One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 41 - Journey (5): Dragons?

At the edge of Lothlorien, near the time of dusk, They walked across a forest floor strewn with yellow flowers... above was a roof of golden leaves, held up by silver pillars... the trunks of huge, grey trees. Gimli looked nervously around as Arthas walked forward calmly.

Gimli said with a nervous tone, "Stay close, they say a Sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell...". Arthas frowned and decided to scare Gimli.

A voice was heard in Gimli's head, 'Gimli, you will die in 10, 9, 8, ...'. The little Dwarf grew pale in fear and brandished his ax. He looked around, scanning for any possible threats with vigilance...

The rest looked at Gimli in confusion since no threat was visible... Arthas smirked as he splashed some water he was carrying in the dwarf's face as he reached 0. He had learned a few tricks like these...

Gimli screamed in fright as he suddenly got wet, he sighed in relief when he saw it was only water. He turned to look at the smiling Arthas and gulped, Arthas turned around and walked ahead. The rest followed him chuckling, Legolas snorted as he passed the Dwarf with a friendly smile, Gimli grew very annoyed but he did not voice it.

Arthas heard a familiar voice whispering to him as he walked, 'Welcome, Caladcyll... Great Darkness is coming...'. As if on cue, Legolas stopped and pointed at the sky, "What is that?! Is it a bird?!".

Arthas looked up and saw a few shadows in the clouds, flying as if they were birds but when he focused more, he realized something. They were too big! if they were in such a high altitude to reach clouds, they shouldn't have been visible...

"Those are... Dragons?!" Legolas exclaimed in disbelief. "What are they doing this far south? The home of these drakes is in the far north!"

The flying shadows ignored them and continued flying south... they flew far high in the sky, unreachable, and they numbered in the dozens...

Arthas frowned deeply, Gimli said with terror, "Are they joining Mordor?!". Aragorn was grim, "How did Sauron do this?". Boromir said with slight despair, "It is as if all the darkness in middle-earth is gathering at Mordor, first Balrogs and now Dragons... How can we win?".

Arthas sighed as he continued walking, "If all the darkness is gathering there, all the light is gathering to face it. Don't give in to despair before the battle has even begun...".

Arthas was interrupted as elves surrounded them, their deadly arrows pointed at the heads. Arthas had noticed them beforehand but he hadn't said anything.

One of the elves saw Arthas and he seemed to recognize him, "Lower your bows, he is Caladcyll!". The other elves complied and stepped back, the same elf stepped forward and bowed in respect. Arthas did the same and he said with a smile, "Haldir, it's been a while...". Haldir smiled.

Aragorn stepped forth, "Haldir of Lorien, we come here for your help. We need protection for the night and we need to speak with lady Galadriel.". Haldir nodded, "Caladcyll and his companions are always welcome to Lorien.".

Gimli suddenly said in a whisper to Arthas, "Arthas! These woods are perilous. We should go back.".

Haldir seemed to have heard the Dwarf, "You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back.".

Arthas chuckled, "Relax Gimli, we are fine.". Haldir gestured toward Arthas as he stepped forth, "Come, the lady awaits you.". Gimli did not seem to relax...

Haldir led them onto a Hill Top. They looked with wonder at the vista spread before them except Arthas who seemed to be in thought despite his calm smile.

Several miles towards the South, a Large Hill rose out of the woods. Upon the hill rose many mighty Mallorn Trees, taller than any others...Nestled high in the crown of the Mallorns was a Beautiful City. It Gleamed in the low rays of the late afternoon sun... green, gold, and silver. To the east of Caras Galadhon, the Woods of Lorien ran down the pale gleam of Anduin, the great river. Beyond the River, the land appeared flat and empty, formless and vague, until far away, it rose again like a dark and dreary wall. The Sun that lied on Lothlorien did not have the power to enlighten the shadows that lied beyond.

Caras Galadhon at night, they arrived at Celeborn's chamber. They stepped onto a wide fleet filled with a soft light. The walls were green and silver, the roof gold and in its midst was the trunk of the might Mallorn tree, now tapering toward its crown. Celeborn stepped forward to greet the guests. His hair was long and silver, his face grave and beautiful, with no sign of age upon it. Next to him stood Galadriel, the Lady of the Elves. She had hair of deep gold and timeless, unsurpassed beauty.

Celeborn looked at Arthas and nodded, "King Menethil, Welcome." He looked at Aragorn and continued, "Five there are, yet six there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him.".

Galadriel looked at Aragorn and said, "...he has fallen into shadow. The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Perhaps Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all...". She looked at Arthas toward the end and smiled, "Yet hope remains while the company is true.".

She looked at the others, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace.".

Celeborn sighed as he departed, the rest of them were guided away by the elves. Arthas remained with Galadriel. Arthas smiled, "So... Will Lorien join the war?".

Galadriel replied calmly, "We have no choice, this is a war for all...". Arthas's mood seemed to fall, "They have Balrogs and Dragons... Sauron has the ring...".

Galadriel smiled and looked at the sky, "The enemy may seem unbeatable, however, do not underestimate the power of light. It vanquishes all darkness...".

Arthas seemed unsure, "What if darkness devours all the light?". Galadriel replied matter of factly, "Can the darkness in the night stop the light of the morning? When one is at their darkest time; when no light can be seen; when even the stars don't shine. A cloudy night filled with despair, no hope in sight. That is when the dawn breaks and the sun rises, vanquishing all Darkness. Patience and the will to endure the darkness in one's life is the only way to survive till the dawn... For darkness comes and darkness goes in a cycle like day and night, in the end only the power of will can get one through it all."

She looked at Arthas and said kindly, "My student, light bearer, in this war, you are the sun. Bring the light of hope for you must not falter, the fate of the world lies on your shoulders...". She stood up and left.

Arthas was left alone, he felt a heavy burden on his shoulders. He felt as if a boulder was strapped to his shoulder making him feel heavy pressure, his heart felt as if it was too heavy in his chest, and yet he remained calm for he was a king. "A king must be able to carry the weight of the world on his back and remain strong," he muttered to himself and left.

He found his companions, They were in a pavilion set among the trees near the fountain. They lied on soft couches as Elves left food and wine for them. Mournful singing drifted down from the trees above. "A lament for Gandalf..." said Legolas sadly.

Boromir sat alone, Aragorn approached him, "Take some rest..these borders are well protected.".

Moonlight caught the trace of tears on Boromir's face. Aragorn kneeled down beside him. "I will find no rest here. I heard her voice inside my head...she spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor, and she said to me: 'Even now, there is hope left.' But I cannot see is long since we had any hope. Dragons and Balrogs... What can we do?"

Boromir looked at Aragorn in despair. "My father is a noble man, but his rule is failing and our..our people lose faith. He looks to me to make things right...and I would do it, I would see the glory of Gondor restored. Have you ever seen it, Aragorn? The White Tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver, its banners caught high in the morning breeze...have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?"

Aragorn replied and he seemed to reminisce with many emotions, "I have seen the white city... long ago.". Boromir felt Aragorn's love for Minas Tirith and took heart, "One day our paths will lead us there, and the tower guards shall take up the call 'the Lords of Gondor have returned.'".

Aragorn returned Boromir's smile... betraying his disquiet sadness only when Boromir looked away. 'If only we could win this war... But it matters not for I will fight with all I have even if there is no hope...'

Arthas suddenly called them, "Everyone come here!". They approached him and waited, he sighed. "I need you all to go to Rohan and continue the Quest without me... Leave Isengard to me. Aragorn, I have faith in you."

They grew shocked, Boromir asked with great confusion, "Why? How can you face Isengard alone?". Arthas replied with confidence, "You have seen my power... as for why? Because the enemy is gathering Dragons and Balrogs, we must bring out our own trump cards...".

Aragorn nodded, "If you think its the right thing to do, I believe in you judgment.". Legolas and Gimli nodded, Boromir seemed the one with the most doubt but he sighed in the end, "I...".

Arthas interrupted him, "Did you not wish for hope? Let me bring it to you! I must do this alone for that is my path... Farewell and take care. I leave Rohan to you...". He said and departed without waiting for their replies and reactions, he seemed very decisive.

He passed a letter he had written to an elf and said, "Take this to Ysildea in Stormwind.". The elf was part of his spy network! She nodded and left hurriedly.

He thought, 'The plan changes now since he is bringing dragons in it, then I have to visit the sunken continent of Beleriand... Sauron you began this... Saruman I wonder what your expression will be when you see me ride it as I destroy your army and complete my plan to escape the Void Lord...'. He left with a determined expression.

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