One Sword Reigns Supreme

The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 680: Wu Anning!

Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Yan Dao's face suddenly sank when he heard the man's words.

He didn't expect these people to come to trouble Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan!

Yan Dao's expression became more and more gloomy, he knew Ye Xuan's temper was definitely more irritable than Xiao Qi!Moreover, once you get up hard, you can definitely do anything.

In the distance, Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled. He didn't expect that these people would really come to him, and they would come to kill him!

At this time, there have been many powerful people in the kingdom of God.

The dark guards and the members of the Divine Martial Army have gathered behind Ye Xuan.

In front of Ye Xuan, the man coldly glanced at Yan Dao and the Shenwu Army and the others, "I am all the Martial God Lord's pro-appointed Zhu Dao Army, how dare you make a mistake in front of me!"

Zhu Dao Army!

Hearing this, the faces of everyone in the field suddenly changed!

This army can be said to be the most mysterious and powerful army in the Kingdom of God!

Most importantly, this is an army created by Wu Anning, the founder of the Kingdom of God!

At this time, Shangguan Xian'er walked to Ye Xuan's side, and she whispered: "Zhudao Army has three major privileges. First: you don't need to kneel when you see the descendants of the god master; second, you are not restrained by anyone except the god master; Three: If the descendants of the gods are not benevolent, the Daoists can come forward and punish them!

Three privileges!

Ye Xuan whispered: "The power that the god of war gives them is not so big!"

Shangguan Xian'er nodded, "The power is great!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "They are against me now, what do you think I should do?"

Hearing that, Shangguan Xian'er's face changed slightly, she knew that the Yeshen in front of her had taken the initiative to kill!

Shangguan Xian'er lowered her head slightly, "You must have a reasonable reason...I know you don't care about this, but the Kingdom of God cares! Even if you want to kill them, you must have a reason for everyone in the world to convince! People with extremely special identities must not kill them. Otherwise, everyone in the kingdom of God will be at risk, and even cause panic within the kingdom of God."

After that, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Violence cannot solve all problems, and it will even cause more problems in the kingdom of God!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Okay! Then I will reason with them first. I am still very reasonable! Let the order go on and let hundreds of officials come here."

Shangguan Xian'er glanced at Ye Xuan, then quietly retreated.

In a short while, all the officials of the Kingdom of God came to the court.

These people were very happy when they learned that the Zhu Dao Army appeared, because the most lacking in the Kingdom of God is the strong.However, when they learned that these Zhu Dao troops were coming to trouble Ye Xuan, these people's hearts suddenly sank!

Does the Kingdom of God want civil strife?

Many ministers of the Kingdom of God are very worried.

Seeing the presence of Baiguan, Ye Xuan looked at the man headed by the Zhu Dao Army and smiled: "You are here today to kill me?"

The man looked at Ye Xuan, "If you kill my punisher, what qualifications do you have to be a god?"

Ye Xuan smiled, and then looked at the very prestigious look not far away in the kingdom of God, "Old Wen, do you think I come from the position of God Lord?"

Everyone looked at the old man.

The strength of the old man is not strong, but his prestige in God's country is very high, and the students are all over the world. It can be said that he can represent all literati.

The old man was silent for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty's position is passed on by Xiao Qi. The position you get is naturally right."

He knew very well that if he questioned Ye Xuan at this time, then the kingdom of God would instantly fall apart!

Now it is the kingdom of God who lacks a super power, not the kingdom of Ye Xuanque!

Without Ye Xuan, the Kingdom of God would fall apart instantly, but if Ye Xuan did not have the Kingdom of God, he would not

how about it!It might be a lot easier!

The Kingdom of God cannot live without Ye Xuan!

The most important thing is that Ye Xuan's divine master is Xiaoqi's pro-biography, which is justified!

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Old Wen, then tell me, can I, the god master, mobilize the Zhu Dao army!"

Lao Wen gave a slight salute, "Naturally! Your Majesty, as the god master, has the right to mobilize any army in the kingdom of God! Although the Zhudao army is special, it is also under the god master, not beyond the god master, and is not qualified to question the god master. Of course, if the god master is inhumane , The Zhu Dao Army naturally has the right to dismiss the God Lord with the Congress. But...

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "His Majesty has not done anything unkind since he was enthroned. On the contrary, he has conquered the vast universe and opened up territory for my kingdom of God. Who dares to question his status, I am the first Oppose."

"I'm against it too!"

At this moment, Baiguan behind Wen Lao suddenly said in unison.

Among these hundreds of officials, many are aristocratic powers. Since Ye Xuan has gained the most benefits since he conquered the vast universe, these aristocratic powers have absorbed too many talents from the vast universe, and even though the vast universe has aura It has been thin, but it has been long enough for them to develop.

The most important thing is Ye Xuan's strength. The people of the Daoist Army may not be particularly clear about Ye Xuan's strength, but they do!

Now Ye Xuan is the strongest person in the Chaos Universe!

If there is no Ye Xuan, what zone will Chaos Universe use against the Xuanhuang Great World?

It can be said that, unconsciously, everyone's interests have been tied to Ye Xuan!

Without Ye Xuan, Xuanhuang Great World called, everyone was over!

Seeing everyone in the field supporting Ye Xuan, the face of the man headed by the Dao Dao Army suddenly became difficult to look.

Ye Xuan looked at the man and said with a smile: "You said I would kill you..."

After that, he looked at Shangguan Xian'er, "Shangguan girl, tell me why I want to kill!"

Shangguan Xian'er said: "Yan despise Your Majesty, speak disrespectful words, and take the initiative."

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then looked at Lao Wen, "Lao Wen, Zhu Daojun is special, but can you be disrespectful to the Lord?"

Old Wen's expression was gloomy, "They are special, they are also citizens of the Kingdom of God, what qualifications do they have to be disrespectful to the Lord?"

As he said, he looked at those Zhu Dao army, "Er Deng has forgotten the original intention? E Deng's duty is to guard our kingdom of God, not to surpass the kingdom of God."

The man's face was quite stubborn, "Guarding the kingdom of God? This kind of person is the master of the gods, and this country is not worth it!"

Upon hearing this, the old man was furious, "Laughter! Where is the guard!"

Old Wen's voice fell, and the guards in the field suddenly surrounded the dozen people!

At the same time, the Shenwu Army was also dispatched and surrounded the dozens of people!

The man glanced around and grinned, "You want to fight us?"

At this moment, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly disappeared. At the moment he disappeared, the man's expression changed drastically, and his fists slammed forward.

Jianguang to.


The man's hands were directly taken by Ye Xuan's sword, and at the same time, Ye Xuan's sword was directly pressed between the man's eyebrows.

Quiet in the field!

Ye Xuan looked at the man, "If I were not the god of the kingdom of God, and if I didn't think about your contributions back then, and I was so arrogant in front of me, I would have defeated all of you with a single sword!"

As he said, he glanced at the man behind and waiting for others, "What is your duty? It is to guard the kingdom of God! And are you now guarding the kingdom of God?"

In front of Ye Xuan, the man was about to speak, and Ye Xuan suddenly held his sword forward.

Sword into half an inch.


Blood is overflowing!

Ye Xuan looked at the man, "Did I let you talk?"

The man grinned, "Skills can be killed, not insulted, you have the ability..."

Ye Xuan raised his hand to be a sword.


The man's head flew out instantly!

The court is quiet!

Those members of the Daoist Army looked at Ye Xuan, and their eyes were full of jealousy!


At this moment, they discovered that the strength of the newly appointed god master was so terrifying!

Ye Xuan glanced at those people, "You have two choices now, the first is to stay in the kingdom of God, and the second is to leave the kingdom of God. Of course, if you choose to leave, from this moment on, all of you have names You will be removed from the Kingdom of God, and you will no longer be members of the Kingdom of God, and you will no longer receive any special treatment."

Hearing that, the faces of those people suddenly became hard to look.

special treatment!

These people have taken the salaries of the Kingdom of God every year, and there are still a lot of them!

It can be said that their combat power is so powerful that they are completely cultivated by the kingdom of God. If there is no resource support from the kingdom of God, then people like them can only go to work.Of course, with their strength, there are people who want it everywhere, but the treatment is definitely not as good as in the kingdom of God!

Moreover, they are all members of the kingdom of God, and they are respected in the kingdom of God. If they leave, everything will be gone!

Now Ye Xuan wants them to make a choice!

Just then, a voice rang from the side, "Shoo us away?"

Ye Xuan turned and looked, and not far away, a middle-aged man walked slowly.

Beside Ye Xuan, Shangguan Xian'er said solemnly: "The Daoist Army is commanding Han Qi."

The Lord is coming!

Ye Xuan looked at Han Qi and smiled: "Didn't I give you two choices?"

Han Qi walked not far in front of Ye Xuan, he looked at Ye Xuan, "It's unclear whether your Majesty Xiaoqi has disappeared, and it's unclear whether you are the leader of the gods. We question you, what's wrong? Is there any problem? ?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Do I need your approval to be the Lord?"

As he said, his smile grew colder, "Do you need your approval?"

The sound fell, and he rushed forward, cutting down with a sword in both hands.


The space was instantly cut by him!

Seeing Ye Xuan's sword, Han Qi's eyes suddenly narrowed, with a solemn look in his eyes. With his palm spread out, a golden mace suddenly appeared in his hand, and he slammed forward with the golden mace in his hand.


A powerful force suddenly broke out in front of the two of them, and Han Qi instantly retreated nearly a hundred feet away, but Ye Xuan did not retreat half a step!

As soon as Han Qi stopped, the golden mace in his hand cracked!

Seeing this scene, Han Qi's face suddenly sank. This golden mace was given to him by Wu Anning, and now, it was cut to pieces by Ye Xuan's sword.

In the distance, Ye Xuan was about to do it again, Han Qi's expression changed, he suddenly held up the golden mace in both hands, "Please, God Lord."


The golden mace suddenly burst out with a golden light. The next moment, a woman appeared in the golden light...


PS: I said I'm going to be an anchor.....Someone said that I am Obi Luo?????Yep??????Whoever said this, would you dare to report the address?????

For the first time, I felt a great insult. You can scold me for being younger, you can scold me for water, and you can scold me for shame, but please don’t insult my appearance, thank you!

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