One Step to The End

Chapter 981: Grab task

"My mother taught me since I was young, don't pretend to be forced, pretend to be struck by lightning, why don't I listen..."

Zhao Guanren sat on the co-pilot, crying without tears. He took a few girls to sing last night, and when he was drunk, he took out the soul-relief card and pretended to be forced. As a result, a four-eyed girl was angry and picked him up for eight. It took him a whole day to complete two tasks.

"Congratulations! Little brother, three tasks are overtime, three thousand points will be deducted..."

The driver Lu Datou said, "You only have 280 points left, and you are ranked 34th. However, you have the best qualifications. With an advantage of 13 thousand, you are ahead of the second place by 9,000 points, but it is six in the evening. At half past o'clock, there are still three tasks that have not been completed. If you overtime, you will get negative points again!"

"Creating evil! This is going to force me to death..."

Zhao Guanren wailed again, and Lu Datou laughed and said, "Isn’t that the four-eyed sister of other people has said that, in the future, as long as you have a phone call, she will open a good room and wait for you. Two thousand missions, one loses the other, you are still two hundred and eight!"

"Five thousand points! In exchange for a four-eyed steel tooth girl, I have lost blood, okay..."

Zhao Guanren was holding his head very depressed, Lu's big head nodded two cigarettes and divided him one, and asked with a smile: "How can Four Eyes Girl be a little virgin? The small figure is also quite tempting. You advertise yourself as a virgin every day. , Let her help you get out of your virgin body!"

"My buddy is not bragging, just my little fleshy body, maybe really a virgin..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand and said: "But now this matter is not for me. As long as I take the girls to open the room, Moon Shadow will float out and stare at them. The girls are either scared to pee or fainted. The key is that I can't beat Moon Shadow. Do you think I am? Beep the dog!"

"Let you be okay, don't play ghosts, now it's okay, I'm entangled with you..."

Lu Datou smiled gleefully, but the car had left the city and entered a tea garden valley. Following the address sent on his cell phone, he drove the car all the way to the forested and leafy mountainside and parked at one. Outside the villa compound.

"It's Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Liu, the beauties have been waiting for a long time..."

A handsome mature woman greeted me, followed by two burly men. Naturally, this place is not a teahouse or restaurant, but a hidden underground casino, but the mission goal worth two thousand points is hiding in this ghost. place.

"Call a few people with long legs, and eat some food with our young master. Your shabby place is too hard to find..."

Datou Lu picked up a big bag and got out of the car. Zhao Guanren got a pair of black-rimmed glasses and lost a greasy two-eighth cent. He carried a computer bag on his back like a college student, and deliberately stole into the deep chest of a mature woman. Aiming, and then sucked saliva vigorously.

"No problem! Our girls have long and wavy legs. They are all top artillery..."

The mature woman held Zhao Guanren with a smile, and led them to the depths of the villa affectionately. Finally, they entered an ancient restaurant. Two rows of beauties greeted the guests at the door. Zhao Guanren ordered two. Tall net red face.

"Two! Although you were introduced by Brother Huang, you still have to go through a security check..."

The mature woman followed them into a small private room. Zhao Guanren sat at the big dining table and opened the computer bag honestly, revealing a bag of books and notebooks, and said: "This is my school bag. You can save it for me. Okay, do you want to search?"

"Master! What are you doing with your schoolbag? There is no reason to take a book for gambling..."

Lu Datou suddenly threw the travel bag on the table. After pulling it open, it was full of a large bag of cash. The saliva of the two net red faces was about to come off, as if they were going to eat the rookie cleanly, and the mature woman waved her hand and laughed. Said: "Just mean it, no body search!"

"Open a bottle of blue circle brandy, four sets of Nanyang platinum meal, fire pear must be Lemon Island..."

Zhao Guanren lit a hand-made cigar and spread the napkin on his lap very elegantly. The noble brother's style came out immediately, making the mature woman blink with a dazed face. Obviously he didn't know what he ordered. The internet celebrities are dumbfounded.

"Oh~ I said who is so particular about it, it turns out to be Gongzi Liu..."


Lin Duoduo walked in with her little sister. Both women were dressed in luxurious evening gowns. Zhao Guanren was suddenly coughed by the smoke, and shocked his chest and said: "Lin Piao Piao! You will not be defeated anymore. Family property, come here to be a lady, right?"

"My little you mother, my old lady came here to win money..."

Lin Duoduo smashed his bag on the table in shame and waved his hand and said, "Sister Zhou! This is my little brother. Take out the wine I saved. Dinner will follow my rules and let these two younger sisters go out too. The expenses are on my account, and this lady will accompany him personally tonight!"

"No problem! Win more tonight..."

The mature woman smiled and took the girls away. Lin Duoduo sat down beside Zhao Guanren, took a sip of the cigar in his hand, and said with a sneer: "Why don't you come to this place to find me? You arranged it properly, why pretend to be a rookie!"

"You are here specifically for me..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her suspiciously. Lin Duoduo wore a silver-gray evening gown. The low-cut style was full of allure. Her little sister Zheng Yueer was also bubbling, and Lu's big head couldn't move her eyes away.

"I'm just watching a joke, and watching your points soar and plummet throughout the day, the stock market is not as exciting as you..."

Lin Duoduo blew a mouthful of white smoke at him and smiled: "I called Zhao Feisui. He said that you pretended to overturn the car and took eight tasks in one breath. I calculated your points and guessed you will be one tonight. Come here, you won’t lose points only if you get another two thousand points!"

Zhao Guanren slapped the smoke she was blowing and asked, "How do you know that the target is here? Did you fail to take the task?"

"I don't want to die, this is two thousand points..."

Lin Duoduo mocked: "There are more than a thousand licensees around the world who have received some special rewards, allowing people to view all tasks. The black market website has detailed content for sale. I only spent 10,000 yuan, and they would give it to me. I’m updating it in real time!"

"Oh! Then you can roll, don't delay my meal..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand nonchalantly, and Lin Duoduo immediately said with an aura: "The surname is Liu! How did my old lady offend you? Are you waiting to see me like this? Five million I don’t miss you, and I am ready to sleep with you. What else do you want me to do?"


Zhao Guanren said angrily: "I should ask you this. I'm not familiar with you. What do you want to do with the shadows every day?"

"I want to live, do I still want to die..."

Lin Duoduo angrily kicked him and said, "I know you are not bad money now, and I can't give you a satisfactory price, but I also have some ways in the rivers and lakes. How much can I help you, later than today. There are two groups of people who have taken up the task here, including the urging ghost who betrayed you!"

Zhao Guanren asked in surprise: "How dare the urging ghost take on the 2,000-point mission? With whom did he team up?"

"Stubborn donkey! I know you don't know anything, I just know how to work hard..."

Lin Duoduo said in a whisper: "The urging ghost and the crazy dragon formed a team. There are six people in total. The crazy dragon is the big brother who is playing with me in the car. They also want to pull me into a team. It’s a lot of points, I just pretended to agree to give out a little news!"


Zhao Guanren suspiciously said: "One point only sells you 10,000 yuan. This is an absolute price of conscience. Why don't you run with me in a team?"

"How can there be such a cheap thing, it is the first time that the crazy dragon wants this lady, so he sold me his share of the bargain, but the old lady is not a chicken..."

Lin Duoduo rolled his eyes and said: "But they didn't take the task. The urging ghost wants to kill the fat sheep here. By the way, they stare at another group of people. The time is right. You can get points for quests, it's a chicken thief!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "Where is the target, and what is the origin of the other group?"

"I don't know! I haven't found the target, I only know that it is a gambling ghost. The hidden mission is to kill the Quartet, but the magic weapon did not detect the existence of the ghost. They suspect that it is a monster..."

Lin Duoduo said in a low voice: "This task has appeared for three days, and two strangers have played for three days. The win or loss has not been big, but they brought a few new faces in the afternoon. The urging ghosts just came over and waited for the rabbit!"

"A bunch of lucky guys..."

Zhao Guanren said sternly: "Lin Piaopiao! It's useless for you to team up with me. I am in debt now, and it is impossible to give you the points, but I still thank you. I will bring you again if I have the opportunity!"

"I won't team up with you this time, but you have to take me with you in the future..."

Lin Duoduo also earnestly said: "I will be responsible for collecting information for you in the future. I don’t need to pay a penny. I will accompany you personally every time. I will never escape. I don’t want much. One, is this the head office?"

"Han sleep?"

Zhao Guanren suddenly laughed. Who knew that Lin Duoduo's face turned red, and said in shame: "No! You won't really sleep if you include it, and I don't want to be a **** for the first time. Anyway, you don't know anything about me. Clearly, as long as you don't play around with me, I am definitely a good teammate!"

"You just have too complicated details, so I stayed away..."

Zhao Guanren got up and sat across from her. It just so happened that all the food came up. Lin Duoduo didn't complain anymore, but halfway through the meal, Lin Duoduo answered the phone, put down the dishes and ran out in a hurry, and ran out of breath after a while. Came back.

"Something happened, the urging ghost may be out of luck..."

Lin Duoduo bent down and said in a low voice, "The urging ghost has killed more than 8 million fat sheep. Kuanglong persuaded him to stop and he would not listen. Just now a group of masters came outside, and the casino owner ran away, calling me and telling me to leave. He can't afford to provoke the people behind the fat sheep!"

"Isn't that great, I'm troubled by him..."

Zhao Guanren stood up nonchalantly, but Lin Duoduo said: "Big Brother! I will send a letter to the venue later. How do we complete the task? You will have a negative score in two hours. Cheap, what do you do?"

"The task of two thousand points, you think the gangster fight, just cut a few knives and end it, the more chaotic, the easier it is to fish in troubled waters, go! Let's watch the excitement first..."

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