One True God

Chapter 141: Superior

"That's right. And now, I shall guide you to the answer that you seek..." The other half of the Blood Guardian's soul said those words while looking at the Blood Guardian.

Well, it was kind of hard for the Blood Guardian to take in all this information all at once while being shocked at the fact that the other half of his soul looks like his master.

It was only natural that the other half of his soul would look like his master since Lucifer made him with his soul.

Of course, even though the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul belongs to Lucifer, that does not mean that Lucifer gave so much of his soul to the Blood Guardian.

If one has to be extremely accurate about it, Lucifer only used a very small part of his soul in creating the Blood Guardian.

Anyway, even though the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul told the Blood Guardian that he would guide him to the answer that he seeks, the Blood Guardian still didn't move.

Well, as it was stated before, he was having a hard time processing all the information that he just took in.

It wasn't that weird.

But...since he was aware that he was created by Lucifer's soul, he was soon able to accept it.

That was why the Blood Guardian spoke, to answer the other half of his soul.

"You will guide me? Does that mean that you are aware of how I would be able to control my healing ability better?" The Blood Guardian asked the other half of his soul.

And as soon as he said those words, the other half of his soul...scoffed at him.

"Who do you think created you? Although I may be the other half of your soul now, I was still a part of Lucifer when he made you."

The other half of his soul said. And what he said was the truth.

The Blood Guardian didn't become the Blood Guardian in just a matter of a single snap.

Although Lucifer is powerful, the Blood Guardian is also powerful.

Therefore, he had to use several days in order to create someone like him.

And the very last step in creating the Blood Guardian was to add his own soul.

That was why...the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul was still part of Lucifer when he was being made.

And because of this, the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul is aware of everything there is to know about the Blood Guardian.

His powers, his authorities, his rights, his special ability...literally everything about him.

This is because he still remembers how powerful Lucifer made him.

And because of this, he also knows how to make the Blood Guardian be able to wield his power better and stronger.

That was why the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul spoke once more.

"Well, the process is not really that complicated. It's actually quite simple."

"As I am the other half of your soul right now, all you have to do is take me into your consciousness."

"Once you do that, you will have every information about yourself."

"It'll be like reading a book about yourself and understanding it in a single second."

"Of course, you would not be given information regarding Lucifer at all."

The other half of the Blood Guardian's soul said those words.

And what he said was the truth. The Blood Guardian really just has to do those things and he would be done here.

It was so simple that it was ridiculous. However, the Blood Guardian didn't say anything or complain about it as he just focused on processing this information.

But...instead of being able to process this information, the Blood Guardian instead got confused.

The process of the Blood Guardian learning how to control his healing ability is so simple that it was...actually confusing.

After all, if that was all that it would take him to learn something so amazing, then it would be no problem.

However, the Blood Guardian knew that that is not all there is to it.

There has to be a catch.

That was why the Blood Guardian spoke once more.

"That's all I have to do? Isn't that surprisingly easy?" The Blood Guardian said.

And what he said was the truth. It was easy.

But the Blood Guardian asked that because he didn't believe that it would be that easy.

It would only be natural that the Blood Guardian wouldn't believe that it would be that easy as he knows that it was hard from the get-go.

After all, the Blood Guardian did actually try once to manually control his healing ability.

It is because he wanted to make himself more useful for Lucifer.

However, even though he did try, he found out that there was no use to it.

It was impossible.

No, it was not impossible, but it was so hard that it felt like it was impossible.

And because of that, the Blood Guardian stopped trying.

Of course...since this is the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul, the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul is naturally aware of that.

He was aware of what the Blood Guardian did before, and he was aware of his perspective about it.

And he was aware why he was doubting that it was easy.

However, it seems that the Blood Guardian didn't have to be wary about it this much.

It was proven as the other half of the Blood Guardian's soul spoke once more.

"That's right. That's all you have to do. You don't have to worry about anything at all."

"Well, I understand that you might have some doubts about this because of your previous experience in trying to control it."

"However...I can tell you something."

"The reason why it is easy for you is because...I have done the hard part."

The other half of the Blood Guardian's soul spoke those words without any hesitation.

And as soon as he said that last part, the Blood Guardian spoke immediately.

"You have done the hard part? What do you mean by that?" The Blood Guardian asked the other half of his soul.

Of course, the Blood Guardian got intrigued about this since the other half of his soul is basically hinting that...

"I have done the hard part. I...have learned how to control the healing ability of the Blood Guardian manually."

"And all you have to do is learn it from me. But since I am the other half of your soul, it'll be like taking candy from a kid."

"Do you understand now?"

"I have not been sitting here for years doing nothing. The Lord...Lucifer did not use his own soul to create you for nothing."

"All has been for this moment." The other half of the Blood Guardian's soul spoke those words without any hesitation.

And what he said was...mind-boggling at the very least.

After all, he said that he knows how to use the Blood Guardian's powers, and that was just ridiculous.

Even though they were basically the same person, their consciousness and ego are definitely not the same people.

They still have their own identity. And if the other half of the Blood Guardian stopped being Lucifer's soul ever since he became the other half of the Blood Guardian,'s pretty impossible for him to learn about the Blood Guardian more than the Blood Guardian knows about himself.

It was pretty confusing, but that was not all.

The other half of the Blood Guardian's soul is basically saying that Lucifer used his own soul so that this would happen.

He used his own soul so that his soul would practice the hard stuff for the Blood Guardian, and the Blood Guardian would just need to absorb the knowledge.

In other words, the Blood being spoonfed by Lucifer about his powers.

And that was just ridiculous! The Blood Guardian, even without knowing how to use his powers manually, is still overpowered.

He is the secret trump card of Lucifer, the Hell God, when battling against the other Hell Gods and the Heaven Gods.

And now, Lucifer saw that there is still a possibility to make the Blood Guardian more powerful than before when he was still creating him?

What's more, Lucifer did not only see that there is this possibility, but he even made sure that it would come true by using his own soul...

That...was just...

"Fabulous...Superb...Superior among other beings..." The Blood Guardian murmured those words with amazement as he realized once more how advanced his master was.

The Blood Guardian already saw Lucifer as the one above all, but now...his view of Lucifer just went up another league.

To the Blood Guardian, it would be a disgrace to consider Lucifer as the ruler of demons and compare him to other Hell Gods.

After all, they are all beneath Lucifer.

At least, that was his point of view.

However, it seems that before the Blood Guardian can wander in his own world of admiring Lucifer, the other half of his soul spoke once more.

"So? What are you waiting for? Take me into your consciousness, and solve whatever problem there is."

The other half of his soul said.

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