One True God

Chapter 125: Joking

"My name is Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness." Lucifer said without any hesitation.

However, he was not done yet as he continued to speak, "Well, I used to be a Hell God in the past, but not anymore."

"Circumstances happened, you see. But I'm pretty sure that all demons know my name, no?" Lucifer said as he took a look at Raya Pazier and then at Oumu.

However, there was something wrong here. The two of them...didn't have any emotions or anything whatsoever.

What's more, all three of the demons present here didn't even have any kind of reactions or anything of the sort!

It was weird as just hearing the name of a Hell God is enough to make any demon kneel on the ground instinctively, but the three of them weren't doing anything!

If a demon were to hear someone is saying that they are Lucifer, a Hell God of the past, then some kind of reaction is bound to happen.

But now, nothing of the sort is happening, which is really weird.

Lucifer could clearly see that and that is why he narrowed his eyes, noticing that something was really weird here.

However, because not one of the demons spoke up still, Lucifer finally spoke again, "Oy, what's goin-"

But...before even Lucifer could finish speaking, someone else spoke, and that is...Raya Pazier.

"What the...I thought you were going to tell us your identity, but it seems like you are joking, huh?"

"I never thought that a man who looks so cold could actually have some kind of humor within him, too."

Raya Pazier said without any hesitation. It was as if she really thought that Lucifer was joking around when he said that he is really Lucifer.

And well, this is the only reaction that Raya Pazier could ever have when it comes to someone saying that they are a Hell God.

After all, a Hell God is a supreme being. And a supreme being only comes down to the world when it comes to important matters such as wars...and wars.

However, right now, there is no war. There's no way that a Hell God would be here.

And what's more, Lucifer is widely acknowledged as a Hell God who is already dead.

This is the truth that has been passed down in history, so naturally, Raya Pazier would believe the history more than the man who she just met some days ago.

However, it was not only her who had this type of reaction as even Oumu spoke as well.

"I-I thought I was the only one who thought that he was joking...but have to joke about being a Hell God?"

"Do you even know what the religion of Lucifer would do if they hear you say that?"

"They would rip the shit out of you and torture you every single minute in every single day for the rest of your life!"

"Hell, some of them are crazy maniacs who wouldn't even give you the peace of death!"

Oumu said his piece about the current situation, and as expected, he also thought that Lucifer was joking around, and he even had the guts to say those kinds of stuff to Lucifer.

And was only natural for him to react this way. The reason is the same as Raya Pazier.

As for Rouge...he didn't really say anything, but he had the same thoughts as the other demons.

The reason why he didn't say anything is because that Rouge knew that if Lucifer got mad, he would suffer that same nightmare that made him betray the Warmerter Denoble House again.

And it was really wise of him to say nothing in this situation as it was the truth that pissed off.

He had this look on his face that just seems to have turned off every single emotion that he has and he seems to be blinded by his anger, wrath, and rage.

After all, who would have thought that demons that are ants in the Hell God's perspective would actually say that Lucifer is joking when he is introducing himself?

Although this is Lucifer's fault since he didn't really prepare any evidence that he is really Lucifer, it was still something that Lucifer never expected to happen in his long life.

If it had to be put to words, Lucifer was feeling so disrespected by demons who don't even deserve his respect.

One could guess why Lucifer had this scary look on his face, but...even though he had this scary look on his face, he wasn't doing anything.

It is because he knew better than to lash out in angry right now and kill all these demons.

They were his pawns, and even though he is still powerful, he still needs them.

He needed Rouge because he has a very important role to play, and Raya Pazier....because he needed her.

As for Oumu, he still needed him so that he can bridge Lucifer to the Warmseter Denoble House.

If Lucifer were to kill these demons, his actions that have taken place up until this point would have been all for nothing.

And for him to actually able to hold it in shows just how much and how great Lucifer's patience was.

Even though Lucifer usually just kills demons and angels alike if they angered him, the fact that he was able to hold himself back just goes to show that Lucifer is not all about his cold-blooded trait and everything else that he has shown so far.

Anyway, it was with this kind of scary look that Lucifer continued to speak, answering the two demons.

"I am not joking around nor am I fooling you. What I said is the truth."

"Now, I don't care if you don't believe me or not because I will never ever prove myself to ants like you."

"However, the truth of the matter is that I am Lucifer, and the fact that I told you guys that means that I have kept my side of the bargain."

"In other words, Oumu. You are my servant from now on."

Lucifer said as demanding as possible. Well, he didn't even need to try as he was just dominating anyone with just his normal demeanor.

Anyway, when Oumu heard those words, his eyes just went wide in shock, and he tried to say something in disapproval, but...before he even knew it, his mouth was suddenly covered up by dark fog.

'When did this come here!' Oumu thought as he could feel that his entire body is being restrained and held by some kind of liquid or something like that.

However, Lucifer then spoke, causing Oumu to focus on his words instead.

Anyway, this is what Lucifer said, "I will take no for an answer."

"I have kept my side of the bargain, and it is your turn to keep yours."

"Nocturnal, take him away." Lucifer said, and as soon as he said those words, a face suddenly formed on the dark fog holding Oumu back.

However, it was not only a face as a voice suddenly resounded out in this dark room.

"Yes, my Lord! Where shall I take him, though? I assume that I am not to harm him since he is now your servant, right?"

Nocturnal Phantom...said those words and his voice was filled with curiosity.

It was the truth that Oumu is now a servant of Lucifer as Lucifer did his side of the bargain.

And since he is Lucifer's servant now, it wouldn't be good if Oumu were to be out of the game so early.

Even though they would be able to heal him back up, they weren't really sure about Oumu's mental fortitude. He might just give out and then ask for death if Nocturnal Phantom were to get rough with him.

Anyway, Lucifer was able to hear Nocturnal Phantom's words very clearly, and he then spoke while looking at Oumu.

"Hmmm...well, just take him somewhere else so that he can process this information in his brain in the meantime. You make sure that he wouldn't be able to go anywhere else. He wouldn't be able to beat you, anyways."

Lucifer said. And what Lucifer said is the truth. Oumu wouldn't be able to beat Nocturnal Phantom, and that is only natural.

After all, where did Nocturnal Phantom come from? He came from Lucifer, and who is Lucifer? A Hell God of the past.

It was so simple.

Anyway, when Lucifer gave his orders, Nocturnal Phantom quickly did his job and moved Oumu away by flying towards a place where darkness just seems to be on his side.

It didn't take him long to take Oumu away as they were now out of sight.

And as soon as they went out of sight, Lucifer then continued to speak while looking at Raya Pazier.

"Your name was Raya Pazier, right?" Lucifer said.

And when Raya Pazier was asked, she just nodded her head in confusion.

She didn't know why Lucifer asked her something that she already knows.

Anyway, Lucifer then continued to speak.

"I believe that you are Raya Pazier without asking for any proof, so you better believe me that I am Lucifer." Lucifer said.

It seems that Lucifer wanted to reassure Raya Pazier that he is indeed Lucifer.

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