Thirty-Two: Luck Against Heaven

Focus on “Reading” on the broadcast, and get first-hand information about the 515 red envelopes. Students who have not snatched red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their skills this time.

Not only are the hearts of the people around complicated, but even Du Lingfei is jealous of Bai Xiaochun’s luck, as are Chen Ziang and others. The four of them have entered the top five, and every battle will be exhausted. If this time it is among the four of them After getting the bye qualification and taking a rest, he will definitely have a great advantage in the following battles.

Elder Sun glanced at Bai Xiaochun, smiled and didn’t care. As for Li Qinghou, his expression was normal.

Soon, under Bai Xiaochun’s look of watching the excitement, the four of Du Lingfei began to fight. Du Lingfei’s opponent, who shot fiercely, obviously often went out to perform some missions to kill ferocious beasts. Lifting the weight lightly is also a fear, when the shot is not only protected, but also very fast.

During the battle between the two, people around watched intently, and there were exclamations from time to time. They were frightened by the danger of the fighting between the two, but in the exclamation, there was a shrill voice that was particularly obvious, with a big voice. The momentum that leads the rhythm of the crowd.

“Ah, nice sword”

“It’s good to use Tianlong to sweep the tail, it’s not right, turn around, turn around quickly”

“Come on!” Bai Xiaochun was very involved, and even slapped his hands from time to time. He didn’t do this on purpose, but he really thought that Du Lingfei’s battle was very good. As for his mentality, he didn’t regard himself as a contestant for a long time. .

That appearance made Elder Sun cough a few times, Li Qinghou on the side was expressionless, feeling rather helpless in his heart, after all Bai Xiaochun had fulfilled his request.

Du Lingfei was fighting a powerful opponent at the moment, and had no time to be distracted. Finally, after the battle lasted for about a stick of incense, Du Lingfei tried three times to lift weights lightly, and finally won.

It’s just that most of the spiritual energy in her body has been consumed, and she got off the martial arts stage profusely sweating, and when she was about to recuperate, she heard Bai Xiaochun’s exclamation again, and thought of her hard work.

Read Section 23

It took a lot of hard work to get into the top three, but the other party got the same results as me without any effort. I felt wronged from the bottom of my heart, and wished I could beat the other party up.

Bai Xiaochun blinked, he had already realized that Du Lingfei didn’t like him, and now he felt wronged in his heart, looking at him eagerly, Du Lingfei almost couldn’t help but want to attack immediately.

Chen Ziang’s battle was relatively easy, but even so, it took half a stick of incense and some spiritual energy to win.

For Bai Xiaochun here, he also felt all kinds of jealousy and envy in his heart.

“The first three are already out, and the three of you are the favorites of the outer sect. Come forward and choose the next round of sorting. The ball with the number three in the sequence will be counted as a bye and will automatically enter the final battle.” Once, with a wave of his right hand, the pocket appeared again.

This time Chen Ziang was the first to walk over, took out a small ball, and saw that the number on it was two, he sighed from the bottom of his heart, and walked aside.

Du Lingfei took a deep breath, and was about to step forward, when suddenly his footsteps stopped, and he looked at Bai Xiaochun coldly.

“You come first” she said coldly.

Bai Xiaochun was watching the excitement at the side, and when he heard Du Lingfei’s words, he didn’t refuse, and went forward and put his right hand into his pocket. At this moment, Du Lingfei looked at Bai Xiaochun coldly, not only her here, but all the surrounding disciples looked at him one after another.

Even Elder Sun and Li Qinghou were like this.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Bai Xiaochun was a little shy, he really didn’t care how many numbers he took out, so he casually grabbed a small ball, took it out for a look, and was taken aback for a moment.

number three.

“That, you asked me to take it first.” Bai Xiaochun coughed and looked at Du Lingfei beside him.

There was a fierce look in Du Lingfei’s eyes, he clenched his fists, and stared at Bai Xiaochun fiercely, his chest heaved violently, and he felt a sigh of relief in his body.It looks like it’s about to explode.

Chen Ziang’s eyes widened, and he was stunned for a moment. He couldn’t imagine how lucky a person is, to be given another bye.

The surrounding disciples, seeing the ball in Bai Xiaochun’s hands one by one, couldn’t hold back any longer, and immediately burst into an uproar.

“He actually got another bye, his name is Bai Xiaochun, isn’t he? What kind of luck is he, to have two byes?”

“This shameless guy, he didn’t do anything, and actually entered the decisive battle”

“This kind of person can also enter the finals, damn it, if I have this kind of luck, I can too.” When the surrounding people were in an uproar, the eliminated contestants inside were even more jealous to the extreme.

Elder Sun hesitated for a moment, then looked at Li Qinghou, Li Qinghou sighed deeply in his heart, he also accepted Bai Xiaochun’s luck here.

Bai Xiaochun felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right, so he smiled awkwardly, and quickly ran to perform on the stage, standing outside the door with an embarrassed look on his face.

“Oh, I originally planned to admit defeat.” Bai Xiaochun looked at the small ball in his hand, and felt incredible.

Du Lingfei took a deep breath, and it took a long time to suppress all the pain in her heart. She gritted her silver teeth, and when she looked at Chen Ziang, she had to calm down. She had observed Chen Ziang before and knew that he was a formidable opponent.

Chen Ziang smiled bitterly, took a deep breath, and stared at Du Lingfei seriously.

The two looked at each other for a few breaths, and instantly moved together, and the sound of ping and bang echoed around for a while. This battle can be said to be the most exciting fighting technique since the competition. Chen Ziang even broke out his full strength, especially when he took out Several seeds were catalyzed on the spot to become spiritual plants with offensive power. The way of using plants and trees caught Bai Xiaochun’s eyes.

On Du Lingfei’s side, he controlled the flying swords whizzing past with ease, and even after a long battle, he took out a wooden sword again, and the two flying swords shuttled back and forth, forming a scene of strangulation, which instantly brought the fighting to its peak.

Both of them couldn’t keep the killer’s trump card, and it was also difficult to control the consumption of spiritual energy, and the battle became more and more intense.

Bai Xiaochun’s heart fluttered as he watched from outside the stage, and the voices of applause came and went one after another.

This battle lasted for less than half an hour, and at the end there was a roar. Du Lingfei did not hesitate to destroy a wooden sword, causing the wooden sword to shatter into countless wooden tips. The lore made Chen Ziang back again and again, the spiritual energy in his body was exhausted, he let out a long sigh, and chose to admit defeat.

Seeing the fierce battle, the surrounding outer disciples showed admiration in their eyes. They were already convinced of Du Lingfei, and even Chen Zi’ang rose because of this battle.

Although he lost, his fame will definitely spread in the days to come.

Elder Sun was also quite satisfied, especially with Du Lingfei, he even moved a little bit to accept him as a disciple.

Similarly, no matter what happens to Xiaobi in the end, Bai Xiaochun’s name will also be reported

When Chen Ziang’s voice of admitting defeat echoed, Du Lingfei’s complexion was pale, and she stood on the martial arts stage precariously. Her aura was almost exhausted. She took a deep breath, took out the elixir and swallowed it, but she also understood that it was useless and would not make up much. What she needs now is to sit cross-legged and meditate for several hours, after all, she has fought four times in a row.

It’s just Xiaobi’s rules, which don’t give disciples so much rest time, after all, it’s just Xiaobi.

“Bai Xiaochun, come up to me.” Du Lingfei gritted her teeth, her eyes showed a fierce look, and she looked at Bai Xiaochun outside the arena. She wanted to solve this damn thing right now while her spiritual energy was not completely exhausted. Bai Xiaochun.

As soon as Du Lingfei spoke, everyone around looked at Bai Xiaochun, gloating in their eyes. From their point of view, even if Du Lingfei was exhausted, it was just as easy to deal with Bai Xiaochun who had won by a trick.

Bai Xiaochun blinked, looking at Du Lingfei whose body was a little unsteady, he suddenly felt that he could take the first place.

“This time, I, Bai Xiaochun, can finally make a name for myself. When I get up, I will start lifting weights lightly, and let everyone around me exclaim.” Bai Xiaochun held his head high, and a scene of everyone’s astonishment appeared in his mind for a while, so Take big strides onto the Wutai stage.

But the moment Bai Xiaochun came to the stage, Du Lingfei’s eyes flashed coldly, and he snapped a finger with his right hand, and immediately the wooden sword beside her rushed towards Bai Xiaochun.

The sharpness was evident, making the surroundings instantly feel icy cold. Obviously, this was the full blow of Du Lingfei’s full spiritual energy at this moment, which made this sword more powerful than usual.

What is even more astonishing is that Du Lingfei’s body also rushed out at this moment, and caught up with Feijian. Pressing her finger on the hilt of the sword, her body and Feijian were almost fused together, becoming one without distinction. , went straight to Bai Xiaochun.

With a bang, the flying sword’s speed increased suddenly, the speed was even higher than when Cai Cai and Chen Zi’ang were fighting. It set off a sharp whistling sound, and even seemed to break through the wind, turning into a long rainbow, approaching Bai Xiaochun in an instant.

All the people around were also shocked, attracted by this sword, and exclaimed one after another.

“One Sword Flying Immortal”

“Senior Sister Du has actually practiced this kind of sword art!”

Elder Sun’s eyes lit up suddenly, and Li Qinghou also nodded slightly. The two of them naturally saw that Du Lingfei hadn’t actually mastered this move, but that the aura in his body was now flowing.When the lights were exhausted, he forced it to unfold, and with a breath of spiritual energy, he managed to exert the power of this sword art.

“After putting all my eggs in one basket, I realized the meaning of this swordplay. This Du Lingfei is not bad, and this woman is actually more suitable for Qingfeng Mountain.” Li Qinghou’s eyes showed admiration.

At this moment, all the outer disciples here were shocked. It seemed that everything in front of them was blurred. Only Du Lingfei and Fei Jian seemed to be fused together, which was extraordinarily clear.

The sword was whistling, and the person followed the sword, turning into this astonishing blow, Du Lingfei looked exhausted, but there was a sharp light in her eyes, she was very sure and confident that this sword would definitely win.

At this moment, the moment the flying sword and Du Lingfei approached Bai Xiaochun, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes shrank, and his whole body slammed, jade pendants and spells, all burst out, forming layers of protection, and his body retreated quickly.

But this flying sword is obviously not an ordinary product, it penetrated directly into this protection, and passed layer by layer. Although the speed dropped sharply, it did not cause the protective light curtain to collapse, but it still completely penetrated it, and the tip of the sword pierced directly. It landed on Bai Xiaochun’s body.

But it seemed that there was no energy left. When it pierced Bai Xiaochun’s body, it seemed to be stuck. As Bai Xiaochun retreated, the sword swayed with his body. From the inside of the torn coat, it could be seen that there were layers and layers of damage inside. leather jacket.

The people around who saw this scene were stunned and gasped.

“This Bai Xiaochun, he still has protection on his body.”

“This guy is so afraid of death. As for what, he is just a sect junior. Not only does he protect magic weapons and spells, but he is also wearing leather armor.”

Du Lingfei’s complexion was pale, seeing the other party retreating like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on, not only fast, but also with her own flying sword inserted, she gritted her teeth and pinched a finger, and was about to control the flying sword to pull it back, but her spiritual energy was already exhausted There was only a trace left, no matter how she manipulated it at this moment, the flying sword trembled, but it couldn’t be pulled out.

At the end, Du Lingfei was in a hurry. When the spiritual energy in his body was circulating again, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth before he could pull back the flying sword. He staggered back a few steps, unable to stand still, and sat on the ground with a pale face, and the spiritual energy in his body was completely dry.

Infinite grievances arose in her heart, thinking that she had finally made it to the top two after working so hard, but Bai Xiaochun was so relaxed that he didn’t even consume much spiritual energy. Killing people, Bai Xiaochun must have been killed countless times by her. If she still had the strength, she would even go up and bite Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, and retreated extremely fast, he didn’t expect that Du Lingfei would have such a move.

And his own defense was actually broken down.

“It’s his grandma’s. Fortunately, I was more careful when I came here, and I wore seven or eight leather jackets.” Bai Xiaochun looked down at the flying sword stuck on his shoulder. After the flying sword penetrated the protection, his strength It had already been unloaded, and was blocked by Qibajian’s tough leather jacket, and when it finally landed on his skin, there was not much strength left.

With his undead skin, he didn’t even feel like a mosquito bite.

Bai Xiaochun was still terrified, he glanced at the flying sword on his shoulder, pulled it off, and glanced at Du Lingfei who was sitting there panting and staring at him.

“Senior Sister, it’s wrong to throw away treasures. You don’t want this sword anymore. Since you don’t want it, I will take it.” Bai Xiaochun happily threw the flying sword in his storage bag, and then took out the small wooden box. Sword, was about to unleash his weight as lightly as possible, so that everyone would exclaim.

“You…” Du Lingfei saw his flying sword being taken away by Bai Xiaochun, his eyes were red, his whole body was about to go crazy, he was so angry that he passed out from anger.

This is the second Xiaobi who was stunned by Bai Xiaochun’s anger.

“Hey, why did you faint again?” Bai Xiaochun looked at the fainted Du Lingfei, holding the small wooden sword rather helplessly.

s Chasing children’s shoes, do you still have free appreciation tickets and coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is counting down.

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