One True God

Chapter 111: Decision

Rouge and Oumu started to walk towards the deeper parts of the Patriarch Room.

This is because Rouge led Oumu in this way, and this is because this is where their destination is set.

It was weird for Oumu since Rouge said that he left it to someone who he trusts, and if Rouge is leading Oumu to this person, then...that would mean that this person is inside the deeper parts of the Patriarch Room.

And that was weird. The only person who should be allowed to the deeper parts of the Patriarch Room is the Patriarch himself.

Of course, since Rouge could be considered to be the Patriarch right now, he is allowed in here, but...even if Rouge trusts this person so much that he would let him hold the official document signed by the Patriarch, which could be considered to be Rouge's lifeline right now, this person should still not be allowed to enter in the deeper parts of the Patriarch Room.

Rouge should know this very well, but it seems like he didn't think of this as a problem or anything of the sort as he just continued to walk without even talking to Oumu.

It seems that he was focused on this journey, but well. That was only to be expected.

Rouge himself knew that only the Patriarch is allowed into the deeper parts of the Patriarch Room.

Rouge himself is the Patriarch right now, but on the other hand, Oumu is not.

Therefore, he is...not allowed.

Since that is the case, this situation is even weirder than Oumu would have thought.

Why? It was because...Rouge letting other people into the deeper parts of the Patriarch Room basically means that he is not abiding by the law of the Warmester Denoble House.

Well, one could say that Rouge is the law right now, was still the truth that there are customs and traditions to follow even for Rouge.

Nevertheless, even though Oumu was really curious about this right now, he did not ask any questions related to this.

Why? It was because his curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to see the official document signed by the Patriarch himself as soon as possible, and without any problems as well.

If asking Rouge why they were going in the deeper parts of the Patriarch Room even though it was not allowed would mean a problem would come up, then Oumu would rather not ask it. just a quirk of Oumu, and there was nothing he can do about it unless he changes himself.

Well, this is actually one of the reasons why Oumu is friends with Rouge.

His curiosity got the better of him when Rouge first came into the Warmester Denoble House, which led Oumu to talk to Rouge, and from then, they became friends.

Anyway, it didn't take the two of them to reach their destination as they finally could see a door.

The throne where the Patriarch usually sits is way behind them, and it was far away from them too.

The Patriarch Room was truly big, but that was not the only thing that was big in here.

The door that they could see was also big. In fact, it was so big that it didn't even look like a door.

Surprised by the sight of this door, Oumu couldn't help but ask Rouge.

"W-what the hell is that?" Oumu said while stuttering, his surprise was evident with just his voice.

Of course, Rouge was able to hear those words, and when he heard those words, his face turned into a frown.

"Well...I don't know myself. When I tried to look around in this room as the Temporary Patriarch, to be familiar with the place where I would stay, I just found this and had a surprised look just like you have right now." Rouge said all those words without missing even a single beat.

Well, what he said was the truth. Rouge has already come here before, and he already saw this too.

However, there was something weird about what he said, and Oumu was able to catch onto that weird thing fast enough that he immediately spoke right after Rouge finished speaking.

"Wait. If that's the case, then why are we here? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we going to meet the guy who has the official document signed by the Patriarch himself? If you don't know what this door is about and, if my theory is correct, you should also have no idea how to open this, and if that's the case, then what are we doing here in this place, right in front of this humongous door?"

Oumu said all those words without even missing a single beat, and with a pretty worried look on his face, too.

Well, this is because...other than the fact that the door was really huge, the door was also emitting some kind of aura that seems so scary that even Oumu was getting scared by it.

He wasn't really that scared that he would just shit on his pants and freeze on the spot, but his instincts were telling him to get away from here, and that this place was really dangerous. more than enough to know that this was a place that Oumu shouldn't go to.

Hell, Oumu even thought that this is the reason why only the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House is the only demon allowed into the deeper parts of the Patriarch room.

Of course, when Rouge heard those words, he had a reply ready in mind.

And that is...

"The reason is simple. It is because our destination is inside this door. We need to go there, and then we would be able to see the official document signed by the Patriarch himself, the thing that you wanted to see." Rouge said as calmly as he could.

He could understand why Oumu was...acting like this, and this is because he could also feel the intimidating aura that the door was emitting.

But that was not really the main point here. As Rouge's destination was Lucifer, the one who holds the official document, that means that...the person who is responsible for this intimidating aura is no other than Lucifer.

Why was Rouge sure of this? It is because Rouge has already been here before, and the huge door never had this intimidating aura before.

And that was why Rouge had this frown look on his face. Even though he is sure that Lucifer now trusts him and won't do anything to him since Rouge has proven himself to be useful for him, Rouge couldn't bring himself to move even a single muscle after realizing that the cause for this intimidating aura is Lucifer.

It is because of the trauma that he experienced before, and it is also because of the realization...right, Rouge has realized something very, very important for him.

And that is...if Lucifer wanted, he would be able to make Rouge experience a hellish nightmare that would make the previous nightmare seem so childish.

And for Rouge, this is something that he wouldn't want to experience ever again.

That was why Rouge couldn't move. If Lucifer was the cause of this intimidating aura, then there should be something going on.

It could be either because Lucifer is angry and irritated that his aura is just naturally flowing out or he is doing something important that his aura is just flowing out because of that.

And if Rouge disturbs him at this point in time, then...Rouge fears that Lucifer would make him experience that hellish hell.

That was why Rouge couldn't help but frown in this situation.

Lucifer is the one who instructed Rouge to introduce him to the Warmester Denoble House as soon as possible using this method, but now...the trauma that Rouge experienced before has now gotten in his way, which made Rouge unable to move.

However, not fulfilling his mission is also a dangerous risk to take for Rouge.

After all, if Lucifer deems him useless, then...there is the possibility that Lucifer would make him experience the hellish hell nevertheless.

But...if he disturbs Lucifer, and he incurs his wrath, then...there's no telling what might happen to him.

This situation, for Rouge, is like hellish flames on foot and icy demons aiming for his head; both are really dangerous to take.

However, even before Rouge would be able to finish his thinking and be able to decide, Oumu spoke.

"So it's here...I don't understand why such a terrifying aura is being emitted by the door, but surely it must be safe. After all, there is already someone there, and you are sure that he is still alive, hence why we came here."

"If that's the case, then we should hurry up and go." Oumu said without knowing what the situation was.

Of course, this is not his fault, but what he said was...something that Rouge didn't want to hear right now.

Nevertheless, Rouge had to keep his cool and make his decision right now.

'Do I go, or do I wait...which is it?!' Pressured by Oumu and the intimidating aura alike, Rouge was forced to make a decision.

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