One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 9 - A Paladin's Journey (3): Sauron

Frostmourne absorbed the dragon soul, he felt an unimaginably intense feeling of power and control. He felt like he could take over the world. The sword was engulfed in blinding blue light as the dragon soul was devoured.

Arthas felt his heart grow cold, his emotions weakening. He managed to barely suppress the effects with the holy light in him. He frowned as he looked at Frostmourne, 'It truly is corrupting even without Ner'Zhul in it.'. "I can still manage, If I completely unlock my power(remaining 20%) I will be able to safely wield it."

He took a deep breath as the sword calmed down; The corpse of the Dragon beneath him. He felt a strange sensation as if he could use the power of his sword to reanimate the Dragon as his familiar. He shook his head and turned around quickly leaving, lest the temptation grew irresistible.

One of the first things Galadriel had told him was to stay away from Dark magic and Necromancy was the darkest kind. He felt grateful and fond of his teacher so he obviously took her words to heart.

He unfolded his wings and took to the skies...

Arthas Landed between the men, Tauriel could finally witness him up close. She was petrified in shock alongside the others. He radiated hoy light, his eyes shone like the stars. "Holy Light!"

Those injured around them were slowly healed in the calming light. He then looked at Tauriel and said, "Take them to a safe place, soon a battle will happen here; It is not the place of commoners.".

Tauriel took heed of his word but to her surprise, Kili ran towards the man and hugged him. "Arthas you were less shiny when we last met."

The Paladin chuckled, "I was untrained then, Kili help the elf and then join the others. A war is coming!". "Sure thing, Where are you going? We just reunited. And What war?!"

He solemnly looked at the distant lands, "I was asked a quest by my teacher, I shall fulfill it. I will join you in the war, don't worry. I can't talk much now just be careful".


Galadriel looked at the stars, Arthas was by her side, she sighed, "Soon, I will have to rescue Mithrandir. Accompany me on this quest Caladcyll, it is very dangerous.". The wind blew her hair causing the surroundings to be brightened by the light of its brilliance; Her voice as melodious as a heavenly symphony. Her beauty was so great that words would only lower its magnificence if used to describe it. She was different than the actor that had played her, the differences between were immense like the difference between heaven and earth. Perhaps she was one of the only people Arthas had encountered that looked different.

Arthas nodded, "Lady Galadriel is as bright as the stars, I doubt anything could possibly threaten you but I will always protect you, that I swear!". She smiled and walked away, a lingering whisper remained in the wind, "Don't be late..."; It was gentle, filled with trust. Her heavenly scent was one Arthas had grown accustomed to, he felt lonely as it slowly faded in the breeze.


Arthas ignored everyone as he jumped back and landed on the Eagle. The Eagle soon flew towards the unknown...

Dol Guldur

Near the gloomy castle, Galadriel and Arthas walked side by side. They soon entered the place in search of Gandalf; He was imprisoned by the rumored necromancer in the Hill of Dark Sorcery. His life in danger.

They walked around unhindered, no orc in their surroundings. It was rumored that a powerful Necromancer had taken residence in the castle and he was spreading dark magic and evil across the land. Gandalf had gone to investigate but he had not returned. Galadriel was worried about his safety so she came to see for herself. She had asked Arthas to accompany her for safety; As they say, strength in numbers.

As they climbed the stairs Arthas sniffed the repulsive smell of orcs. He knew one would be waiting for them above so he moved in front. He wanted Galadriel to have all her power in case Sauron was stronger.

The moment he reached there he saw the orc and looked at it coldly. The orc wanted to talk but he didn't give it a chance as he ran towards it and used his sword to behead it. A weak light flashed and he felt the soul enter his sword. Unlike other souls, Orcs had elven souls so they provided a great boost to his power.

Galadriel ignored him as she hurriedly helped Gandalf. The old wizard was in bad condition. A trace of worry flashed in Arthas's eyes as he lifted the old man on his back while casting a healing spell. "Flash of Light!"

Gandalf's condition got noticeable better but he was still too weak to walk by himself. He softly and weakly said, "You have changed, young one... Your power is holy and comfortable. You once said you admired the stars and now you wield their light.".

Arthas smiled, "Hang in there old man, I will get you out then scold you. Lady Galadriel is not happy.". Gandalf flinched and kept silent. Galadriel, however, was calmly walking forward while vigilantly eying the area around them.

Suddenly A very sinister voice whispered in Dol Guldur. "Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky. Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone."

Galadriel froze, she muttered: "Nine for mortal men doomed to die...". She stood protectively in front of Arthas to the latter's surprise. She backed away forcing Arthas to back away as well.

He gently lay down the old man, "My Lady, Don't be afraid. I am with you!". Galadriel still backed away as the nine ghosts with weapons approached them. Arthas was nervous inside but he was not afraid as he was not weak anymore, 'I have power so I am not helpless!'. He had grown as a character; If it was his self from before the training he would have run away long ago with a certain technique from a certain Joseph Joestar "Nigerundayo!!".

"You cannot fight the shadow. Even now you fade. lights left alone in the darkness." (the words changed as Arthas was there as well.)

Galadriel finally responded to him calmly. "Don't worry, we are not alone." The latter part directed towards the Shadow.

Elrond of Rivendell and Saruman the White appeared. "Are you in need of assistance my lady?"

"You should have stayed dead," Elrond said as he attacked the phantoms.

The battle began, Arthas stayed close to Gandalf as two phantoms attacked him. He used Frostmourn to parry, to his shock their weapons were absorbed into the sword. He felt the coldness in his heart increase exponentially. He took a deep breath and he fell back while holding his chest.

Galadriel noticed this phenomenon as she caught him before he fell to the ground. Saruman and Elrond noticed it as they stood around them protectively. Gandalf looked with wide eyes, "Darkness has returned...".

Arthas gasped as extreme coldness gripped his heart, The eyes on Frostmourne, shining a deep black. Galadriel's hand gently caressed his smooth face, "Hang on!". She panted a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Color returned to his face as he felt the coldness his heart rapidly disappear. 'I can't fight with the phantoms, not now and not in the coming wars. Frostmourn will absorb the dark souls; It already has a corrupting power amplified with such dark souls, it turns irresistible.' towards the end of his thoughts his mind was filled with slight malice. Thankfully the kiss of his teacher saved him.

He saw Sauron appear. "It has begun. The East will fall. So shall the Kingdom of Angmar rise. The time of the Elves is over. The Age of the Orc has come."

Despair filled the air as Galadriel stood up weakly. She raised her arm and her sacred light turned gloomy and dark. "You have no power here, servant of Morgoth. You are nameless, faceless, formless! Go back to the void..." She fell as she realized she couldn't overpower Sauron. She had used too much power to suppress Frostmourn.

Arthas put his arm on her back as he gently whispered, "...from whence you came!". A pair of magnificent golden wings of light appeared behind Galadriel as Arthas lent his power to her. Sauron let out a shriek of agony as he retreated and vanished over the horizon.

Saruman, Elrond, Gandalf, and the newly arrived Radagast knew at that moment, that they fu*ke... 'cough' that a new force had emerged in middle earth. Gandalf remembered the day when the young man asked him of magic. Now, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Galadriel and repelled Sauron. He couldn't be prouder. 'Sigh... How time flows as new light replaces the old, as new songs replace the forgotten melodies. Perhaps the days of a new age will soon approach.' thought Gandalf with conflicting emotions.

When Elrond had heard from Gandalf how the young man before him had praised Rivendell, he got a good impression of the young man. He even decided to write his words in a book as they left him with refreshing and amusing feelings at heart. He could not believe his eyes as to how the young man had grown to such heights.

Saruman was the most shocked as he had merely thought of Arthas as a servant. Now he felt the young man, while weaker than him, was still a worthy fellow.

Galadriel smiled as she leaned on him for support, her familiar scent and light calmed down Arthas. "Your light as pure as the light of the two trees, I remember... Caladcyll of Lothlórien." She fainted in his arms. He tightly held her. Her words didn't skip the ears of the people around as they realized the implications of her words.

Arthas stood up and looked at Elrond, "Lord Elrond, Can you carry Lady Galadriel to Lothlórien? She needs rest to recover.". Elrond nodded and took her from him. Arthas reluctantly gave her to Elrond.

He then turned around, intending to leave. Gandalf stopped him, "Where do you intend to go?". Gandalf had been healed by Artha's paladin magic earlier.

"To fulfill my promise, and ask for a favor, of course," he replied calmly. Light of understanding filled Gandalf's old eyes. "I see, I will accompany you. We have won the battle but the war is yet to be over..."

They left with Radagast for the Lonely mountain. Leaving Elrond, a sleeping Galadriel, and Saruman behind. An awkward atmosphere fell between them as they were ignored by them.

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