One Sword Reigns Supreme

The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 665: Let her come out!

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Sitting on the ground, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, two strands of sword light flashed.At the same time, he exudes a gloomy air!


Above the source realm is the overcast realm, and above the overcast realm is the supreme realm!

After reaching the Yin Realm, his own divine consciousness and spiritual power, as well as the power of divine soul, suddenly became a lot stronger!

It can be said that he has no shortage of treasures and his body is strong enough, but his realm is weak!

Of course, after he has cultivated in adversity, it is also very beneficial.

He imagined that when he reached the imperial realm, his strength was absolutely far away from the imperial realm powerhouse.

Although he can kill the strong in the Emperor Realm with his current strength, he still needs to use some foreign objects, and because the realm is not enough, his spirit and spiritual power are still somewhat weak.

Ye Xuan stood up, took a deep breath, and walked out of the hall.

At the entrance of the hall, Shangguan Xian'er had been waiting for a long time.

Ye Xuan looked at Shangguan Xian'er, and Shangguan Xian'er whispered, "Did you break through?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Shangguan Xian'er smiled slightly, "Congratulations."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "But something?"

Shangguan Xian'er nodded, "We have investigated the origin of the female assassin you asked Tianjizong to find!"

Ye Xuan asked, "Who?"

Shangguan Xian'er said solemnly: "The opponent is from the Xuanhuang World, but they are not the same as the North Realm King!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "You mean, there are many factions in the Xuanhuang Great World?"

Shangguan Xian'er nodded, "Yes. But we still don't know which faction it is. However, our people have already gone to investigate, and there should be news soon. As for the female killer, she should be from Xuanhuang. A killer organization called'Tianmen' in the big world."


Ye Xuan asked, "Is it a killer organization?"

Shangguan Xian'er nodded, "A very powerful organization, just like our secret guards. The people in their Tianmen are extremely good at assassinations. If I'm right, they should be eyeing you! Not only that, but we also After receiving the news, everyone in the Xuanhuang Great World should now know that you have the five-dimensional treasure, so..."

Speaking of this, she glanced at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "So, many people will come to me in the future, right?"

Shangguan Xian'er nodded.

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled.

Shangguan Xian'er said solemnly: "Aren't you afraid?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, I was a little panicked."

Speaking of this, his palm was spread out, and the prison tower appeared in his palm.

Looking at the jail tower in his hand, Ye Xuan whispered: "Man, because of you, I'm afraid I won't be at peace for the rest of my life! Can you make up for me!"

The prison tower trembled, seeming to be responding.

At this time, Xiao Linger suddenly said: "It said, let you take it back, it will compensate you!"

go back!

Ye Xuan's eyes twitched slightly, this guy wanted to return to the five-dimensional universe!

Ye Xuan hesitated, and then said, "Brother Ta, do you have any helpers to call? For example, the strong from the five dimensions, you call two!"

The prison tower suddenly jumped, a little excited.

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "Little Linger, what is it talking about?"

Xiao Linger said: "It asked you to call that sister in a plain skirt!"

Women in plain skirts!

Ye Xuan's expression froze.

This guy is actually thinking of a woman in a plain skirt!

Don't say, he really misses the woman in the plain skirt a bit now.

He has agreed with the other party, and see you in the cloud tomorrow!

And now, I don't know what happened to the other party.

Ye Xuan put away the small tower, then looked at Shangguan Xian'er, "For the Xuanhuang big world, those inside the kingdom of God

What is the attitude of power?"

Shangguan Xian'er said solemnly: "What do you want to say?"

Ye Xuan said, "You know what I mean!"

Shangguan Xian'er said: "Don't worry, they won't have any different intentions, at least until we die, they won't have any different intentions."

Ye Xuan nodded, "That's good!"

At this moment, a man in black suddenly appeared behind Shangguan Xian'er, and the man in black gave a slight salute, "Shangguan Guoji, they are here!"

They are coming!

Shangguan Xian'er narrowed her eyes, "So fast?"

The man in black nodded slightly, "Tomorrow will come to our chaotic universe."

Shangguan Xian'er looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan asked, "How many people are they here?"

The man in black said solemnly: "It's less than a hundred, I don't know if there is any secretly!"

Only one hundred!

Ye Xuan and Shangguan Xian'er were silent.

Needless to say, these hundred people are definitely not ordinary people.

At this time, Shangguan Xian'er said: "You order!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Wait for them outside the chaotic universe!"

Shangguan Xian'er looked at Ye Xuan, "Okay!"

She understood what Ye Xuan meant. Ye Xuan obviously didn't want to put the battlefield in the Chaos Universe.

The Chaos Universe absolutely cannot withstand the battle of that kind of super power!

Ye Xuandao: "Gather everyone."

Shangguan Xian'er spread out her palm, and a sword flew out. After a while, a golden dragon suddenly flew from the sky.

Ye Xuan and Shangguan Xian'er came to the golden dragon and came to the dragon's back. At this time, several figures appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

The people who came were those strong like that Zhou Yafu, Munanzhi, and the Kingdom of God!

These powerful people in the kingdom of God are all the strongest people in the kingdom of God.

Among them, Yan Dao, Zhenguan Dao and Shenguo Martial Arts are all here!

In addition, several Nebula ships also appeared in the sky.

Those who came were all the elite soldiers from the Kingdom of God!

This time, it can be said to be the best!

Ye Xuan looked at Mu Nanzhi and Zhou Yafu, "You can leave!"

Mu Nanzhi smiled and said: "We were born in the chaotic universe, and now the chaotic universe is in danger of extinction, how can we stand by and watch?"

Zhou Yafu nodded, "If people from the Xuanhuang Great World come to our chaotic universe, this world will wipe out lives."

Ye Xuan's heart is quite complicated.

Someone once told him that in many cases, the stronger the person, the more selfish they might be.

Facts have proved that there is no absolute in everything!

At this time, Heavenly Dao also appeared not far in front of Ye Xuan. She glanced at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan looked at the soldiers of the Kingdom of God in the distance, "Do you know what it means to go here?"

All the soldiers of the Kingdom of God looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Now, either they die or we die! We have no retreat, nor can we retreat until we die!

"Until you die!"

In the field, the soldiers of the gods roared together.


Ye Xuan smiled slightly and had to say, these soldiers of the Kingdom of God are really good!

Very bloody!

And now, they will also usher in the strongest enemy of their life!

The strong from the Xuanhuang world!

Ye Xuan retracted his thoughts and stomped lightly with his right foot, "Go!"

When the voice fell, the golden dragon under his feet suddenly uttered a dragon chant and was about to fly away. At this moment, a man and two women suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

The people here are An Lanxiu, Lian Wanli and Moxie!

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I originally wanted to inform you!"

Lian Wanli said quietly, "Really?"

Ye Xuan was about to speak when another woman appeared in front of him.

The person here is Zhao Mu!


Not far behind Zhao Mu, the southern military master is also there!

The southern martial artist looked at Ye Xuan and smiled, "Do your best!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Go!"

The sound fell, and the dragon soared towards the sky. After a while, the golden dragon disappeared at the far end of the starry sky.

The entire chaotic universe is out!


In the depths of the starry sky, Ye Xuan stood quietly on the head of the golden dragon, and beside him was Shangguan Xian'er.

At this time, a man in black appeared next to Ye Xuan, and the man in black gave Ye Xuan a slight salute, "God Lord, the person who came this time is the Marshal Lian Xiaotian of the Kingdom of God! This person's strength is unknown, and The one hundred people he brought should be the one hundred group in the north."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "A Hundred People Group?"

The black-clothed man nodded, "This regiment is one of the three largest regiments in the Northern Territory. There are no more than a hundred in this regiment, but they are all elites among the elite. Moreover, the techniques they practice and the treasures they use are the same. People call them "Hundred People Enemy", which means that a hundred people are invincible!"

A hundred people are invincible!

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "How strong are these hundred people?"

The man in black shook his head, "I don't know."

Ye Xuan said, "How far is it from us!"

The black man said: "Half-day journey."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Explore again."

The man in black withdrew quietly.

On the giant dragon, Ye Xuan slowly closed his eyes.

Shangguan Xian'er glanced at Ye Xuan and didn't bother.

After a long time, Ye Xuan opened his eyes and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, he realized that although the power of the position of God Lord prevailed, the pressure was huge!

Because behind him, there are countless soldiers and people of the Kingdom of God.

Once defeated, these people will die!

War is cruel, and people in the Xuanhuang World will not be kind to the Chaos Universe.

Ye Xuan looked at the Tianzhu sword in his hand, "This time, it may be our last battle."

Tianzhujian trembled slightly and responded.

Ye Xuan grinned, and then he took out the prison tower, "Brother Ta, I know that even if I die, you will not die. If I die, can you avenge me in the future?"

The prison tower trembled slightly.

Xiao Linger said: "It said that if you die, it will go to the Xuanhuang World to open all the seals."

Open all the seals!

Ye Xuan froze, and then said: "Can it unlock all the seals?"

After a moment of silence, Xiao Linger said: "It doesn't speak anymore!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

Needless to say, this prison tower will definitely be able to open those seals, but it will definitely not do it.

Because those detained existences must have a lot of grievances against it. With its current situation, opening the eighth and ninth levels is very likely to be a death!

Ye Xuan retracted his thoughts, looked at the tower in his hand, and smiled: "Anyway, you have to remember, if I die, you must avenge me. Haha..."

The dragon speeds up.

After half a day.

Ye Xuan and others met Lian Xiaotian and others from the Xuanhuang World.

When the Dapeng at Lian Xiaotian's feet saw the golden dragon at Ye Xuan's feet, it suddenly became excited, and its gaze wanted to choose people.

The golden dragon was a little uneasy.

Lian Xiaotian looked at Ye Xuan, "I heard that there is a bit skirt sword repair behind you, let her come out?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don't know where she is!"

Lian Xiaotian groaned slightly, and then said: "Shen Ji, find her."

His voice fell. Behind him, an old man walked out. With a wave of his right hand, a huge altar appeared in front of him. He looked at Ye Xuan, "Give me one of her objects, or her portrait, I will take it for you. You look for her!"

Ye Xuan: "......"

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