One True God

Chapter 116: Nocturnal Phantom

Because the voice was angry, Oumu didn't know what to do in this situation.

He also didn't know what to say. After all, if he carelessly said something, it might just end up resulting in the source of the voice getting angrier than now.

That was why Oumu was trying to think up a solution to his current situation even though...death was literally knocking on his door's life.

Oumu was sure that the demon incarnate would be able to kill him in just a single second, so his current situation is too dangerous for him.

No, too dangerous is an understatement as Oumu can be killed without him even noticing that his life is gone.

That was why it was amazing for Oumu to be able to try and think up a solution in his current situation.

What's more, the demon incarnate's huge presence and heavy pressure were no joke. This is enough to make any demon panic and lose their composure.

And although Oumu did lose his composure earlier, he now regained it back to make sure that he would be able to get out of this situation in a safe manner.

He even set aside his curiosity for a moment right now as he tried to think of a solution. That's got to be saying something since Oumu has always prioritized satisfying his curiosity no matter his situation.

However, before even Oumu could finish thinking up a solution to his situation, the same voice spoke again.

"He isn't saying anything. Did you kill him, Grimmy?" The voice said.

And as if that was its name, the demon incarnate opened its mouth wide and released a huge amount of poisonous smoke.

That smoke only made the demon incarnate look more threatening than before, but it seems that was a signal of some kind as the voice responded to it.

"So you didn't? How come he isn't saying anything? Put him down, I'll talk to this piece of shit." The voice said.

And as if it was willing to listen to the voice, the demon incarnate moved its chains and loosened it up, causing Oumu to fall down straight to the ground.

Thud! A loud sound resounded out, and before even Oumu could make any sense of the current situation, he felt his neck being grabbed, his body was getting lifted.

Oumu moved his head to look for the person or creature holding his neck, but his eyes soon couldn't believe what it saw.

Why? It was because...the creature holding him is no creature. It was the dark aura that was surrounding Lucifer earlier.

Right, the aura coagulated into something that could be called a 'demon' as well, but he didn't have any clear looks or anything of the sort.

The creature just looked like a demonized fog that seems to have a brain of its own.

That was all it was, but Oumu has never seen anything like this before.

He has never ever heard about something like this existing in the world, so he was surprised.

And since he didn't know, he...became curious and afraid at the same time.

He was curious because it was a mystery to him, and he was afraid because it was...a mystery to him. After all, the mystery is unknown, and unknown is something that man fears.

However, it seems that Oumu could no longer think about his current situation as the dark fog continued to..move its mouth, making a sound, and basically confirmed it for Oumu that he was indeed the one speaking earlier.

"Oy. You're alive, right? So, how about you tell us who you are? My Lord has not allowed anyone else near him other than that woman. However, considering that the woman was talking to you earlier, you must be somewhat important so we didn't kill you."

" dare to come closer to my Lord. Did you intend to harm him or what?"

The dark fog said as he looked at Oumu, but he was not the only one looking at Oumu.

The demon incarnate, Grimmy, was also looking at Oumu with its eyes.

And Oumu was...he just answered right away, knowing that if he didn't answer right now, then these two unusual and unknown creatures might just get angry and behead him right at this moment.

Besides, Oumu saw a ray of light within this dark situation. And that is the fact that the dark fog and the demon incarnate are aware of who the woman, Raya Pazier, is.

"N-no! Definitely not! I definitely didn't intend to harm him! I was just curious about...about...y-your Lord, so I came to take a closer look! I didn't expect that such magnificent guards would be alerted by actions, this is my mistake!"

"And indeed, since we are on the topic, I am indeed acquainted with that woman, Raya Pazier, so I am definitely not an enemy."

Oumu said all those words as he looked at the dark fog, trying to keep a calm face so that he would more believable.

Well, he definitely was not an enemy at this point since he still has not judged if Lucifer is a man worthy of Oumu betraying the Warmester Denoble House.

" you say that you are not an enemy," The dark fog said as he looked up to the demon incarnate, Grimmy.

It seems that they were both thinking the same thing as the dark fog smiled a little bit and spoke, "This guy just said that we are magnificent guards!"

And as if Oumu was no longer on his mind, the dark fog...let go of Oumu and began to talk to Grimmy,

"Hey, hey! Do you think the Lord also thinks that we are magnificent guards!" The dark fog said like a little boy who just got his first toy.

In fact, the dark fog was too excited that his body started to float away.

And when Grimmy nodded its menacing head with an...unusual glee on its face, the dark fog replied, "That's right! We have to kill anyone who dares to get near him!"

"After all, this is the first time that I have been summoned again for over a thousand years!"

"I was waiting in a dark room for a thousand years when suddenly, a door appeared and the Lord was calling me!"

"I have to prove to him that I am useful so that he can call me again!"

The dark fog energetically said with a smile on his face.

Well, it was only natural for him to be like this.

It was the truth that the dark fog has been waiting for Lucifer to call him for over a thousand years.

No, it was more than a thousand since Lucifer has been reading books for a long, long, long time.

And since the dark fog...Nocturnal Phantom is a demon who is specialized to fight, Lucifer doesn't really need him around when he's reading, so Lucifer doesn't call for him that much.

Well, Lucifer didn't even know that his powers were restricted because of his body condition, so it was only natural that Lucifer didn't call him.

Besides, the only reason why Nocturnal Phantom was summoned because Lucifer found out that he can summon him now.

Nocturnal Phantom is one of Lucifer's powers that got locked away because of his body condition.

Due to Lucifer forcing himself to open his Demon Eyes, it seems that Nocturnal Phantom was recovered and Lucifer recovered his ability to summon him.

This is what Nocturnal Phantom meant when he said that a door suddenly appeared.

That door is the moment Lucifer recovered his ability to summon Nocturnal Phantom.

And because that door disappeared for a long time, Nocturnal Phantom actually thought that Lucifer had abandoned him.

That was why...knowing that his Lord has not abandoned him cheered up Nocturnal Phantom so much that he was crying when he was summoned.

That is also why Nocturnal Phantom is so hyped up about guarding Lucifer so that he can prove himself that he is useful so that Lucifer would summon him again in the future.

Well, Nocturnal Phantom is more than useful. If Lucifer was in his peak, Nocturnal Phantom would also be at his strongest, but...even if Lucifer is not in his peak, Nocturnal Phantom is still strong.

Why? It was because Nocturnal Phantom...can fight against the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and win.

What's more, it wouldn't take him a long time too, so that speaks for his strength.

That was why Lucifer would really summon him a lot from now on, but well. Nocturnal Phantom really thought that Lucifer abandoned him, so this is why he's that pumped up.

The same goes for Grimmy, which is why they were happy right now as they were talking about how they were magnificent guards for Lucifer.

However, it seems that they couldn't talk about this anymore as Rouge and Raya Pazier...finally returned.

This is because Nocturnal Phantom didn't push them away anymore.

Anyway, as soon as Raya Pazier got here and saw Nocturnal Phantom, she just murmured, "Tsk. A noisy guy came out."

But she then moved on fast as she spoke loudly enough, "So what happened here?"

She asked for what happened between Oumu, who was lying on the ground, and Nocturnal Phantom, who was joyfully singing praises for Lucifer.

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