One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 43 - Interlude (4)

[Insert: Quiet Moon - Colossal Trailer Music]

[If you have no idea how the Valar look like, check this: ]

Within Valinor, on the great mountain of the world sat Manwe. His vision extended across the Great Sea as far as Middle-earth. He who was the lord of Gods and Elves and Men, he who wielded power greater than any other, felt something as he opened his eyes and gazed across the waters.

Above the skies and across the stars stood Varda who looked at Arthas on his Dragon with worry. Even she could not stop the waves of his power from being felt all across the world. She couldn't help but feel worried as even she had not felt such power from Arthas before. Despite her wisdom, she knew not the answers as to the darkness in the blade but something within her knew that great conflict was at hand.

All the great spirits whether the Maia, The Valar, or else felt it. The spike that shook the world as the greatest dragon rose again. The Sea froze as the sky turned dark, Ancalagon had risen again.

Clouds gathered above Valinor as snow began to fall, Manwe summoned all the Valar and Maia.

The Land of Aman was far away at the west of Middle-earth, across the great ocean Belegaer. It was a blessed realm and the home to the Valar. In this land gathered all the forces as they were summoned by Manwe.

Sat on Thrones in the grandest of halls in Valinor the Valar, stood in front of them all the Maia and great figures of elves who had come to Valinor whether in life or death.

Lords of the Valar were:

Manwë Súlimo the King of the Winds, and the King of the Valar, and husband of Varda.

Ulmo the Sea King, and the Lord of Water.

Aulë the Smith, and the Lord of Earth and all that's underneath.

Oromë Aldaron the Huntsman, the Lord of Forests, and the Great Rider.

Námo (Mandos) the Doomsman, and the Judge of the Dead.

Irmo (Lórien) the Lord and Master of Dreams, Visions, and Desires, and Creator of the Oloré Mallé, or Path of Dreams.

Tulkas Astaldo the Wrestler, the Champion of Valinor, and last of the Valar to come to Arda.

Varda Elentári the Star Queen, and the Queen of the Valar.

Yavanna Kementári the Fruit-Giver, and the Lady of Earth.

Nienna the Weeper, and the Lady of Mercy.

Estë the Gentle, Lady of Healing, and Rest.

Vairë the Weaver.

Vána the Ever-young.

Nessa the Dancer.

The Aratar, High Ones of Arda, greatest of the Valar were: Manwë, Varda, Ulmo, Yavanna, Aulë, Mandos, Nienna, and Oromë. Melkor used to be the greatest of them all before his fall.

Men often referred to them as gods and worshiped them.

Manwe said calmly, "The Darkness in Arda grows day by day, the source somehow escapes me. I tried to find it many times and yet, it always remains hidden...".

Varda remained silent as she was the one to conceal it...

The others in the halls trembled slightly as the thought of Ancalagon was quite a frightening one but even more terrifying was the thought of someone capable of raising it with necromancy.

Aule came forth, in his hand a strange device that seemed like a shining orb engulfed in ethereal vines. "I created a tool to peer into time itself, it took me a very long time and it is still not finished, one of the greatest of my creations it shall be when it is. However, we may be able to use it to gather clues..."

Aule hesitated before he continued, "To make it work It would need the power of Irmo. It might give us a vision of the future and let us prepare...".

Manwe looked at Irmo, "This new Threat is quite serious, we might have to deal with it ourselves as this dark lord seems to have power on par with us. Irmo...".

The others in the majestic hall grew nervous, the last time such a war happened, Beleriand was destroyed and many died...

Irmo took the orb from Aule and placed it before him. He silently used his power to peer into time itself with the help of the orb. It shone in ethereal rainbow colors. A moment passed and Irmo opened his eyes, his face unsure...

Tulkas said in a hurried tone, "What vision did you see?!". Irmo said in a grim tone, his eyes shining with the light of dreams, "Dagor Dagorath." the words escaped from him and silenced the surroundings in shock.

Varda felt disbelief and worry, 'Could that sword be... Arthas is in terrible Danger, that Sword is...'.


Frodo and his Hobbit friends stood on the top of Minas Tirith. In front of them, as far as the eye could see, armies were visible. Elves, men, dwarfs, and even Hobbits! All had united to face the darkness visible.

Frodo had marched here with the elves of Rivendell. His uncle Bilbo stood beside him watching the spectacle. Clouds had hidden Mordor, the only things visible were darkness and ash and sometimes Lava sprouting out of mount doom. The eye of Sauron was no more because Sauron had the ring.

Shadows roamed the black clouds, Dragons they were. Everyone was nervous and afraid. The enemy had Demons called Balrogs. A great army of orcs and creatures of Darkness.

"This may be the greatest war and maybe the last one as well. Frodo you must be strong and carry the ring to mount doom after Sauron's fall." Bilbo said and his tone turned slightly cheerful, "Don't forget to take my sword with you...".

Frodo smiled despite the grim scenery, "I won't... How many times have you said that?!".

Gandalf watched the two argue and sighed. He wore white robes and gave a different aura, he seemed more powerful. He had dealt with Isengard with the help of the ents, the two hobbits, and Rohan's army. Unfortunately, Saruman had escaped and He had to come here with Galadriel. He chose to deal with Saruman later...

He turned to look at Aragorn, "Are you sure Arthas will come in time? We had to deal with Isengard ourselves since he was missing. Thankfully the ents helped us... The forces of Lordaeron won't fight without their king...".

The Lords of Lordaeron had all come with Ysildea and most of the army. Mordor had withdrawn his army back. Sauron was going to strike in one great battle and conquer the world swiftly; he was to begin with Gondor...

Gandalf nodded and looked back at Mordor and the dragons, 'I hope he brings something to deal with those otherwise we are doomed...'.

Gandalf had been sent back to Middle-Earth by Lady Varda to help them end the war. Even Thorin and Thranduil and all the kings had come to Minas Tirith...

The air was calm and peaceful, just like the weather before a great storm...

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