One Sword Reigns Supreme

The fairy in the sword Chapter six hundred and sixty second: dare not say!

Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!When the last word falls.


Suddenly, a sword chirping sounded into the sky.

At this moment, almost the entire Chaos Universe heard the sound of the sword.

Not only that, when the sound of the sword sounded, all the swords in the entire chaotic universe tremble violently and resonated with it!

In the starry sky, a bit of sword light flashed past the field like a meteor.

When I saw this bit of sword light, the expressions of everyone in the starry sky changed!

It should be said to be panic!

All the strong in the field looked scared!

This sword made all of them feel the breath of death!

Especially that Xiao Biewu, the moment he saw this sword light, he smelled death.


At this moment, his face was as pale as paper.

Because a voice deep in his heart told him that he must die!

However, he still didn't sit back and wait for death. He roared, urging all the profound energy in his body and sending out his strongest blow.However, his strongest blow was so small in front of the sword light.

Moreover, his power disappeared without a trace when there was a thousand feet away from that point of sword light.

This sword!

Ignore everything!

After a short while, Xiao Biewu's body froze in place, and his body began to disappear little by little.

At this time, a young sword repairer appeared in front of him.

The person here was Ye Xuan.

Xiao Biewu looked at Ye Xuan with a blank expression, "What sword skill is this? For..."

Before he spoke, the whole person disappeared without a trace. This disappearance is not only death, but also his soul, cause and effect, fate and everything else.

Simply put, he was wiped out by this sword!

The field is very quiet!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

One sword!

That sword directly killed Xiao Biewu who was already above the gods!

Ye Xuan turned his head and ignored everyone. He turned and walked in front of An Lanxiu, who had stopped blew himself up.

Looking at the appearance of An Lanxiu in front of him, Ye Xuan's entire face gradually became distorted, and the Tianzhu Sword in his hand began to tremble violently.

An Lanxiu said softly, "I'm fine."

Ye Xuan suddenly turned around.


A red glow rose from his body.

Bloodline is activated!

In almost an instant, Ye Xuan's hair turned blood red.

Ye Xuan looked directly at Fang Ye and said grimly: "One...sword..."

Hearing these two words, Fang Ye's expression changed drastically, and he immediately said, "Withdraw!"

When the voice fell, he turned and left.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed out.


A blood-red sword light flashed past the field!


In the distance, Ye Xuan suddenly roared, his voice was like a wild beast.

Ye Xuan rushed directly into the group of expeditionary troops, and blood-red sword lights shook all around like a dense rainstorm, wherever they passed, it could be said that corpses were everywhere!

At the end of the starry sky, Fang Ye stopped suddenly, and he turned to look at where Ye Xuan was. At this moment, Ye Xuan was chasing his expeditionary army like crazy.

The speed of the expeditionary army is not as fast as Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan's sword is too sharp, every sword has a bloody head falling!

Fang Ye was about to take action, and at this moment, an old man beside him suddenly said: "General, you can't die, you must focus on the overall situation!"

Fang Ye stared at Ye Xuan, killing intent in his eyes as the essence.

The old man said solemnly: "General, this person...This person is invincible. Please also take the overall situation first!"

Fang Ye looked at Ye who was mad in the distance

Xuan, "Ye Xuan, my Xuanhuang big world remembers you!"

In the distance, Ye Xuan suddenly raised his head to look at Fang Ye, his face grim, "I want to kill!"

Fang Ye glanced at Ye Xuan coldly, then turned and left.

And behind him, screams kept ringing!


After the bloodline was activated, Ye Xuan's combat power could be said to have been improved by several grades. In addition, he was holding the Tianzhu sword in his hand. Therefore, almost no one could stop him wherever he went!

In addition, the powerhouses of the Kingdom of God are also taking action, so within a while, the expeditionary army was killed completely!

All be beheaded!

However, the few people headed by Fang Ye and had escaped!

In the starry sky, Ye Xuan stood quietly, his whole body, an extremely powerful aura constantly oscillated towards the surroundings.

The power of blood!

Ye Xuan closed his eyes, his right hand tightly held the sword in his hand, the sword trembling.


He is suppressing the power of blood in the body!

In fact, after this bloodline power was activated, he never completely released its power!

I dare not release it completely!

Because he knows that if he continues to release, he may lose himself.

The power of this bloodline is really terrifying!

About half an hour later, Ye Xuan opened his eyes. At this time, he had returned to normal.

After recovering, Ye Xuan turned and walked to An Lanxiu, spreading his right hand, and a white jade bottle appeared in front of An Lanxiu.

An Lanxiu did not refuse, opened the jade bottle and swallowed two thumb-sized pills!

As soon as the pill entered the body, An Lanxiu's injuries began to recover at an extremely fast speed.

A flash of surprise flashed in An Lanxiu's eyes, and she looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was also a little shocked, he didn't expect the effect of this pill to be so good!

This is a good thing!

At this time, Shangguan Xian'er and others came to Ye Xuan's side, and Shangguan Xian'er gave Ye Xuan a slight salute, "Ye City Lord, where is your Majesty?"

At this time, when Shen Guo and the others looked at Ye Xuan, there was more respect in their eyes than before!

Ye Xuan glanced around, "Little Qi hasn't come back yet?"

Shangguan Xian'er's face sank, "Didn't Your Majesty be with you?"

Ye Xuan looked into the depths of the starry sky. After he was silent for a moment, then he said: "Something is abnormal, let me see!"

When the sound fell, he directly turned into a sword light and disappeared at the far end.

Shangguan Xian'er and other powerful people in the kingdom of God also quickly followed.

An hour later, Ye Xuan came to where he was separated from Xiao Qi.

At this moment, the space of this place has become pitch black!

The space within a radius of nearly one hundred thousand feet has been destroyed!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan's face sank, did Xiao Qi have an accident?

The complexions of those strong in the kingdom of God who came with Ye Xuan also sank!

At this moment, a sword suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Xiao Qi's sword!

Ye Xuan grabbed Xiao Qi's sword, the sword trembling slightly, as if saying something.

Ye Xuan quickly said, "Little Linger, what is it talking about?"

Xiao Ling'er appeared beside Ye Xuan. She glanced at the sword. After a while, she looked at Ye Xuan, "It said, that little girl wants you to be the lord of the kingdom of God temporarily!"

Temporary as the Lord of the Kingdom of God!

Upon hearing this, Shen Guo and others in the field were stunned.

Temporarily acting as the Lord of the Kingdom of God?

At this time, Shangguan Xian'er grabbed Xiao Qi's sword, "Where is Your Majesty?"

The sword trembled slightly.

Shangguan Xian'er turned to look at Xiao Ling'er, Xiao Ling'er blinked, and then said: "Something happened!"

Shangguan Xian'er asked again, "What happened?"

The sword swayed from side to side.

Xiao Linger said: "It doesn't know, it just happened.

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