!"

"You villain, kill me..."

Mei Lingxiang shook her head in tears, Zhao Guanren squeezed her chin and said: "You lose! Call dad, call dad and I will let you go. Let me give you a happy one. If you die, you won't be ashamed. Come, come! Dad is waiting for you to call!"


Mei Lingxiang turned her head and cried vigorously, not asking her father or asking her to die. Fortunately, the people searching for the mountain nearby had already gone away.

"Are you a decent celebrity? I think you are the **** of the cripple-the evil way..."

Zhao Guanren took out her white jade waist card and knocked on her head and cursed: "You still have the face to cry. Where is your arrogant energy? I take a good ride. You must let the blood cloud come to kill me and scold me. You still want to do it yourself. If I were not a law-abiding citizen, I would definitely cut you off!"

"You are a red name, you have killed a licensee..."

Mei Lingxiang suddenly stopped crying, Zhao Guanren disdainfully said: "You can ask the Soul Hunting Bureau to see if I kill the murderer. I kill him to kill the people, and you just want to be the pavilion owner for your own sake. Selfish desire, our character is worlds apart!"

"You have a character? You are a rascal, get out of me..."

Mei Lingxiang punched him softly and weakly, Zhao Guanren ridiculed him again: "I am a gangster, an innocent little virgin, let you take advantage of a wicked old woman, I have no place to cry, you If you still have the face, let me go away, so please have fun!"

"Who do you think is an old woman, a virgin is great, I, I am also a virgin..."

"Oh my mother! Old maiden, you really won this time, I can't afford it, boy..."

Zhao Guanren turned over and lay on her side, pulling her jacket over her in the dark, who knew there was another shouting outside, but Mei Ayaka just hugged her jacket and lay down and said nothing, but one hand was still there. Feeling around.

"Touch what? You want to kill me..."

"Touch the pill! I suffered internal injuries, did you see a white medicine bottle..."

Mei Lingxiang murmured a little, Zhao Guanren took out the medicine bottle from her clothes, opened it and stuffed it into her hand. After the people who searched the mountain moved away again, he suddenly said: "Mei Lingxiang! I would like to lose the bet. , Hurry up and call Dad!"

"Pervert! Do you know how old I am? I can be your grandmother..."

"Anyway, if the thief doesn't go empty, I have to gain something if I win, or you call me godfather..."

Zhao Guanren touched her cheek, and Mei Lingxiang said, "Go away! You're not done with it. You can't take advantage of it, right? I ask you! Are you really the Lv Xiaowu, your friend Lei Xiu? What is the origin, the eight-star Lei Xiu is rare in the world!"

"My friend's last name is Pi, and his name is Pikachu, the eldest young master of the Raichu family..."

"The Leiqiu family? Why have you never heard of it..."

Mei Ayaka’s voice was full of doubts, but Zhao Guanren, who was holding back a smile, said again: “This is a very mysterious family. It’s not impossible to tell you, but you are not allowed to tell other people, you lean your head over, I whispered. I'll listen to you!"

"Okay! I will never tell..."

Mei Lingxiang leaned against him without any doubt, but Zhao Guanren suddenly took her in her arms. Before she could react, she listened to "click". The flashlight suddenly illuminated the grass hole, and it was a super strong six company. Shoot, the card camera held up high clicked and flashed.

"What are you doing? Don't shoot..."

Mei Lingxiang exclaimed to grab the camera, but Zhao Guanren jumped up suddenly. All the people searching for the mountain had already evacuated. He smirked and said, "You don't want the photos to leak, and I don't want to kill women, so This is the best safety guarantee for both of us!"

"Why are you so shameless, can't I swear not to kill you..."

Mei Lingxiang smashed a small stone in embarrassment, but Zhao Guanren picked up her underwear and put it on and smiled: "Woman's mouth, deceitful ghost! The coat is left for you. Let's see you in the mountains and rivers. Goodbye. , But old maiden, you are upright! Haha~"

Zhao Guanren turned to leave after talking, but Mei Ayaka said anxiously: "You are coming back! I'm running out of strength, you put my clothes on, otherwise I'm lying here, what's the matter, let people... What should I do if people are robbed of sex? You send me back to the city!"

"Whoever robbed you of your sex, don't look at how old you are..."

Zhao Guanren squatted back depressed, Mei Lingxiang's clothes were almost all rotten, only pants and underwear were barely able to wear, but even in the darkness, she could feel her body red and hot, and her body trembled uncontrollably. She bit her red lips tightly.



Mei Lingxiang sat up abruptly from the ground, locked his throat with a hand, and the small sword of Hanyu came out of his pocket, suddenly glowing white light and suspended in the air, not only illuminating the whole body and turning red. Mei Lingxiang, still facing Zhao Guanren's eyes straight.

"Calm down! I have something to say..."

Zhao Guanren quickly raised his hands, Mei Ayaka patted his face mockingly: "Oh~ So you have to be afraid, come! Come and listen to the cry mother, I will forgive you if you call it well. Okay, let you become a **** and cut your harmful stuff!"

"Then our generations are in chaos, or I will call you a sister, it will be cheaper for you..."

Zhao Guanren looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. Mei Lingxiang pushed him to the ground shyly, took out his camera and smashed it to pieces, and stood up and stomped a few feet.

"Humph~ I'm so unlucky to meet you..."

Mei Lingxiang crawled out of the grass pit with some effort, looked at the already dark mountain, turned back and warned: "Liu Zining! If you dare to reveal half a word about the matter tonight, I will break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

"As long as you don't go out to show off, otherwise people say that I am a big guy and let the old lady play with my body, how will I see people in the future..."

Zhao Guanren leaned in the pit arrogantly, and the angry Mei Ayaka stomped her feet in shame and limped down the mountain.

"Hey~ It's terrible to have no culture..."

Zhao Guanren quickly picked up the wreckage of the camera and took out a complete memory card. After climbing out of the grass pit and looking around, he ran in the opposite direction onto the highway. A small truck happened to come by, and he quickly took it out. Take out a stack of money and wave it vigorously.

"Boy! You fell into the pond this big night..."

The driver stopped the car in surprise and looked at Zhao Guanren, who was wet. Zhao Guanren quickly climbed onto the co-pilot and gave the driver a stack of money. He said, “Don’t mention it! My girlfriend quarreled with me and kicked me. It’s in the pond, send me back to the city!"

"Tsk tsk~ The girl now has a really big temper..."

The driver drove forward dumbfoundingly, but she turned the corner and saw Mei Lingxiang, who weakly leaned on the telephone pole and waved her hands.


The driver took the initiative to stop the car and said with a smile: "So you fell into the pond too, but you are such a big girl, so let's have a little boyfriend. It's not easy to get in love with sisters and brothers!"

"What sister and brother love, don't talk nonsense..."

Mei Lingxiang stared at Zhao Guanren in anger, and Zhao Guanren lazily said: "You can't go, you can stay here and feed the wolves if you don't, let's go, Master!"

"Go! Don't let me see you again..."

Mei Lingxiang kicked the wheel angrily, and the driver stepped on the gas pedal while contemptuously said: "This kind of tigress gets better early, there is no fragrant grass in the world, not to mention ten years older than you. Boy, listen to my advice, it's not worthwhile!"

"Tigress! Goodbye..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand with a hippy smile. An angry Mei Ayaka smashed a stone at him. He retracted his head and asked the driver to borrow his cell phone. His cell phone was already flooded, but Lu Datou's phone line got through as soon as he got through. The sound is still very noisy.

"Where are you? You won't be in the game anymore..."

Zhao Guanren straightened up in surprise, and Lu Datou whispered: "I was taken away for questioning. Do you know who Mei Lingxiang is? She is the uncle of Hanyu Palace, her seniority is too big to scare people. It is said that if she hadn't gone wrong in her cultivation, she would have taken over the position of head long ago!"

"Han Yugong? It sounds familiar..."

Zhao Guanren scratched his head subconsciously, and Lu Datou said: "Damn! What memory do you have, your cheap fiancee Zhao Fanxue, she is the chief disciple of Hanyu Palace, she has to call Mei Lingxiang, Master Uncle, hurry up Get rid of the little ladies, or this beam will become bigger!"

"Got it! I'll talk about it when I go back to the academy..."

Zhao Guanren hung up the phone after speaking and chatted with the driver. He returned to the city after more than half an hour. The driver took him directly to Jinling College, but when he opened the door and got off the car, The driver suddenly shouted: "Boy! Your knife fell!"

"Oh! Thanks..."

Zhao Guanren touched his waist subconsciously, but when he turned his head, he was struck by lightning. The driver handed him not his dagger at all, but the black remnant knife that he had thrown in the flowers long ago. It followed him like a bone gangrene. , So that the hairs all over his body stand upside down...

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