One True God

Chapter 104: Decision

'Is this connection between us what made me want to rush to her aid?' Lucifer thought as he looked at Raya Pazier with a little frown on his face.

Although a clue has finally appeared about why he wanted to rush towards Raya Pazier's aid and help her, that doesn't really mean that Lucifer wanted this connection with her.

As far as Lucifer knows, he is dead to the outside world. And that is all the better for him.

However, if a demon is out there in the world who got better skills in fortune-telling than Raya Pazier's father and has some sort of connection with Lucifer, then Lucifer's existence could very well be announced to the world.

And that is really bad. This means that Lucifer would have to rush regaining his strength back.

But it's not like a demon of that caliber just exists anywhere else, so it isn't really that urgent.

However, it is still a threat to Lucifer right now, which is why he had mixed feelings about this.

He was happy that a clue about his decisions and feelings concerning Raya Pazier has finally appeared here, but he was angry that so suddenly, there was a threat to him out there in the whole wide world.

Nonetheless, Lucifer was glad to know this through meeting Raya Pazier since he would never know about this without meeting her.

'Wait. We have a connection, and this connection made me save her. And now, saving her made me become aware of the threat of fortunetellers. This is...'

Bigger than I thought. Lucifer concluded so as he realized how he helped Raya Pazier, and Raya Pazier helped her by making him aware of the threat outside of the Zacharath Kingdom.

This meant that the connection between him and Raya Pazier is a lot more substantial and not just because of his whims or anything of the sort.

If one thinks about how Lucifer first met Raya Pazier, it was through a way that one would never expect.

Lucifer acting weird out of nowhere, which led him to Raya Pazier's house.

In the first place, Lucifer's weird behavior on that day is already suspicious in itself.

Which means that...this whole thing about having a connection with Raya Pazier is something far more greater than what Lucifer thought.

However, it seems that Lucifer couldn't think about this anymore as Raya Pazier spoke once more.

"That's don't have any slightest inkling that you are an ancient demon. Are you really an ancient demon? Hmm?" Raya Pazier said as she looked at Lucifer all the way up from his feet to his head.

She was observing him to really judge if he was an ancient demon.

Although Raya Pazier never met an ancient demon before, she still knows if a demon is ancient. And that is through their looks.

Well, that's definitely not the truth and was just Raya Pazier's opinion on the matter.

But still, it was a troublesome opinion since it was preventing her from believing that Lucifer was indeed the one her father predicted that would help save their family.

After all, by destroying the Warmester Denoble House's top brass, Lucifer has basically saved Raya Pazier, which saves the Pazier Family.

Through her, the bloodline of the Pazier Family shall live on.

It was without a doubt that Lucifer is the one her father predicted to save the Pazier Family.

And Lucifer knew that as well. Well, Lucifer believes that the prediction and connection are real since that was the only way to explain his strange behavior on that occasion at the capital city of the Zacharath Kingdom, where he first met Raya Pazier, and in Warm City, where he rushed to save Raya Pazier.

It was then that Lucifer finally spoke again as he looked at Raya Pazier straight in the eye.

He spoke with conviction and boldly stated...

"I don't care about what you think, but well. To answer your question about whether I am an ancient demon or not..."

"Yes. I am an ancient demon who could be considered to be one of the oldest demons living today in this time and age."

As soon as Raya Pazier heard that, she responded, "Prove it, then."

"You don't look like an ancient demon, and you don't feel like an ancient demon."

"How can I trust that you are indeed the ancient demon who my father said will save our family?"

Raya Pazier's fears were not baseless or anything of the sort. Her fears and worries were definitely reasonable.

Why? It was because...if Lucifer was the ancient demon who her father saved save her family, then that means that Raya Pazier will have to stick with him from now on.

Of course, Raya Pazier can still choose to just go away after this meeting with Lucifer since technically he already saved the Pazier Family by saving her, but Raya Pazier is not stupid.

The safest place is to be with a strong demon, and an ancient demon is definitely strong.

By being with an ancient demon, Raya Pazier would have enough time and security to properly strengthen herself before setting out to the world again.

And for all that stuff to happen, Raya Pazier first needs to trust Lucifer, which is why Raya Pazier wanted Lucifer to prove that he was indeed an ancient demon.

However, Lucifer does not plan to prove himself to Raya Pazier. He...just doesn't need to prove himself.

Right now, Lucifer is aware of Raya Pazier's situation. Her situation of being in danger because of the Warmester Denoble House and being all alone.

The reason why Lucifer knew that Raya Pazier is all alone, despite not knowing her backstory, is because that she was here due to him making her pass out that day.

If she even had a subordinate or someone like that at all, then she wouldn't be here because that subordinate would have woken her up or protected her and prevent her from being kidnapped.

It was just simple logic, but it still works as it was the truth that Raya Pazier does not have anyone else.

And since that was the case, Lucifer knew that Raya Pazier would have to cling to him to survive.

Knowing this fully well, Lucifer spoke.

"I don't have to prove myself to you. It is up to you whether you believe it or not."

"Although you have interested me with that prediction of your father and my connection with your family, all those mundane things do not matter to me."

"I am not so desperate that I will actually prove myself to you just to find out what is going on between you and me."

"After all, I am already happy with the information that I received."

"However, I will allow you two options. You either come with me as my subordinate or you will go away and stay out of my sight from now on."

"Either of the two, I don't care what you choose. Just make sure that you would be able to commit to your choice, or else...I will personally kill you and make sure that your family will end with a tragic story."

Lucifer said all those words with a flat expression on his face.

Well, it's just because he wasn't interested in these matters anymore so he just wanted to get this shit done already.

He already got the clue that he wanted, and he gained an important piece of information, as well. Of course, Lucifer considered taking Raya Pazier as his woman since there's this connection with her, but well.

Lucifer is committed to his goal to become the first One True God.

Though, Lucifer wouldn't really mind taking in a woman or two.

But...that would only come after Lucifer has regained his strength, a situation where he can be complacent about his safety and all that stuff.

And since he has not regained his strength yet, Lucifer chooses to turn a blind eye when it comes to love and women.

That was why this matter didn't interest Lucifer anymore.

However, that was not all as Lucifer also had to go and kill the other sons and wives present in this place.

Lucifer had to rush those things so that things would finally be taken care of and Rouge would be able to attain the seat of the Patriarch of the Waremster Denoble House.

He still had many things to do, and now that he got his answer, he is already fine with things as it is.

Of course, Raya Pazier could see this fully well just by seeing Lucifer's facial expression.

She understood that Lucifer truly meant those words that he said.

And she also understood that it would be pointless of her to try and fool Lucifer just from how he said that he didn't have to prove himself.

However, this decision is definitely not easy to make for Raya Pazier.

Not even counting the fact that she got to become a subordinate of Lucifer, just the fact that Lucifer's identity as an ancient demon is not confirmed makes it hard for Raya Pazier to decide.

What's more, there was also the chance that Lucifer is indeed an ancient demon, but he is not the one who is meant to save Raya Pazier's family.

There were so many factors to take in, and this was making it hard for Raya Pazier.

Nevertheless, Raya Pazier still ended up making the decision since...she was in a situation where she had to make a decision.

And that decision was...

"I will..."

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