One Step to The End

Chapter 984: Life and death


Suddenly there was no sound in the huge casino. Everyone looked at Zhao Guanren in an unbelievable way. The Master of the Pavilion, Lv Xiaowu, did not play the cards according to common sense. At the most critical juncture, he came up with the trick, but this is not a bullshit. What is it?

"Why are you stunned?"

Zhao Guanren looked up at the red-eyed ghost head on the ceiling and yelled: "Are you such a big boss can't afford to borrow? Haven't borrowed from outsiders, are you unable to play or have no gambling?"


The red-eyed ghost suddenly sneered: "I can't afford to bet? I can't bet on my life, but those who gamble on money can borrow money, and those who gamble on food can borrow food, but how can you borrow money for life, and what will you take if you borrow it? Also, don't say you will return it to me in your next life!"

"I have an ID card in my pocket, and I take the lives of my family as collateral..."

Zhao Guanren yelled: "My family is 13 people, and it happens to be nine in and one deep, no, no, no! I'm wrong, it happens to be nine in and 13 out. If I lose to you all, I will take you home with my own hands. Kill the door, if you want to play, you have to play with the big ones. It's not exciting for you to play small things like this!"


The red-eyed ghost suddenly burst into laughter, and the whole casino was buzzing with laughter. He said with the same voice that was installed in a jar: "Betting on the lives of the whole family with me really started to excite me. If you have a wife, you can take your wife's life!"

"I am his fiancée, and I am willing to give him my life as a pledge..."

Lin Duoduo couldn't wait to yell, who knows that Lu Datou also yelled: "I am his cousin, and I am willing to hand over my life to him as a mortgage. Let's bet till dawn tonight!"

"Yes, yes! I am his sister-in-law, and I also pledge my life to him..."

Zheng Yueer also hurriedly shouted, but the others did not say anything. They did not understand Zhao Guanren, and no one dared to give their lives to a stranger. After a little hesitation, Zhao Feijia said, "I am his elder brother. I also give my life to him!"

"No! I'm sure to leave the hand, and the person who placed the bet can't borrow his fate unless he wins me..."

The gambler vetoed it, and suddenly said in an exuberant tone: "Boy! I will lend you nine lives tonight. If you lose, you will go home and kill thirteen relatives by yourself, but if you dare to retreat. , I will make you better than dead! Hahaha..."

"Fuck! We are so stupid, why don't we think of borrowing..."

Everyone was very upset, Zhao Guanren's sorrowful operation was completely brainstorming, who would have thought that he could still play like this, but the more sorrowful operation came again.

"The croupier!"

Zhao Guanren smiled and said: "I am now your VIP VIP customer, let go of my hand quickly, let me have a good drink, uncle, and then call two beautiful girls over to help me blow!"

"Buy a kid! Help him blow..."

The croupier showed a weird smile. Zhao Guanren was able to move immediately, and two black-eyed bunny girls also came over, one left and the other supported his shoulders, lying on the gambling table, pouting their buttocks to the sieve. Blow in the direction of the cup.

"Wait! I didn't say to buy small ones, I want to buy three twos, leopards..."

Zhao Guanren picked up a red bargaining chip and dropped it precisely into the small square. The croupier immediately yelled to buy away, but at the moment she was about to uncover the cup, Zhao Guanren suddenly flicked her finger, and unexpectedly took two of them. The chips bounced into the square.

"Raise! Three one..."

Zhao Guanren smiled slightly when he raised his head, and drank the whole glass of beer. He only watched the croupier's left eye twitching slightly, and stared at Zhao Guanren coldly, and unwillingly opened the sieve. Actually there were three red spots.

"Leopard! Kill all..."

Except for Zhao Guanren's table, the croupiers at the other eleven tables were in unison. There was a cry of crying and begging in the casino. The heads of people were like those who didn't need money, and they exploded one after another with a lot of blood and brains. Splashing around.

"help me!!!"

Lin Duoduo and the other female cried out in horror, and even Zhao Feijia couldn't help but yelled for help, while Zhao Guanren slammed the table and said loudly: "Wait! The rest of the people's fate is for me, Leopard One Pay fifty, you will pay me a hundred lives!"

"Boom boom..."

The heads continued to explode without stopping, even the Gale Army members had headshots one after another, dozens of headless corpses fell to the ground, blood even splashed Zhao Guanren, and the gaming table was also covered with blood, scared. Lin Duoduo and the others screamed.

"Stop! The chips I won, I have the right to lend to others..."

Zhao Guanren slapped the table again and yelled, and the scene suddenly calmed down. The corpses all over the floor were pouting with blood. Only twelve people on their table were all right, but everyone was extremely nervous. I was scared to pee.


The **** croupier didn’t wipe his face, knocked on the blood-soaked table, and sneered: “You bet a dice for three one, and the odds are one for two, not fifty. You count the six lives in your hand. , It happens to be a table of twelve lives, are you sure you want to lend it to them?"


Zhao Guanren looked at the table in surprise. The place where the odds was written was burnt through. The words on every square disappeared, but Lin Duoduo said angrily: "You **** play, this table has always been It's 50 for one. How can the Leopard have such low odds, eh..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly covered her mouth to stop her from continuing. Lin Duoduo was trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do with the other party. Now they can completely see that the other party is not only a vicious gambler, but also a very good gambler. Bad rotten ghost.

"I sit in the bank and I have the final say. I blame you for betting without seeing clearly..."

The croupier picked up a stack of chips and pushed it out. Exactly twelve of them were placed in front of Zhao Guanren. He straightened up and said, "I used to bet my life, and if I lose, I will die to him on the spot, so never doubt my bet. But let me ask you again, do I want to lend them my life?"

"Little Five!"

Zhao Feijia immediately said: "You lend me a life, and my Zhao family will repay it twice in the future, and lend the rest to your friends. Don’t borrow it from people you don’t know. You have to keep at least half of it and bet with it. This time we will listen to you. !"

"Little five brother! You can lend me one too..."

"Pavilion Lord! I will buy a life, and I will give you all my wealth..."

"Little brother! As long as you lend me a life, I will be a cow and a horse for you in the future..."

A table of strangers all begged. Naturally, Lu Datou and the others would not say much. Zhao Guanren would lend them if they didn’t speak, but Zhao Guanren asked again: "Danger! What are the conditions for going out alive? Everyone has a life left. Isn't it enough?"

"My bet is the best..."

The croupier suddenly waved his hand, and all kinds of burnt words appeared on the table immediately, marking the new odds in each bet, and it smiled: "You are nine in and 13 out, and you have won enough for 13 Fate can leave at any time, but the remaining people want to go out and have to pay Ten Fate’s tea!"

"Your black shop, the tea fee is so expensive..."

Everyone complained, but the crazy dragon desperately begged Zhao Guanren for his life, and Skylark also begged with tears in his tears, and kept explaining that he was lustful and shouldn't betray him with Agui.

"Sorry! I want to save you too, but first I have to keep myself alive..."

Zhao Guanren threw the chips out one by one, but only four people, Lin Duoduo, Zhao Feijia, Lu Datou, and Zheng Yueer, made the rest of them feel like falling into an ice cave.

"No! The loan quota is full today..."

The croupier refused without hesitation, and Hibari yelled in fright: "Fifth brother! You give me a bargaining chip, I am willing to be a bull and a horse for you, whatever you can, third brother! You can speak for me. what!"

Zhao Feijia said angrily: "What the **** did I say for you, I don't owe you anything!"

"Skylark! In the previous gambling game in the private room, you can obviously send old K to Agui first, but you didn't even draw two cards, and deliberately let Agui lose the gambling game..."

Zhao Guanren said: "You know that Zhao Feijia won't give up if he loses. You can only let him chop off one of Agui's hands to relieve his anger, and in the end you want to climb Zhao Sanshao, so you quietly told him...I can Let you become a licensee, and help you become a pavilion master!"

"how do you know?"

Zhao Feijia opened his mouth wide in astonishment, and even Skylark was dumbfounded.

"Read your lips! You can tell at a glance..."

Zhao Guanren sneered: "Skylark! You **** is too cruel, you betrayed my information without telling Agui, and the money you earned was embezzled by you. Together with my video advertising fees, it was transferred to your fake identity. Account, that’s why I don’t give you a bargaining chip, understand?"

"Have you said enough? Hurry up and place a bet..."

The female croupier suddenly picked up the sieve cup, but Hibari suddenly said loudly, "Wait a minute! There is another guest here who is not at the table. Although he is unconscious in the corridor, I am his wife. I have the right to bet for him. Once, all the visitors were guests, and there was no reason for the casino to refuse gamblers!"

"I almost forgot about this guest, but I have to ask myself..."

The croupier suddenly waved his hand and let out a black anger. The urging ghost in the hallway immediately yelled in pain. Lying on the ground weakly opened his eyes, Skylark hurriedly yelled: "Husband! The evil gambler is forcing us to bet on our lives, mine. My fate has already lost the bet, I will bet the last one for you!"

"Agui! Don't believe her, she betrayed me behind your back, and deliberately let you lose the game..."

Zhao Guanren also turned his head and shouted, the urging ghost turned over tremblingly, lying on the ground looking at them weakly, and said with a sorrowful smile: "I, I know, but if I don't lose, neither I nor her can live. , Nana! You bet for me, I believe you!"

"Cut ~ infatuated fool..."

Lin Duoduo cursed with disdain, but Skylark exclaimed excitedly: "Husband! I will definitely not let you lose again this time, croupier! Shake the dice!"

"Boom boom..."

Several heads suddenly burst, and the plasma smeared the six big living people one after another. Lin Duoduo's little sister cried out with a "wow", and cried and said, "What are you doing, just gamble." Well, people are scared of you to pee again, the skirts are all wet!"


Zhao Guanren laughed carelessly. Everyone looked at him like a neurosis, but he didn't know what was wrong with him and why he was so nervous. He quickly wiped the blood from his face and said in embarrassment, "No. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh at this time, I can't help it!"

"Old, husband! Why, why..."

Skylark cried out in grief. Several people turned their heads in surprise. The head of the urging ghost was blown out, but the croupier said indifferently, "You have lost your life, and he lent it again. You, he will naturally have to die, let's start everyone!"


The three dice rolled in the dice cup, as if the death knell was ringing, Zhao Guanren also concentrated on it, and Hibari’s hands were unable to move. After taking a deep breath, his eyes were staring straight at the black-eyed girl. The croupier, the look in his eyes is as terrible as if he wants to eat people...

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