One Sword Reigns Supreme

The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 643: Seek defeat!

Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!On the right of Xiaoqi, there is a middle-aged man standing!

The middle-aged man was wearing a gray gown, long hair shawl, mixed with some white silk, and he was wearing a pair of straw sandals.

At this moment, the middle-aged man is looking at Xiao Qi, Gu Jing Wubo on his face.

"Zhou Yafu!"

At this moment, Nangong Wan who was beside Xiao Qi suddenly said.

As soon as this statement came out, the strong players such as the Kingdom of God in the field became solemn.

Wu Yuan Zhou Yafu!

This name is very famous in the kingdom of God.

Because Zhou Yafu had been to the Kingdom of God, and also challenged many powerhouses in the Kingdom of God!

In the end, Zhou Yafu and the Lord of the Kingdom of God had a battle, and the outcome is unknown!

And excluding the kingdom of God, Zhou Yafu simply exists like a god in the other three wild worlds!

When he existed, it was the peak period of the Martial Arts Academy.

At that time, the Martial Academy completely overwhelmed the Order League, the Tang Clan, and the Monster Clan!

Just one person!

And Zhou Yafu was also known as the best person under the stars!

The Kingdom of God and others never thought that Yafu would come back this week!

Zhou Yafu looked at Xiao Qi, "I saw a god in your kingdom of God back then, and he was really shocked, but I never thought that after a few years, your kingdom of God will appear even more enchanting. Little girl, the old man admits that compared to talent In this chaotic universe, apart from Jane Zizai from the Protoss, I am afraid that no one can compare to you. However, you are too young after all."

Xiao Qi smiled slightly, and she glanced at the white-haired woman, "I never thought that there are so many people guarding the way of heaven."

The white-haired woman was expressionless, "I am not allowed to have some friends?"

Xiao Qi smiled and said, "It seems that the slaughter of the Heavenly Dao in my kingdom of God back then had a great influence on you!"

Upon hearing this, the white-haired woman's eyes gradually became cold.

The Kingdom of God!

In this world, there are actually two origins of Heavenly Dao. She was born together with another Heavenly Dao. However, in the past, Wu Anning from the Kingdom of God unified the Eastern Wilderness, not only sweeping out some of the domestic sect family, but also aiming the knife at it. The Heavenly Way of the Kingdom of God!

The way of heaven is naturally not weak, however, the Wu Anning that year was even more terrifying!

That year, the kingdom of God fell!

The origin of the kingdom of God is all controlled by the kingdom of God, and it is precisely because of this that the kingdom of God is so powerful now.

But in the past, if it hadn't been for the woman in the plain skirt to suddenly appear with the black tower, she was afraid that she would not survive now.

After that, she knew that the kingdom of God would come back one day!

Therefore, she also began to practice, also began to make friends with human powers, and helped many talented evildoers.

As a god, if she is willing to associate with people, she will naturally be able to draw in many human powers!

After all, she is in control of the source of heaven!

However, she still underestimated the strength of this generation of God Lords!

On the side, Zhou Yafu looked at Xiao Qi, "Play a game first?"

Xiao Qi nodded, "Okay!"

When the voice fell, she suddenly took out the sword.

Break through the air with one sword!

In the distance, Zhou Yafu punched out.


In an instant, a powerful force instantly shook everyone in the field thousands of feet away, and Xiao Qi also retreated by nearly a hundred feet!

This is the first time Xiaoqi has retired!

The look of the powerhouse such as the Kingdom of God became solemn.

Because Zhou Yafu did not retreat!

Xiao Qi looked at Zhou Yafu and said, "Ten will drop in one force! You have reached the pinnacle of the Extraordinary Valkyrie. No, you should say that you have taken a half step!"

Zhou Yafu nodded, "There has been nothing in these years, except for cultivation or cultivation. In martial arts, there is so little progress."

Xiao Qi nodded, "Then you also take my sword!"

The voice fell, her palms spread out

, A ray of sword energy appeared in her palm.

Zhou Yafu's face was expressionless, his right hand slowly clenched.

Xiao Qi looked at Zhou Yafu, "This sword skill has been in my mind since I was born. I have rarely used it. It's called: defeat!"

The voice fell, and the sword qi in Xiao Qi's palm suddenly disappeared.

At almost the same time, Xiao Qi's complexion became pale!

At the moment that sword aura flew out, Zhou Yafu narrowed his eyes, and he blasted out a punch!

With a punch, the space in front of him suddenly rotated!

Change the world with one punch!

However, Xiao Qi's sword aura directly penetrated his arm, and finally passed through his chest.


In everyone's eyes, Zhou Yafu instantly retreated a thousand miles!

Xiao Qi was also violently retreated by Zhou Yafu's punch, but she quickly stopped. After stopping, an illusory sword appeared on her head.

When this illusory sword appeared, the expressions of everyone in the field changed!

Especially the white-haired woman, she knew that she still underestimated the little girl in front of her!

And Ye Xuan's expression in the distance also became solemn.

This little seven is undoubtedly going to be real!

But it's normal, after all, Yafu was strong enough that week!

Zhou Yafu's eyes narrowed slightly, and at this moment, there was a solemn color in his eyes!

At this moment, the white-haired woman not far away suddenly said, "Forget it!"

In the field, everyone looked at the white-haired woman, and the white-haired woman smiled: "I choose to leave!"

Xiao Qi looked at the white-haired woman, and the white-haired woman said again; "When the fight goes on, your gods will win, but it is definitely a terrible victory, right?"

Not far away, Zhou Yafu said solemnly: "It's not so far!"

The white-haired woman shook her head, "I can't stop her! Even if I can stop her now, what about the future?"


Zhou Yafu was silent.

This little seven is only a teenager!

Wait for her to be twenty or thirty?

At that time, who can stop her?

If you want to stop her, you can only get rid of her now!

However, even if it is as strong as Zhou Yafu, he dare not say that he can kill Xiaoqi!

Zhou Yafu sighed in a low voice, and then looked at Xiao Qi, "Your Excellency, although she has mastered the origin of the chaotic universe, but you know that she has not enslaved all living beings, and she suppressed, the number of strong people is controlled, this chaos The universe can live longer."

Xiao Qi chuckles, "Those who are the origins of the heavenly path, are all beings talking about!"

Zhou Yafu said in a deep voice: "Then you know, human beings are greedy and greedy. Once all the origins of the heavens are returned to the chaotic universe, it is very likely that everyone will be swallowed uncontrollably. At that time, the origins of the heavens will be absorbed, and this chaotic universe can There will be no more powerful emperors."

Xiao Qi shook his head, "You are wrong!"

Zhou Yafu looked at Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi said: "She grasps the original meaning of those heavenly origins, but it is only for herself! Not only that, under her intervention, the wars below are endless, and she controls everything from the top!"

Speaking of this, she looked at the white-haired woman, "You treat yourself as a god, as the master of the chaotic universe. My kingdom of God does not need gods. As for the origin of these chaotic universes, you can rest assured that our gods will handle it! Perhaps, We can't do everything fair, but we will make everyone, every hard-working and talented person have a chance to reach the emperor realm! Many people lack hard work and talent, they lack opportunity."

At this moment, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly said, "That's right, if I had the origin of Heaven, I would have reached the emperor realm long ago!"

Everyone: "........"

The white-haired woman glanced at Ye Xuan, "Ye City Lord, you can keep jumping! Your good days are not a few days away!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "What do you mean!"

The white-haired woman whispered: "What do you mean? You don't want so many people for that treasure."

Ye Xuan was silent.

Many people want his tower, and they are amazing people!

The woman in the skirt said at the beginning that this tower will bring him many benefits, but it will also bring him endless disasters!

What a disaster!

Ye Xuan sighed in a low voice, "Xiaota, don't you have anything to say?"

The prison tower trembled slightly, and Xiao Linger's voice sounded, "It said, hurry up and let the sixth floor move away!"

Little Tower: "......"

Ye Xuan: "......"

At this time, Xiao Qi suddenly said: "Either go or die!"

The white-haired woman was silent.

She was definitely unwilling to leave like this, but if she didn't leave, Zhou Yafu alone obviously couldn't stop this Xiaoqi and the Kingdom of God.

You know, the kingdom of God is so powerful, wouldn't it mean that there would be no cards?

At this moment, at the far end of the sky, a figure suddenly flashed over.

Soon, a woman appeared in the court.

Seeing the people coming, the expressions of the strong like the Kingdom of God instantly became solemn.

Mu Nanzhi!

The woman in front of him was the Tang Clan Mu Nanzhi who had appeared that day!

The most amazing patriarch in the history of the Tang clan!

Mu Nanzhi Jia Zhou Yafu also has Ye Zhantian on the side and Jiannan Mountain who left before...

It can be said that all three legendary characters appeared in the wild world over the years!

After Mu Nanzhi appeared, her eyes fell on Xiao Qi, and she smiled: "Meet again!"

Xiao Qi nodded.

Mu Nanzhi smiled and said: "Tell me my opinion. I think that the unification of the chaotic universe is not a bad thing, because unification means the end of the war. The people below do not need to live in endless wars every day. But. ....."

Speaking of this, she looked at Xiao Qi, "But have you ever thought that if the future Lord of the Kingdom of God is arbitrarily and selfish, then the people in the world may live better than death at that time."

On the side, Nangong Wan suddenly said: "Clan Chief Mu can rest assured that the internal affairs of our God are handled by the cabinet, and your majesty basically does not intervene. Moreover, as the Lord of God, he will not take care of these things. And our cabinet has the Supervisory Court. Supervision, if you want to mess around, you can’t do it. We dare not say that the chaotic universe can continue like this for generations to come, but at least one thing is that for a long time in the future, the chaotic universe under the rule of our kingdom of God will definitely get more and more it is good."

After that, she looked at Mu Nanzhi, "The problem now is that we don't need heaven to exist."

No need for heaven!

Mu Nanzhi shook her head, she looked at Xiao Qi, "If you really are the Chaos Universe and the common people in the world, I think it is necessary for her to exist!"

Xiao Qi asked, "What do you mean?"

Munan knew: "She is here and can supervise your kingdom of God."

Xiao Qi was silent.

At this moment, Xiao Qi suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the starry sky, and almost at the same time, Mu Nanzhi, Zhou Yafu and others also looked up into the depths of the starry sky.

There, the starry sky trembled for a while!

Before long, a giant appeared in the sight of everyone.

The giant carried a tombstone nearly a thousand feet long!

And on the tombstone, two blood-red characters are extremely dazzling: Ye Xuan!

At this moment, within Ye Xuan's body, the prison tower trembled violently. At the same time, A Yue's voice rang from his head, "Have you found it so soon?"

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "Is this coming for me?"

A Yue said: "No!"

Ye Xuan was stunned.

At this time, A Yue said again: "This is here to kill you!"

Ye Xuan: "......"


PS: more!

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