One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 39 - Journey (3): Balrog

They journeyed in, the light of Gandalf's staff illuminated the surroundings. They moved till they reached a precarious bridge above deep mine workings and began crossing it.

Gandalf said, "Quietly, now. It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence will go unnoticed.". He moved forward and the others followed him on the steep path.

They continued up a steep stair and passed through a dwarf cemetery. The graves were despoiled...dwarf skeletons were strewn about and Goblin Graffiti was scrawled on monuments in dried Dwarf blood. The Atmosphere was very sinister.

They reached a point where the path split into three passages, each disappeared into dark tunnels. Gandalf paused, frowning. "I have no memory of this place."

They waited nervously as Gandalf sat and stared intently at the 3 tunnel mouths in front of him. He appeared to be in some kind of trance. Gimli muttered more to himself but his voice reached all ears due to the silent surroundings, "Are we perhaps lost?".

Arthas who was deep in thought suddenly exclaimed, "Now I see! This way..." He moved towards the right-hand tunnel. Legolas glanced at Gimli who glared at the elf, the elf snorted humorously and followed Arthas. Gandalf pondered and nodded. "I see, he is right. Let us move..."

Gimli asked Gandalf, "Wizard, did you remember?". Gandalf shook his head, "No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down there. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose! Arthas seemed to have done that.".

The moved and reached an arched doorway, they passed under it to reach a black and empty space. Gandalf paused, "Let me risk a little more light.". He tapped his staff and a blazing light appeared for a brief moment. It came and went like a silent flash of lightning, Great shadows

sprung up and fleed...

"Behold! The great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf!" said the wizard. Arthas looked with interest and focus at the sight of a vast roof far above their heads. It was upheld by many mighty pillars hewn of stone. In front of the stretched a huge empty wall, with black walls, polished and smooth as glass.

Ahead, a wooden door that had been smashed long ago laid. Balck arrows embedded in the timbers and two goblin skeletons lay in the doorway. Gimli saw that and rushed ahead... "Gimli!!" Gandalf exclaimed.

Gimli rushed into another vast empty chamber, it was lit with a narrow ray of sunlight that beamed in from a small hole near the roof. Dwarf and Goblin skeleton's were piled up high. In the far corner sat a stone-walled well. A shaft of light fell directly onto a stone table in the middle of the room; a single oblong block, about 4 feet high, topped with a great slab of white stone. Gimli fell to his knees...

Gimli sobbed, ", no!".

They moved in and saw the chamber but remained silent. Gandalf quietly read an inscription of runes, carved onto the white stone slab. The old wizard read out loud, "'Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.' He is dead, then. It's as I had feared.".

Arthas felt melancholy and sadness, Balin was once his companion as they journeyed to the lonely mountain. The old Dwarf was a friend and a good company. He was wise...

Arthas remembered the days... He reminisced of the past; how he first met the dwarf as Balin laughed at his sleepy face covered in ale saying 'Cheer up, lad! It's just some ale!'. Balin's interest in Frostmourne after the troll rescue... He remembered.

'Who would have thought that time we talked would perhaps be the last... time goes on and old friends will slowly leave one behind... Rest here, we may not have been close friends but you have my respect.'

As Arthas was deep in thought, Gandalf carefully lifted the rotting remains of a book from the white stone slab. It had been slashed and stabbed and appeared to be covered in Dried blood. The pages cracked and broke as they opened...

Legolas sensed something as he urgently whispered to Aragorn, "We must move on, we cannot linger.".

Gandalf read the book, "They have taken the Bridge and the second hall: we have barred the gates...but cannot hold them for long...the ground shakes...drums in the deep...we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no- one save us? They are coming.".

Gimli clenched his fists in anger. Arthas turned around to walk away, his expression quite icy. Gandalf put the book down and sighed, "We should move...". Just as they turned to leave, Gimli turned to take the book. As he took the book, he carelessly stepped on an arrow and tripped, this caused him to grasp onto the closes thing and it happened to be a skeleton.

The skeleton fell to the ground and Gimli alongside it, that was not the problem, however; The skeleton was connected to another which tumbled down into the well. They froze in stunned silence as the armored skeleton clattered down the deep well...echoing loudly!

Gimli said one thing, "Oh Sh*t...". Gandalf wanted to scold the dwarf but fell silent as a low rolling boom rose from the depths below...It grew if the caverns of Moria were turned into a vast drum. A great horn blasted nearby...Answering horns ... running feet...harsh cries...

"Orcs?!" exclaimed Legolas. Aragorn shouted, "Close the door, get back!". Aragorn, Arthas, and Boromir slammed and wedged the door. Boromir caught sight of something, he looked at Aragorn with shock in his eyes. "They have a cave troll!"

Gimli snatched two dwarf axes and leaped unto the tomb as if he had already forgotten about his previous mistake. He yelled with emotion, "Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!".

BOOM! The door burst open in a shower of wood fragments, and 20 Goblins charged into the tomb, followed by a huge cave troll! Arthas who is in the front is the first to come face to face with the enemies.

Before they could attack, however, a strange buzz echoed in the air. A loud sound similar to a thundercrack echoed in the surroundings and deep in the mines. Arthas's eyes shone a dazzling gold color as he stared at the enemies coldly. They all exploded, vanquished, their parts blown around the chamber.

All the enemies had died as soon as they had come. Arthas's companions looked on with disbelief but the sound of the drums ringing out again brought them back to themselves as they began moving. Gandalf shouted, "To the bridge of Khazad-dum!".

Gandalf led them and the rest followed him hurriedly, they rushed the way and were eventually led into the huge Dwarrowdelf Chamber. "This way!" said the wizard.

They hurried towards a distant Goblins started scuttling down the Pillars behind them, like c.o.c.kroaches! Even Arthas felt uneasy looking at their numbers wondering if he could take them all by himself...

The overwhelming Goblin army was rushing toward them that suddenly a deafening roar filled

the air! A fiery light danced down the hallway... the pillars cast eerie shadows. The Goblins froze. They backed Fearfully away from the approaching beast... that melted into the darkness.

"What is this new devilry?" Said Boromir nervously.

A HUGE SHADOW, surrounded by flame, fell across the hall..the ground unearthly sound rumbled...

Gandalf quietly said, "A Balrog..a demon of the ancient world!". he yelled urgently, "Run! Quickly!".

The BALROG, a massive creature rose from a chasm, a great 40-foot man-beast, with a mane of flames! In one hand was a a stabbing tongue of fire; in the other, a WHIP of many thongs. Aragorn led them to the top of a dizzying stairway...Gandalf followed, leaning heavily on his staff.

Arthas stopped mid-way and suddenly turned around to attack the beast, he held Frostmourne in one hand and his other hand used the wall to pull away and get momentum. He dashed at the Balrog, the beast used its blade to slice Arthas who nimbly dodged.

Arthas jumped and was soon upon the beast and he slashed with Frostmourne on the beast's chest. He simultaneously shouted, "Legolas stay back and aim for the eyes! The rest of you escape!".

The Balrog roared in pain, it brought its hand down to crush Arthas who easily jumped back. An arrow flew past the beast's head as the Balrog evaded it. The Balrog tried to stomp on Arthas but the latter's fist was engulfed in golden light as he punched the beast's foot above and made it stumble backward.

Aragorn and Boromir showed hesitation, Gimli dashed toward the beast as he said, "If the elf is fighting how can I flee?". The human duo gathered their resolve and joined the battle after seeing the dwarf, they all wanted to escape but seeing Arthas inflict a wound on the demon and hold it back gave them some confidence...

Gandalf looked on with worry as he felt something was wrong... He felt something...

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