The Powerful Xu Shiyou

In the half month since Bai Xiaochun’s identity changed from a jailer to a prisoner, the wholeIn this giant ghost city, it is no longer as rainy as before, but lively again. It seems that all the previous rumors are indeed groundless.

The three major families also continued to absorb their souls in the giant ghost city. As before, there was no special change. Only in the inner city, the top ten princes of the giant ghost city who seldom go out on weekdays, during this half month, sometimes showed up. Show up, but that’s all.

From the looks of everything, there seems to be no clues to attract special attention. Similarly, within the three major families, the three ancestors of heaven and humans have also announced to the outside world that they will retreat.

It’s just that these three celestial patriarchs are always in their retreat, looking up at the sky, as if they are waiting for something.

Time passed, and another seven or eight days passed, the giant ghost city was still bustling with people, and in the magic prison under the moat, Bai Xiaochun was also flourishing. Although he was a prisoner, he was special The treatment made him gradually become the same as when he was a jailer in District D, and he can still run wild in all directions.

Moreover, the identity of the No. 1 Black Whip in the Magic Prison has also become more and more famous during this period of time, due to the frequent invitations from the other three districts, and the endless interrogations.

At this moment, the cell boss of District B and the captains of the ten teams in District B, with smiles on their faces, surrounded Bai Xiaochun and headed straight for District B.

“Brother Bai Hao, I’ll leave it to you this time. That Xu Shiyou is really treacherous, and he can’t make him reveal the whereabouts of the stolen goods even if he tries his best at the moment.”

“Yes, Brother Bai Hao, if we succeed this time, we in District B are willing to give 30% of the harvest as your reward, Brother Bai Hao.” Everyone was laughing and talking, and when they looked at Bai Xiaochun, they all showed goodwill. It was really Bai Xiaochun His reputation is too great, for the prison guards in the magic prison, being friends with Bai Xiaochun is tantamount to forming a relationship with wealth.

“It’s a small matter, the brothers in District B have spoken up. Even if I don’t share my benefits, Bai will definitely go all out.” Bai Xiaochun laughed, and the words were beautiful. Everyone in District B felt comfortable after hearing it, but they also knew that the magic prison The rules cannot be broken, and even if it is for the future, the share that belongs to Bai Xiaochun must be given.

A group of people were laughing and leaving the prison in Ding District. All the guards they met on the way greeted Bai Xiaochun with a smile. They didn’t regard Bai Xiaochun as a prisoner at all. Bai Xiaochun responded with a smile all the way. His personality is like this. When others show kindness to him, he will return the kindness, and now he also knows his identity, so in terms of words, he tries his best to make everyone feel like they are bathed in spring breeze.

Soon, everyone arrived at District B. Although District B is not as large as District A, it is much larger than District D, especially the prisons in District B, which are equally majestic. The prisoners held were obviously more brutal than District D.

“This is it, Brother Bai Hao, it’s all up to you.” Not long after, everyone stopped beside a cell with a skull, and the cell boss in District B spoke politely to Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun nodded with his hands behind his back, glanced across the prison cell, and saw a middle-aged soul cultivator sitting inside. This soul cultivator had frivolous eyes. After seeing Bai Xiaochun, his eyes shrank slightly. Obviously, he had heard that Bai Xiaochun was the first Black Whip’s fame.

“You don’t need to waste time. Xu admits that he is not a hard-talking person, but now I have lost all my cultivation, and I have been corroded by death in this magic prison. I am afraid that I will not survive ten years. I only have one request. Your magic prison My supernatural powers are great, as long as I arrange a hundred good-looking female cultivators every day to make me feel comfortable, ten years later, before I die, I will tell you where my wealth is, there is nothing wrong with it.” Xu Shiyou sneered, There is a softness in the voice.

Hearing Xu Shiyou’s words, Bai Xiaochun ignored him, and asked someone to open the door of the cell. After walking in, he flicked his sleeves, and the black mist immediately spread, covering all directions.

This action excited the guards in District B outside, but Xu Shiyou, who was in front of Bai Xiaochun, trembled in his heart, breathed slightly, and stared at Bai Xiaochun firmly.

“What are you going to do? I can live up to ten years, and I am not afraid of death. If my conditions are not met, I will never speak.”

“Let’s discuss it. You’ve heard of me. You see, once I make a move, you’ll be afraid. Why bother?” Bai Xiaochun coughed dryly. When he looked at Xu Shiyou, he also recalled in his mind the previous journey. According to the introduction, this person was a guard of the giant ghost city patrol team before being imprisoned.

The reason why he was imprisoned was that he wanted to die. Whenever this person was provoked by others, he would take revenge. The family ransacked the house, seized all its assets, and accumulated a fortune.

It’s fine if he has no other bad habits, even if someone wants to punish him, because of his identity, it’s a bit tricky, but this Xu Shi is so friendly, he has done a lot of robbery in secret, and was robbed by him a few days ago A female cultivator who left was actually related to a master of the giant ghost city, which caused a catastrophe. The master was so angry that he abolished her cultivation base, and even felt that beheading would not relieve her hatred, so she was detained in the Therefore, let him bear the pain of the magic prison.

When such a piece of fat arrived in the magic prison, everyone would naturally not let it go, but this person knew that he would not live long, so he was extremely stubborn and made various demands, but this demand was difficult for District B to satisfy, and he could not wait ten years, so There is an invitation for Bai XiaochunHere comes this scene.

“It’s not negotiable.” Xu Shiyou took a few steps back and said loudly to Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun sighed, he did not meet a single cooperator in interrogating prisoners in this magic prison, when he shook his head at this moment, he slapped the storage bag skillfully, immediately took out a heat pill, crushed it in his hands, and used it Half of the powder, with one flick, rushed towards Xu Shiyou’s face immediately, not allowing Xu Shiyou to resist, and directly penetrated along his mouth and nose.

“Everyone Bai interrogated had a hard mouth at the beginning, but for a few hours at most, there was no mouth that couldn’t be pried open.” Bai Xiaochun stood there with his hands behind his back, raised his chin, and said proudly, but just as the words came out, Xu Shiyou Immediately, he became short of breath, and his eyes seemed to be breathing fire for a moment, but his expression was very strange.

It was completely different from Bai Xiaochun’s previous interrogation of other people. Xu Shiyou seemed not only in no pain, but at this moment, his expression showed a strange meaning, which did not last for too long. After only ten or so breaths, Xu Shiyou’s complexion returned to normal, but his whole body But he was sweating profusely, his eyes were shining, his breathing became more rapid, and he looked up at Bai Xiaochun fieryly.

“Why is it gone, is there any more?” Xu Shiyou said quickly, his expression showed some anxiety, and he felt a sense of loss when he was interrupted at a critical moment.

“Ah” Bai Xiaochun was also stunned for a moment, this was the first time he encountered such a thing, he quickly lowered his head to look at the powdered medicine in his hand, he wondered if he had taken the wrong medicine, after a look, he was sure it was right, Bai Xiaochun looked at Xu Shiyou in disbelief.

“Give it to me, give it to me quickly” Xu Shiyou looked at the medicine powder in Bai Xiaochun’s palm and became excited.

Bai Xiaochun’s forehead was sweating a little, this was the first time he encountered such a situation,

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While hesitating, he waved his right hand and gave Xu Shiyou all the powdered medicine in his palm.

Xu Shiyou immediately stood up excitedly, grabbed it, and took the initiative to put it in his mouth. After swallowing, his whole body shook, leaning against the wall and closing his eyes, his expression seemed to be intoxicated. This scene made Bai Xiaochun’s scalp tingle, and subconsciously stepped back After a few steps, when he looked at Xu Shiyou, it was like seeing a ghost.

“What’s going on here? It’s useless. He’s just enjoying it.” Bai Xiaochun felt that his world was about to collapse, but he never expected that someone would enjoy the fiery impulse brought by the estrus pill

“He’s too perverted.”

But before Bai Xiaochun was shocked here, Xu Shiyou was trembling all over, sweating profusely, and he was back to normal, but he was in a hurry, opened his eyes suddenly, and yelled at Bai Xiaochun.

“Is there anything else, give me some more”

Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help but gasped, the shock that Xu Shiyou brought to him was really too great, even Bai Xiaochun was very curious here, so he took out another pill and threw it over.

Xu Shiyou grabbed it excitedly and swallowed it immediately, but it was only half a stick of incense, his eyes were red, and he growled almost madly.

“Give me one more, no, give me three”

Bai Xiaochun looked strange, and took out another elixir, Xu Shiyou’s eyes immediately went straight, if he hadn’t lost all his cultivation, he might have tried to snatch it, at this moment his breathing was heavy and urgent, when he was about to speak, Bai Xiaochun coughed, feeling a little uncomfortable Said kindly.

“Then you tell me where your savings are hidden, and I’ll give you one.”

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