One True God

Chapter 137: An Idea

"This means that his in a worse condition than ever, and your healing...might not even work."

Oumu said those words, and what he said was reasonable and the truth.

Lucifer just unleashed his wrath and went out of control for like a few seconds, and after that, he ended up vomiting blood.

That could only mean that there was something wrong with his body if he would just buckle down just like that after a single out burtst, especially when he is the Hell God, Lucifer.

And now that Oumu has confirmed that Lucis is really the Hell God, Lucifer, then he also confirmed that there is something wrong with his body that even the Blood Guardian would not be able to fix.

However, it seems that the Blood Guardian did not think that way.

Well, it was only natural that the Blood Guardian would not think that way.

Why? It was simple. It is because it is insulting to him.

The Blood Guardian was created for the sole purpose of being able to reconstruct Lucifer's body back to full health in just a few seconds, sometimes even in an instant

And now, Oumu is saying that he can not do that. There's no way that the Blood Guardian would be able to accept something so ridiculous, especially when the demon who said it to him is just...a weak demon who could never be on par with him.

What's more, that is not only insulting to the Blood Guardian but also insulting to Lucifer.

Oumu is basically saying that Lucifer is so weak that he is on death's door just because of losing control once.

That is just straight up blasphemy when it comes to the Blood Guardian, and that is why the Blood Guardian did not exactly like what Oumu just said.

However, there is a reason why the Blood Guardian has not moved an inch at all and did not disapprove of what Oumu just said.

It is because it concerns Lucifer's health and life. As long as the topic is about Lucifer's health and life, the Blood Guardian would be serious with it and would want to get every single detail about what is going on.

After all, that is the reason why the Blood Guardian was created by Lucifer himself.

That is why the Blood Guardian then began to speak as he looked at Oumu not in a dominating demeanor, but a look that seems to have acknowledged him.

"My healing might not work, you is true that I am aware that my master's body is not like before, and my guess is because he was poisoned by some other Hell Gods, but that does not mean he is that weak." The Blood Guardian said.

And what he said was the truth. Even if there is something going on with Lucifer's body that is making him weak as fuck, that does not necessarily mean that he is weak.

It is just his body, and since it was just his body, that means that Lucifer would be able to do something about it.

That is the reason why the Blood Guardian did not really believe that all it took for Lucifer to summon him was one or two vomit of blood.

But there is something wrong with what the Blood Guardian said.

Even if Lucifer is not really that weak and it was just his body, that is still...serious.

Why? It was because his body. If Lucifer's body dies, then his soul dies, which results in Lucifer dying.

Even though Lucifer's soul would probably be able to possess some body, he would not be as strong as he is now.

In other words, his body is a crucial factor for him, and that is an essential fact.

And that is what the Blood Guardian did not understand.

Of course, Oumu seems to have picked up on what the Blood Guardian did not understand as he spoke.

"Well, that is the truth. Even though his body is like that, I am no match for him. But the point of the matter is that...his body cannot keep up with him."

"If what you have said is the truth, that he has been poisoned, then this situation is more serious than you think."

"And since Lucifer is a Hell God, the only poison that would work on him is a poison that was made by another Hell God or worse, a Heaven God."

"And if that was the kind of being that created this poison, then don't you think that you...won't be enough to heal him?"

"After all, as far as I know, even without a Demon Authority, Lucifer, the Hell God, has a fast regeneration ability that makes it impossible to scar him unless one is at the same level as him, no?"

Oumu said those words without any hesitation even though what he just said was kind of the Blood Guardian.

Well, what he said was the truth, and there was no going around it.

The only one who could poison a Hell God is another being that is on the same level as him.

And even though the Blood Guardian can stand equal to a Hell God, there is nothing he can do here.

The poison...has already infiltrated Lucifer's body so deep that he is already this weak enough to summon the Blood Guardian after only vomiting blood or so.

And now that the Blood Guardian heard this, his eyes...have literally gone wide in realization.

He was shocked. He did not expect something like this would actually be happening.

What's more, it is even more unbelievable that Lucifer would not have noticed that he has been poisoned.

Usually, he would have noticed it right at the very beginning and try to kill the person who tried to poison him.

After killing the person who tried to poison him, Lucifer would then go on an adventure to try and heal himself .

That is what the Blood Guardian believes that Lucifer would have done.

However, it seems that not only did Lucifer not try to kill the person who tried to poison him, he did not even notice that he was poisoned.

After all, if he knew, then he would be doing everything that he could to make sure that the poison is out of his body.

That is why...the Blood Guardian was shocked at his very core.

That is why the Blood Guardian then spoke, "Is that the reason why his body won't be able to take it if I do something rash in his condition?"

Of course, after Oumu heard those words, he just nodded his head as sincerely as he could while looking at the Blood Guardian.

"Hmm...I guess you have a point," the Blood Guardian said.

However, he is not done yet as he continued to speak.

"It has been a few minutes since I have been awake but there is not sign of my master waking up at all."

"This must really mean that my healing ability is not working."

The Blood Guardian said those words.

And what he said was the truth as well.

If his healing ability is working as usual, then Lucifer would have woken up by now.

Even though the Blood Guardian is able to use Lucifer's body and powers, he has not really been able to do so.

Why? It is because after a few seconds of waking up, the Blood Guardian would have been able to heal Lucifer's body and Lucifer would then take over his body again.

The process is so fast that the Blood Guardian does not even has a chance of using Lucifer's powers.

And this only means that his healing ability is that good.

However, for some reason, in this situation, Lucifer has still not woken up.

This can only mean one thing, and that is that the Blood Guardian's healing ability has not healed up Lucifer enough that he can return back to his body.

Well, this is not surprising.

The Blood Guardian is a power of Lucifer, one of his trump cards.

And as stated before, Lucifer's powers have been locked for some reason.

This is probably because of his body.

But anyway, the point is that the Blood Guardian would have been affected as well.

The only reason why the Blood Guardian was able to wake up is because he is a Demon Authority of a Hell God.

He is a special being, and had he not been that special, he would not even have been activated.

That is is not surprising to see that the Blood Guardian's healing ability is not working on Lucifer right now.

However, if that was the case, then...what should the Blood Guardian do?

The Blood Guardian can not come up with anything, which is why he spoke.

"You. What do I do in this situation?" The Blood Guardian asked Oumu.

And as soon as Oumu heard those words, he spoke.

"I have an idea."

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