One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 18 - 60 Years (2)

[This is the detailed version of the map after the 60 year time period. (Dark red/Brown's are Towns, Grey lines are roads and the rest is obvious. borders: South of withered heath, lands between the iron hills and the lonely mountain along Mirkwood and the brown lands, north and south of the river running(Celduin), west of Carnen to the Rhun's desert and above the dark lands ]

[Insert Music: Many Meetings - Howard Shore ]

Who is a King? What does it mean to rule? Is a king someone that stands above his people and leads them to the future? These were the thoughts of Arthas as he oversaw the construction of the town in front of him. It was a Town now but it would become a great city one day. The heart of his kingdom.

He looked focused and analyzed the situation to make sure no flaws existed, yet his thoughts were somewhere else; He thought about what kind of a king he wished to be.

In his thoughts, he saw two choices: One, a kind king who would sacrifice himself and his life for his kingdom if need be; A lord of the masses, and yet he would see himself as a protector and worker for his people. Two, a supreme king who stands above the masses; All his people and his kingdom work for him and he is supreme and godly.

As he thought of this he realized that none of them was his path. He dwelled deeper into his thoughts...

A king is not just a man, he is the idol of his people; Someone exemplary that has the respect and acknowledgment of the masses due to his great character, his deeds, and qualifications. A king must stand with his people not above nor below them because he is a part of the people. Perhaps the greatest tragedy of a kingdom or better to say 'community' is a leader who is not with the people.

If the governing leaders stand above the people, the two will grow distant and will not see each other as one; This leads to great problems because the leaders will become selfish and tyrannical, They will treat the people as puppets then they will use their authority and power to do whatever they want, no care for the people that they are actually a part of, this will lead to opposition and eventually the fall of a kingdom or country. he reckoned earth had such problems... The people saw the governing bodies and the people behind them as an elite group ruling over them, the people powerless to do anything, And this caused great problems for the people; was that the fault of the leaders? Maybe. But that is a story for another time...

If the governing leaders stand below the people, either the people will grow arrogant and overthrow their leaders or another land because too much kindness is a sign of weakness. People and the leaders are a part of a body so sacrificing their lives and time for the masses is wrong as sacrificing a hand to get a glass of water; Unless in exceptional situations. Great Power lies in the balance of the two.

Arthas seemed to find his answer; A kingship of equality. He decided to stand with his people, to live his life the same as everyone, and yet use his authority to lead his people to the future. He would be the spear point, he would be the brain, part of the whole, and yet the leader above. The king gets to say the last word but he must rule with his people. The two must never be apart.

The sound of horses interrupted his internal musings as a group of men and elves on horses approached him. Bard and Eiliandir were in the front. They dismounted and after a courtesy bow stood in front of him. "My king, the Elwyn Forest is infested with bandits. It will take a long time before we can officially clear them. I hope you can join us, that way it would be much faster." Said Bard politely.

Eiliandir agreed, "What he sais is true Lord Caladcyll, I hope you will join us. Also, I have news of Lorien. Lady Galadriel and several of your friends will be coming as guests a week from now. We must finish building the Town before then.".

Arthas frowned, "The Town is being built as fast as the people can build it. Your Elves were insistent to add designing touches as they decided to live in a separate district of the town; That is why it took this long. Since the 3 weeks that we have arrived here, we have hunted for food and never had problems with water. The forest is ample with fruits and streams, herbs, and seasonings. Since we have no food problem, for now, we will be able to greet them. As for the bandits, they must be cleared before the party arrives otherwise my lady Galadriel will be disappointed... I will join you and deal with the. They either join us or they die...".

He looked at Bard, "Bard, take your people and go scout the south. Look for lands that would suit for farming purposes, leave some guards, I want men to stand guard in the town. Also, go gather the people, I need to give a speech.". Arthas then took out a few pages of paper, "Eiliandir, these are the papers I have signed. Henceforth you are my right counselor and lord of Silvermoon. I know the city doesn't exist yet but in the future, it will.".

He gave some papers to Bard as well, "You are the head commander of the army and my left counselor. Guard these papers well for they show your status.". They both nodded and bowed.

The people gathered and Arthas stood on a stage, he began his speech. "As you may now, we have no problems regarding food and water, the town will provide a roof over our heads. But this is merely the beginning if we want to become a kingdom. I want to ask you to give birth to as many children as you can, we need more population. As for the burdens of childbirth and the hardsh.i.p.s, I will use my power to ease them. No one will die because I can heal them. So go wild in this matter, I will protect you and guarantee your safety. Do you have faith in me?!"

The people were a bit dumbfounded but they cheered nonetheless and obeyed his will. Men certainly had no problems with such a matter, in fact, it was a very good deal. Women knew that raising so many children would become very hard but they loved their king so they decided to obey. In a sense. his order was essentially 'Go and Fu*k as much as you can....'.

He left with the elves and began hunting down the bandits, none could stand in their way. They found a surprising amount of tools and treasures.

Bard sent scouts to the south and to the east, they found the perfect place for Farmlands; They found pastures in the east of the river, grasslands to the south and plains to the west. He personally stayed to guard the town.

A month had passed since the day he had become king and now the first town had come into being. The population was increasing and the people were quite intimate with each other since you know...

In any case, Arthas had taken the first steps, he had introduced some basic modern ideas and made a major contribution to the speed the town was being built. As he returned in 3 days, the bandits dealt with, he saw the town and he smiled. 'A king must also act, a king with words only, and no action will be deemed a coward.'

He looked at the people behind him who were following him to the town, they used to be bandits. 'Good thing I managed to convince half the bandit groups to follow me, every person counts.'

Everything was looking up, he had many plans especially about the various experiments he had in mind. His power was much unexplored yet. for example, what would happen if he infused eagles or trees with his light? He also wanted to figure out a way to train paladins...

Life was slowly making him forget about Earth, he could finally move on with a free heart, or so he thought at least.

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