One True God

Chapter 106: Pathetic Bunch

While Rouge was destroying the corpses of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the 6 pillars, Lucifer has burned the body of the wives and sons of Kars all at the same time.

His power was truly amazing as not even the sharpest demon present in the Warm City was able to sense that such great magic has been used throughout the city.

Even though there were only 9 demons who were targeted by the great magic, it is still great magic.

The amount of mana that Lucifer used to use the great magic should be enough for the sharpest demon to sense it, but that didn't happen.

This is because of the fine control of Lucifer over his magic. Even if his body has deteriorated to the point that he was being held back by his own body, that doesn't mean that he would get weaker in regards to the usage of magic or anything of the sort.

Anyway, this would mean the complete collapse of the Warmester Family except for Kars.

Even if chaos were to descend on the Warm City because of the disappearance of the Warmester Family and the 6 pillars, it wouldn't matter as long as Rouge would be able to sit on the position of the Patriarch.

Of course, in order to prepare for that outcome, Lucifer has ordered Rouge to go and get the official seal or if that's not possible, something that looks like the official seat of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

Well, the second option seems impossible but a photo of some sort should still be available, and Lucifer would just use that as the reference to create a new official seal.

This is what Lucifer would use so that Rouge would be able to claim the seat of the Patriarch for his own.

Right about now, Rouge was working his way on towards the main building as he cruised through the streets.

Meanwhile, Lucifer and Raya Pazier were just standing around on top of the same building where they were.

Well, it was because they didn't really have anything to do.

Of course, while they were waiting, Raya Pazier tried to talk with Lucifer several times.

She wanted to know about him, and she still wanted to confirm if the wives and sons of Kars and the Patriarch and the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House were truly dead.

She didn't really do it straightforwardly, but instead, tried using some subtle words to make Lucifer answer her.

She already learned her lesson as Lucifer just answered that he didn't have to prove himself to her several times before when Raya Pazier asked Lucifer those questions before.

That was why she resorted to using this subtle way of words to make Lucifer answer her questions, but alas.

Her efforts were all useless as Lucifer didn't even answer any of her questions.

Lucifer just looked at the night sky while ignoring Raya Pazier, who was trying to speak with him by his side.

Well, there was a reason why Lucifer was acting like this even though he knew that he should get more information about Raya Pazier by asking Raya Pazier herself.

And this is because Lucifer was thinking about the current events.

Once Lucifer is done with the Warmester Denoble House, that would mean that things would start to get going for Lucifer.

After that, Lucifer just needs to bide his time and wait for the moment that his body would heal up naturally.

Or if that does not happen, Lucifer just needs to find a demon capable of healing his body.

Once Lucifer heals up, Lucifer would be able to take complete control over the Hidden World, and then head to Hell, where the various Hell Gods of the past are waiting.

Lucifer didn't know if they were still alive, but...Lucifer planned to kill them all and become the only Hell God alive for this day and age.

Lucifer wouldn't want an enemy to obstruct his path in becoming the One True God.

Of course, once Lucifer finished the other Hell Gods in Hell, Lucifer would then head to Heaven and kill all the Heaven Gods.

If there are existences who would prove to be the toughest opposition of Lucifer, it would be the Heaven Gods and the Hell Gods so it would be best to take them out as early as possible.

But that was not all the reason why Lucifer would take the trip to Hell and Heaven just to kill them.

There's also another one, and this reason was...Lucifer feels that he should kill the other Gods so that the only remaining God would then be elevated to be the One True God.

After all, One True God means literally one god. If there are no other gods existing in this plane, then...Lucifer suspects that only then that he would become the One True God.

However, as Lucifer does not have anything to support his theory, it wasn't really that game-changing or anything of the sort.

Nevertheless, as Lucifer didn't even have anything or any clue about how to become the One Ture God, this theory was still good enough for Lucifer to try and do it himself.

And after the Hell Gods and Heaven Gods are dead, it would only be then that Lucifer's path to One True God would really start.

At least, that was how Lucifer planned the future, but...that was practically impossible.

"It's not like the Hell Gods would become weaker nor would the Heaven Gods as well."

"Even if I return to my peak, I would just be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with them."

"And shoulder to shoulder wouldn't really be able to kill them."

"Hell, if three or four Hell Gods were to team up to kill me, I would be the one who would die in the clash."

Lucifer murmured these words as he looked at the sky with eyes that seem so shallow.

It was because Lucifer couldn't see any light on the path that he has decided to take.

Of course, that didn't mean that Lucifer would give up now just because of the difficulty.

"I just need to become stronger than them. Simple as that." Lucifer murmured again, but it seems that Lucifer wouldn't be able to ponder about this anymore as Raya Pazier heard his words.

"Hmm? Stronger than them? Who are you talking about?" Raya Pazier immediately pounced on this as she saw that this is a chance for her to learn more about Lucifer.

"Do you have a sworn enemy that you need to kill, too?" Raya Pazier continued, trying to probe Lucifer.

Due to the constant rejection of Lucifer for a conversation with Raya Pazier, Raya Pazier already suspected that she would just be rejected yet again.

Of course, she just tried for the sake of trying. She didn't really expect that Lucifer would answer her.

But...contrary to her expectations, Lucifer spoke...answering her questions in the form of another question.

"Are you aware of the demons who rule over the demons?" Lucifer said without looking at Raya Pazier.

Although Raya Pazier was caught off guard by Lucifer as she really didn't expect that Lucifer would answer, Raya Pazier was still able to answer.

"Rule over the demons? Are you talking about the Demon Kings? Yes, I am aware of them." Raya Pazier said.

However, Lucifer quickly spoke, "No, I'm not talking about crap like Demon Kings or whoever."

"I'm talking about the demons who rule over Hell, the home of demons."

"Since they rule over Hell and demons, they have been granted the name...Hell Gods."

"Ahh! So you are talking about the Great Archdemons! Of course, I am aware of them. Every demon is, but demons in the Hidden World rarely talk about them since they are in Hell anyway."

"So, I wasn't expecting that you were talking about them. Anyway, why did you ask something so obvious?"

Raya Pazier asked Lucifer, in turn, her curiosity was showing just with her tone of voice.

She was interested in why Lucifer would want to talk about the Hell Gods right now when they were still in a dangerous situation as they were still in the middle of Warm City, a city that could be said to be enemy grounds.

"Great Archdemons, huh. That's really cute. Those guys are nothing great at all."

"Demons are demons, and angels are angels. Demons have their own way of life and principles."

"Of course, since we are demons, those principles and way of life are as twisted as it can be."

"However...those guys are not even twisted - truly, the pathetic crop of our race."

Lucifer said those words with disappointment laden in his voice.

Well, it was the truth that Lucifer was disappointed with the Hell Gods.

Why? It was because...

"Demons are twisted living creatures. They torture people whether it be a demon or an angel, create chaos, and bring darkness to the world."

"But...the Hell Gods do nothing of the sort. In fact, they are the reason why we have peace right now - going against our very cause and origin."

"Really, what a pathetic bunch they are," Lucifer said those words as he remembered the looks of the several Hell Gods who worked with him side by side in the past.

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