One Step to The End

Chapter 994: I am Zhao Guanren

"If you can change your name or sit down, I'm Zhao Ziqiang..."

Zhao Guanren’s voice was sonorous and powerful, his face was confident and proud, and the dozens of people in the Zhao family were all stupid, followed and angry again, an old man roared: "Uncultivated beast, dare to insult my ancestors. , Take him down for me!"

"What ancestor? Who are you..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly felt that he had said something wrong, but the attacker smashed his head and face. He immediately slashed and jumped out of the gate. The wall was smashed with a bang, but Moon Shadow and Red Lemon took the opportunity to break free. .


Zhao Gaozu yelled and attacked the two female ghosts, but Yueying and Red Ning unexpectedly joined forces. Red Ning’s black energy suddenly entangled several juniors, and quickly dragged them in front of him. Zhao Gaozu hurriedly stopped. , But hundreds of magic arrows came out again.


The factory building with a huge explosion almost collapsed. The candidates and the examiners all ran out after hearing the sound. Seeing Zhao Guanren rushing out of the examination room, someone suddenly said angrily: "Little Green Five! Why are you again? How many people are you going to drive crazy?"

"Where to run!"

Zhao Gaozu suddenly exploded out of the room, and Zhao Guanren suddenly rushed into a large warehouse, and his figure disappeared among the many boxes.


After Zhao Gaozu chased in, he blasted the box with his palm. Unexpectedly, Zhao Guanren appeared from the rear. The soul-killing knife that could not release the blade light, not only split a fiery red blade light, but also three gray flying blades. At the same time, he slashed towards Zhao Gaozu.

"All directions are gone!"

Zhao Gaozu shouted loudly without looking back, and a violent air current burst out of his body, shattering all his attacks.

"Remember in the next life, don't shout so loudly before you move..."

Zhao Guanren’s voice suddenly came from the side. He actually changed direction unscathed. When Zhao Gaozu suddenly turned around, he just saw that he was squatting not far away, grinning and violently swiping the knife, invisibly disappeared. The Soul Slash was activated instantly.

"The fire burns the city!"

Zhao Gaozu still couldn't help but screamed out his moves, and stomped his feet suddenly when he shouted, but Zhao Guanren jumped out very quickly, grabbed the steel frame of the roof, and waited for a large fire column to burst open to the ground. , Zhao Gaozu was shocked to realize that it was wrong.

"Sword Spirit!!!"

Zhao Gaozu looked up in horror, and saw a white woman floating in the air, holding an icy long sword and suddenly stabbing him. He suddenly understood that he had been fooled. Zhao Guanren squatted to distract him. This sword spirit is the ultimate move.


A golden light barrier suddenly blocked Zhao Gaozu. Who knew that the sword spirit completely ignored this defense and easily passed through the barrier. Zhao Gaozu was so frightened that he fell to the ground, but he was about to stab the long sword. For himself, he suddenly roared.


A huge figure suddenly appeared, not only forcing the sword spirit back, but also the roof of the factory building burst together. The Zhao family who had just rushed in was even more exclaimed, and was blown out along with the wall tiles. Seven Faintly fell to the ground.

"War Spirit! The ancestors have asked God..."

The Zhao family screamed in horror, and even the examiners were collectively shocked, only to see that most of the factory building was blasted down. A five-story golden war **** stood on Zhao Gaozu with a five-story snake spear in his hand. Behind him, he stared at Zhao Guanren majesticly.

"What's the matter? Who is fighting..."

A group of old people from the Chen family also rushed out of the office building. An old woman looked at the towering golden war spirit from a distance, frowning and said: "Devil Six is ​​desperate, and he has never seen him summon war spirits in the Battle of Demon Slayer. The person must be extremely tough, and quickly stepped forward to help out!"


The Chen family rushed over without hesitation. At the same time, Zhao Guanren just turned over and landed, and said without looking at Zhan Ling, "Old man! For the sake of you can also play tricks, it's best not to chase me anymore. , You can hold on for two minutes at most, but I will be able to give you a scoop in half a minute!"

"You, you know how to behave like a small pretender, who are you..."

Zhao Gaozu sat on the ground with a gray head and face, his eyes were almost staring when he heard this. Of course he didn't know that Zhao Guanren was bragging, but Zhao Guanren sneered pretendingly, turned his head and jumped out of the broken window. go out.

‘Nima! It’s terrifying, but fortunately the old guy is not courageous...’

Zhao Guanren ran to the side with lingering fears, but the two female ghosts also rushed out. Red Ning chased after him and shouted: "Master! The camp is in front, run to the mountain!"

"What the **** are you guys, don't follow me..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head and glanced in surprise, hurriedly speeded up and ran forward. Sure enough, he saw a large dormitory building and a large number of disciples who were training at night. He immediately believed Red Ning's words, turned and ran to the side mountain.

"Come here..."

Moon Shadow suddenly flew over and took him away. Zhao Guanren was being attacked by a chaotic memory. He patted his head vigorously and asked in peculiar language: "The black sea is full of moons! How come you will appear on the earth, dead race Has it invaded again?"

"What's the matter with you? This is Garan World..."

Yueying gave him a weird look, Zhao Guanren immediately stopped in shock, looked back at the noisy factory area, and said in surprise, "How come I run into the eggplant secret realm, but the eggplant secret realm is obviously ancient, how can it be modern? architecture?"

"Hurry up! Someone is chasing..."

Red Ning yelled in a hurry, Zhao Guanren didn't care too much, and rushed to the outside of the camp. The two female ghosts were also quite powerful, and directly stunned the patrolling guards.

"You two go up the mountain and shake the tree, let them chase to the side..."

Zhao Guanren quickly commanded two female ghosts, and the two women were also very obedient to fly to the forest, but he had just drilled through the tattered barbed wire, and a white shadow suddenly shot across the air. The super fast speed looked like a master, he didn't even think about it. A backhand is a knife.


The other party exclaimed and took the sword light, but after the sword light, there was a soul-killing slash. The jade pendant hung on the waist immediately released a white light, but it exploded with a "bang". Looking up, he found Zhao Guanren in front of him.


Mei Lingxiang was kicked crooked as soon as she raised her hand. Zhao Guanren actually hit three times in close quarters. She didn't give her any chance to release the trick. Mei Lingxiang didn't even react. After three punches in a row, the whole person All started to feel dizzy.

"Why are you chasing me? Who are you..."

Zhao Guanren slammed Mei Lingxiang to the ground, not only tore off her defenses, but also cut her hands back, pressing her knees on her back waist, Mei Lingxiang suddenly cried out in pain. Unexpectedly, no skill can be mobilized anymore.

"Are you shocked? It's me, Ayaka Mei..."

Mei Lingxiang turned her head away anxiously and in shame. Although she was equivalent to being attacked by Zhao Guanren, the series of blows were much more severe than last time. Zhao Guanren even captured her alive without using a big move. Spicy made her feel terrified.

"Do you know me? Do you know what my name is..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her suspiciously, Mei Lingxiang said angrily: "Liu Zining! Is your brain broken? You don't even know me anymore. I'm here to help you, let me go!"

"Who made you fly so high, thinking you are a fairy..."

Zhao Guanren wiped a copper ring from her hand and slapped her **** on the slap. Only then did he turn around and look behind him. Dozens of people were rushing towards them.

"What are you doing with my body ring..."

Mei Ayaka clutched her **** and rolled over in shame, anxiously: "What the **** did you do? All the people from the two families have come out to chase you. If you don't want to go, I will help you hold them!"

"You must be my friend, brother teaches you how to play the ring today..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and touched her face. Under Mei Ayaka’s horrified gaze, he suddenly threw the copper ring into the air, hit it directly with a knife in the air, and then slammed the knife forward. , The ring that burst open instantly turned into hundreds of fireballs.

"Boom boom boom..."

Hundreds of small fireballs blasted toward the camp, directly covering all the chasers. Dozens of chasers waved their swords to stop them. How did you know that the small fireballs suddenly burst again and suddenly turned into thousands of small pellets. All the chasers were overwhelmed in one fell swoop.


The screams immediately sounded in pieces, and dozens of people fell to the ground and snorted in pain. Many of them were nine-star masters. Once again, Mei Ayaka was stunned. He didn't expect a small protective ring at all. Can knock so many people down in one go.

"My little friend!"

Zhao Guanren looked down at Mei Ayaka, and smiled: "You must not be so young on the surface. You should have used the rejuvenation life-saving technique after reaching the grandmaster level. I won't care about you if I suffer a bit, but you will Don't even think about making any further progress!"

"You, how do you know? Who are you..."

Mei Lingxiang looked at him in horror, Zhao Guanren smiled and said: "The sea of ​​qi is the source of all laws. You can all mislead this sentence. You can't have both fish and bear paws. If you continue to live, don't try to force it. Break through, otherwise your good skin will be useless, remember! My brother's name is Zhao Guanren!"

"What did you say? Who are you..."

Mei Lingxiang's eyes straightened in an instant, Zhao Guanren laughed and jumped into the forest. Two female ghosts also flew back, but just as one person and two ghosts arrived at the mountainside, a strange black mist filled it over and soon enveloped them. A large forest.

"Dead? It's the Dark Demons who are really doing tricks..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly stopped putting on a mask, and patted his increasingly chaotic head. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Female ghost leads the way.

"Little Five! Where are you, come out soon..."

A familiar shout came from below, and Zhao Guanren shone down the mountain in surprise, only to see Lu Datou rushing up with an anxious and pale face.

"Big head?"

Zhao Guanren was stunned for a moment and said, "Why are you here? How did the two of us come to the Eggplant Secret Realm? Am I wanted by Starship? Ah~ I have a terrible headache. It seems that there is another person in my mind. Inside, a mess of memories!"

"Fuck! You have recovered your memory..."

Lu Datou looked at him in surprise, but hurriedly said: "Don't worry about so much, the Zhao family chased you like crazy, Red Ning! You go down with Yueying and draw people away, we Turn over and wait for you at the foot of the mountain!"


Liming immediately flew back with Yueying, but Zhao Guanren asked again: "Where is your golden necklace, can you return to the big man?"

"Why did you forget about this..."

Lu Datou said depressedly: "My necklace has been stolen long ago. Let's run away and talk about it!"


Zhao Guanren leaned against the tree with a splitting headache, and said with an eyebrow, "I seem to remember a little bit. We spent a few days in the hospital, right, but as long as you are still a starship passenger, you will come over with a call to the assistant. That's not a real chain!"

"Guanren! Look at what this is..."

Lu Datou patted him on the shoulder, Zhao Guanren turned his head in surprise, and suddenly saw a black bead in his hand, and suddenly exclaimed: "Soul bead? Throw it away, you can't touch this thing!"


A black gas suddenly shot out from the soul bead, and it plunged into the center of his eyebrows. Zhao Guanren immediately twitched and fell to the ground, rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Damn! These **** old guys almost broke a good thing..."

Big Lu opened his mouth and swallowed the soul bead into his mouth, squatted next to Zhao Guanren who was already in a coma, and put a black finger on his forehead again, but a dark shadow suddenly shot from the bottom of the mountain, quietly. The sound fell on the branches of the tree.

"What's the matter? Has he recovered his memory..."

When the shadow asked condescendingly, Lu Datou retracted his fingers and said, "The Zhao family's soul-smelling technique has loosened his soul seal, A Piao! Go and stabilize the family, just say that he has a restriction set by the tower spirit in his body. , I will send him back right away!"

"I said I shouldn't be here, you are too eager for quick success..."

The black shadow quickly shot into the depths of the dense forest, Lu Datou also put the unconscious Zhao Guanren on his back, and ran down the mountain with a gloomy expression...

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