One True God

Chapter 131: A Bad Situation

"Hmmm...let me guess...though, I don't really have the time for this..." Lucifer murmured.

Well, it was the truth that Lucifer didn't really have the time for this. He had to go to the Luciferian Empire right away as he still needed to do a lot of things there.

However, there is a reason why Lucifer is even doing something like this.

And it is because it is assuming him. And that's enough of a reason for Lucifer to waste his time and try to guess what was happening.

He didn't force Oumu or Nocturnal Phantom to say anything, and it was a shock, to say the least, for Oumu that Lucifer didn't force them.

After all, he didn't know Lucifer that much. It was only natural that he would be shocked when he only knows that Lucifer is a tyrant who forces others to do his bidding.

That was how Lucifer acted when he was around Oumu and the others, so it was only natural as well that he would think that.

And because it was such a new side to Lucifer that Oumu didn't know about, Oumu became really excited.

He became really excited because this would mean that there are more things to know about Lucifer, and this is one of them, which is interesting as Oumu never expected that Lucifer would behave like this.

Oumu even tried to go as far as thinking what made Lucifer act like this. He thought that one of the factors why Lucifer is behaving like this is because of Nocturnal Phantom, one of his closest servants.

If there were any special factor in this situation, it would have to be Nocturnal Phantom.

But Oumu was not really convinced about that since that would just be impossible.

Lucifer has never even shown any signs of favoritism towards Nocturnal Phantom or anything of the sort.

That was why Oumu tried to think of other reasons why Lucifer would act like this.

He was able to think of a few reasons, but he was never really sure about any of them.

That was just how hard it was to decipher Lucifer's attitude right now in their current situation, and it made Oumu curious as fuck about why Lucifer is acting like this.

However, Oumu, even though he was curious as fuck right now to know why Lucifer is acting like this, stayed his hand and didn't ask Lucifer and Nocturnal Phantom about this.

Why? It was because he knew that it would be rude to ask something like this right in front of Lucifer.

Hell, it's wrong to even ask something like that. It would be like Oumu telling Lucifer and Nocturnal Phantom, a guy who is very loyal to Lucifer, that he only sees Lucifer as some very evil man who would kill anyone, and that he is actually shocked that Lucifer has this kind of side to him too.

One can already predict what would happen if Nocturnal Phantom gets the wrong idea.

Either way, because Oumu couldn't really ask Lucifer about what was going on and also Nocturnal Phantom, his body started to shake even more.

It was because he couldn't just hold himself back in.

Oumu is the kind of guy who prioritizes to satisfy his curiosity, even in the middle of a battle!

Even if the subject of his curiosity is his enemy, Oumu would always satisfy it!

And because of Oumu's quirks, he just couldn't hold it in. For Oumu, this situation is totally unbearable, which is why his body just started to shake like that.

And because his body was shaking like that, Lucifer...noticed it without a problem even though he wasn't directly looking at Oumu.

Well, this is because of his superb senses, but because of this, Lucifer's thoughts just disturbed.

Even though Oum's body was already shaking before Lucifer started to think about this whole situation, the difference is clear.

It was more severe, it was more powerful, and what's more, the shaking of Oumu's body was more evident.

That was why...Lucifer's thoughts and guesses about the current situation suddenly changed.

'He's shaking so he afraid of me? No, he does not seem to be that type of guy. Then what is it? Oh...wait, he's afraid of me...learning what just happened.'

'If that's the case, then he must have done something wrong to Nocturnal Phantom or something along those lines.'

'After all, if I do learn that he tried to hurt Nocturnal Phantom, I would get least, that's how this guy would think if I learn about something like that.'

Lucifer thought. Well, his thoughts weren't really off the mark. Oumu did Nocturnal Phantom wrong by beating him when it comes to knowledge regarding the Lucifer of the legend so his thoughts were still correct.

So Lucifer made a guess base on this since this was the only thing that he could think of right now.

Even though Lucifer is a smart guy who can immediately come up with 10 plans at the drop of a hat, that doesn't really mean he can guess things like this.

It would be different if Lucifer is like Raya Pazier's father who can predict or do fortune-telling.

Anyway, this is what Lucifer's guess is, and he made it clear so that the two demons kneeling in front of him would be able to know as he spoke.

"Hmmm...Oumu did something terrible to Nocturnal, and Nocturnal was unable to do anything."

"Because of this, Nocturnal is afraid to say something in this situation because he thinks that I would get mad because he wasn't able to do anything."

"Oumu...also thinks that I would get mad if I find out that he defeated Nocturnal, who is a very loyal servant of mine."

Lucifer said those words, and his words were...not really off the mark.

In fact, if one skips the details and just outlines them, what Lucifer said is the truth.

Right, Lucifer was able to basically guess the truth with just a few clues that he was aware of.

Even though Lucifer isn't really a demon who can predict things and so on, his mind is still able to make sense of such a vague situation.

It seems that in this case, Lucifer was able to solve it with his mind.

Either way, he wasn't really right as he still wasn't able to guess what happened, which is exactly what Lucifer wanted to know.

That is he spoke again.

"Hmm...that would mean that it was not a battle or anything of the sort since Nocturnal Phantom would never be beaten by someone of Oumu's strength."

"And if it's not a battle, then...knowledge."

"Am I right?" Lucifer said.

As soon as Lucifer said those words, Nocturnal Phantom finally broke his words as he spoke.

"The Lord is correct. I am ashamed that you had to go through such a long amount of time to guess something so irrelevant and useless." Nocturnal Phantom is correct.

It was just a waste of time, wasn't really a waste of time for Lucifer.

"No, it's alright. If you have been beaten with knowledge and Oumu specifically tried to contest against you about our time back then as he tried to prove that I am not really lying and that you are a servant of Lucifer, then it would mean that history has been...changed." Lucifer said as his eyes narrowed.

"History has been changed, my Lord? What does that...mean?" Nocturnal Phantom asked Lucifer.

At this point, Nocturnal Phantom has already forgotten about his defeat to Oumu.

It was no longer important for him as this situation seems dire enough that Lucifer would have a face that looks troubled.

Right, even though Nocturnal Phantom wasn't really looking at his master since he was bowing his head, he was able to see that Lucifer looks troubled.

It was amazing, but it was no surprise at all.

Anyway, Lucifer then continued to speak with the same troubled look on his face.

"Oumu tried to question you about our time to find proof that I am indeed Lucifer and back when I was still active and you lost."

"And that's impossible. Someone who has never been born during that time will never be able to defeat someone who has been alive since those times, especially when you are talking about facts and trivia."

"And this would only mean one thing. The history has been changed."

"And if history has been changed, then it means that I am in a bad situation right now."

Lucifer said those words with the same look on his face.

Well, it was the truth that if history has been changed, then Lucifer is in a bad situation.

What could mean by history has been changed is that Lucifer's identity could possibly be altered by someone to fool the public.

Hell, Oumu was even fooled by it.

But that's not all. If it's not only regarding Lucifer's past that was changed and all of the histories of the Hidden World, then...even if Lucifer reads all the books again, he would never be able to know what happened during the time he was reading books.

The most important thing is that...Lucifer would never be able to know who are the Hell Gods right now or...what happened to the Hell Gods in his generation.

The same thing could be said to the angels.

And that is something that Lucifer didn't want. He would be lost in misinformation, and if he wants to investigate to make sure, he would have to expose himself.

"This is really bad." Lucifer murmured.

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