One Sword Reigns Supreme

The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 646: A sword is boundless!

Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Tian Dao looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you at fault?"

Ye Xuan ignored this heavenly way, he turned around and left.

In the field, Tiandao's face was extremely ugly.

After a long time, Tiandao took a deep look at the direction where Ye Xuan was leaving.

She still doesn't know what happened to the Xuanhuang World!

But there is no doubt that it will not end well!

Because Ye Xuan is still alive!

For Ye Xuan, she became more and more worried!

When Ye Xuan was shameless, humans and animals were harmless, and no one could feel his danger!

But if he takes it seriously.

This is definitely a very cruel person.


At this moment, she gradually felt that Ye Xuan was a dangerous person!

After a long silence, Tiandao turned and left.


After Ye Xuan returned to Shenwu City, he immediately found An Lanxiu, then opened his palm, and inside his palm was a spear!

God level spear!

An Lanxiu was slightly shocked, "This is?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I just got it. You are more suitable. I will give it to you!"

An Lanxiu glanced at the spear, "Too precious!"

Ye Xuan was a little unhappy, "What is precious is not precious, in my heart, nothing can compare to you and Ling'er."

An Lanxiu looked at Ye Xuan, she didn't say anything, and put away her spear.

Ye Xuan grinned, then turned and left.

At this time, An Lanxiu suddenly said: "I will go to the kingdom of God to challenge the strong emperor!"

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "How?"

An Lanxiu looked at Ye Xuan, "I won!"

Ye Xuan was shocked, and then said: "Is it so strong?"

An Lanxiu nodded, she glanced at the gun in her hand, "With it, I should be able to kill the Emperor Realm easily!"

Then, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Next time you fight, call me!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

On the spot, Ye Xuan left after a long silence.

He found Moxie!

At this moment, Mo Xie had also reached the Heavenly Dao Realm, only one realm behind the Star Master and the others!

I have to say that Mo Xie is also very powerful!

Mo Xie glanced at Ye Xuan, "Are you back?"

Ye Xuan smiled, and then waved his right hand, more than 20 Taoist level treasures appeared in front of Mo Xie.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Pick the right one!"

Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan, stunned.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "What are you still waiting for? Pick one that suits you!"

Mo Xie was silent for a long time, and then chose a Taoist treasure of the claw thorn type!

Ye Xuan put away the remaining treasures, then turned and left.

Mo Xie looked at the figure leaving in the distance, without saying a word for a long time.

After a while, Ye Xuan found Mo Yunqi and the others.

Ye Xuan put those Dao-level treasures in front of everyone, "Choose one!"

Mo Yunqi glanced at Ye Xuan, "Ye Bandit, did you go to rob?"

Ye Xuan's face was full of black lines, "Am I this kind of person?"

Mo Yunqi said seriously: "Yes, how could you be this kind of person! Rob? That's not your style! You must have stolen!"

Ye Xuan: "......"

At this time, Bai Ze not far away suddenly said: "Just you bullshit!"

With that said, he directly chose a defensive treasure!

A treasure of defense type!

He specializes in physical training, and defensive treasures are very useful to him!

At this time, Jiang Jiu suddenly said, "The kingdom of God sent someone here!"

Ye Xuan looked at Jiang Jiu, and Jiang Jiu said solemnly, "They want some of their chambers of commerce to settle in our Shenwu City, what do you think?"

Ye Xuandao: "Does our Shenwu City now only have the Baizhi Chamber of Commerce?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Only her family!"

Ye Xuan said, "Then don't let other people in!"

Jiang Jiu looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Bai Zhi has helped us a lot!"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Understood."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Everyone chooses a treasure that suits you!"

After a while, Jiang Jiu and others chose their treasures.

Ye Xuan chatted with everyone for a while before leaving.



In the next time, Ye Xuan began to practice frantically.

It is worth mentioning that when Ye Xuan was practicing, the Tang clan suddenly announced his submission to the Kingdom of God!

Tang clan submits!

I have to say that this news caused quite a stir in the entire chaotic universe.

You know, the Tang clan was once one of the super overlords of this place!

But now they submit to the kingdom of God!

And as the Tang clan declared its submission to the Kingdom of God, the Yao clan also declared its submission!

A few forces did not express their views on Order!

Three days later.

A little girl suddenly came to Shenwu City.

Little seven.

Not far behind Xiao Qi, stood ten men in black with long swords on their waists.

Xiao Qi walked into Shenwu City, and the ten people were about to follow. Xiao Qi suddenly shook his head, "waiting outside."

The ten people bowed slightly and quietly retreated.

After Xiao Qi entered Shenwu City, she came directly to Jianzong, and at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of her.

Xiao Qi glanced at Ye Xuan, "Sword God?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I just broke through!"

Xiao Qi nodded slightly, "Congratulations!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Why come to me today?"

Xiao Qidao: "What do you think of the world of Xuanhuang?"

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "I also know a little bit about this place."

Xiao Qi nodded, "What do you think?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I must have done it with them! You know, I have no choice!"

Unless he abandons that treasure, otherwise, the powerhouse of the Xuanhuang Great World will never let him go!

Xiao Qi said: "I have let a group of people from my kingdom of God come back!"

Ye Xuan looked at Xiao Qi, "They only target me!"

Xiao Qi shook his head, "They don't just target you, their goal is the entire Chaos Universe."

Ye Xuan was silent.

Xiao Qi said again: "My people will always pay attention to them! No matter how many people they come, who they are, as long as they dare to step into my territory, I will let them come and go."

As she said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "I have a guard in the kingdom of God, who are all assassins. There are only twenty-three. They all have the strength to slay the emperor realm powerhouse. I will give them to you."

Ye Xuan froze, and then asked, "Give it to me?"

Xiao Qi nodded, "You are also a killer, especially your chaotic aura. You can use the chaotic aura to hide them. With the help of your chaotic aura, even the strongest emperor can't sense them."

Kill the strong in the emperor realm!

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Little Qi, this mysterious world may be stronger than we thought!"

Xiao Qi nodded, "I know."

Then she asked, "So what?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Yes, just do it with them anyway."

Xiao Qi nodded, "They will be in our world in ten days at most, you have to be prepared!"

After speaking, she got up and left.

On the spot, Ye Xuan was silent.

Ten days!

In ten days, people from the Xuanhuang World will come!

Ye Xuan whispered, "I wonder if A Yue found Yan Jia!"

After speaking, he turned and left.


There is not much time left, he now needs to practice the funeral fist to the extreme!

This door

Funeral Quan is now one of his cards!

And under the guidance of the boss on the sixth floor, Ye Ling can be described by leaps and bounds, because Ye Ling himself has mastered the inheritance of the Immortal Dao Sect, plus the guidance on the sixth floor, it can be described as terror!

And he will often confront Ye Ling, but this girl is afraid of hurting him every time, so she doesn't need to do her best!

It's no use saying many times!

Ye Xuan is also more helpless!

Every time I compete with this girl, it's like a family!

The sixth floor is also helpless, Ye Ling is good at everything, but lacks a strong force!

When the strong fight against each other, that kind of toughness is needed very often!

Six days later.

Ye Xuan, who was cultivating, suddenly left the world prison tower. The next moment, he directly turned into a sword light and rose into the sky. In the air, he saw three people.

Three familiar people!

A Yue, Yan Jia, and those who haven't seen it for a long time, pray!

Seeing Ye Xuan, the more Qi smiled, "Long time no see!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "The more I pray to Master, it's nice to see you!"

The more he prayed for this, he really respected him, because in the Blue Sword Sect, the more he prayed, he took care of him!

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan looked at Yan Jia. The latter glanced at Ye Xuan and nodded slightly, "It's stronger than before!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Girl Yanjia, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Yan Jia nodded slightly and was about to speak. At this moment, the world prison tower suddenly appeared in front of her, and it trembled slightly, as if it was saying something.

Yan Jia laughed and said, "This tower has a much better temper than before!"

A Yue's face was expressionless, "This broken tower has been with some people for a long time, and his face is getting thicker."

Ye Xuan: "......"

Yan Jia glanced at Ye Xuan, and said with a smile: "Let's not talk about this, let's open the seventh floor!"

Ye Xuan was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Have you found the seventh layer?"

Yan Jia nodded, "found it! But she doesn't want to come back!"

Ye Xuan asked, "Why?"

Yan Jia said: "She has her own life now and doesn't want to come back to break the tower. However, as the seventh layer of Taoism, she has a way to remove the seventh layer, so let's go to the seventh floor!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then said: "Okay!"

With that, a group of people entered the world prison tower.

In the tower, the world prison tower suddenly appeared in front of Yan Jia, it trembled violently, as if it was saying something.

Aside, A Yue said suddenly: "She won't come back if she doesn't come back, understand?"

The prison tower shook his head vigorously.

A Yue raised his hand to slap.


The prison tower was shot flying directly!

A Yue said: "Go, go to the seventh floor!"

The sound fell, and everyone came to the entrance of the seventh floor. Standing at the entrance of the seventh floor, Yan Jia's palm was spread out. A black mark suddenly flew out. Soon, the black mark flew directly into the seventh floor. The door on the seventh floor opened suddenly!

Xiao Linger on the side rushed in directly, and then, in the eyes of everyone, she hugged the box on the seventh floor, and on the box, there was a bunch of candied haws!

Looking at the box in her hand, Xiao Ling'er grinned, turned and ran!

Now, she already has two boxes!

And no one knows what exactly are in these two boxes!

Ye Xuan walked to the ancient book. As soon as he picked up the ancient book, the ancient book turned into a white light and plunged into his eyebrows!

Boundless sword!

Soon, countless information poured into Ye Xuan's mind.

At this time, the demon lord's voice suddenly sounded, "This sword skill... is so ignorant of the realm... From this moment on, there is no one you can't kill except for my level! "


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