One True God

Chapter 155: Accept

Lucifer finally asked his question to the brain, the question that he came here for in the first place.

Of course, Lucifer just waited patiently for the answer of the brain.

After all, he did not want to throw him off or anything of the sort as Lucifer did not want to add any unforeseen variable in the current situation and he just wanted to get whatever he wanted from the brain and get the hell out of here.

That was why Lucifer just waited patiently as he looked over at the brain, who seems to be thinking of his answer.

Well, the question is easy enough for the brain to answer. The brain definitely knew where the Luciferian Empire was located and he could tell Lucifer which way he should go.

That way, the threat known as Lucifer would be gone from this place and the brain and Berde would be able to continue on with their journey without minding anything anymore.

That was why the brain also wanted to answer him as fast as possible, but there was something that was preventing the brain from doing something like that.

It is because the brain is curious. A demon who is so strong that he can basically toy around with Berde, the brain's strongest subordinate, is asking for directions to the Luciferian Empire.

For what kind of reasons do such a demon has to go to the Luciferian Empire?

The brain is curious about this question, which is why he could not just help but think about how he would be able to ask Lucifer about that.

Of course, he would not ask Lucifer outrightly about it or anything of the sort.

He would do it discreetly, lead Lucifer with conversations to make Lucifer say the reasons himself without having the brain to ask him.

Naturally, the fact that the brain is even considering doing something like this means that he could do it.

He knows that he would be able to play with words, being able to trick Lucifer into answering the question that the brain would not even ask.

Well, the not a brain for nothing.

However, there is a reason why the brain is still not proceeding with it. And it is because he...fears the consequences.

What if Lucifer also turned out to be a smart guy and notices the trick that the brain is trying to pull?

Since Berde and the Brain literally have no way to fight against Lucifer, as that has been proven earlier, there would be no way out for the two of them if Lucifer wanted to kill them.

Of course, it is a sure way for Lucifer to become angry if he notices that the brain is trying to trick him.

Well, the brain is not really tricking him or anything of the sort, but it is somewhere along those lines.

And since the two of them cannot defend against Lucifer, the brain is hesitating if he should do something like this.

He cannot risk himself just because he was curious to know why Lucifer, a strong demon, is heading to the Luciferian Empire.

But..there is another card that the brain could play.

He would be able to try and get to know why Lucifer is heading to the Luciferian Empire...with minimal risks, and Lucifer might even become more friendly with them.

Although the brain did not want to do something like this, since it concerns his privacy and so on, he...ended up...playing the card that he could play.

And that card was...

"Well, I can definitely tell you the whereabouts of the Luciferian Empire, that's no big deal for me."

"But...would you like to come with us? We are actually also on our way to the Luciferian Empire."

The brain said. Right...the brain and Berde were about to go to the Luciferian Empire for unknown reasons.

And because of this, the brain thought that he can make Lucifer go with him.

That way, if Lucifer goes with him to the Luciferian Empire, the brain would have enough time to try and make friends with Lucifer.

If they were able to become friends, then the brain is basically safer than ever.

What's more, the brain would also get to know the reason why Lucifer would be going to the Luciferian Empire.

Although the brain does not really care about Lucifer, this might be a piece of really important information.

The information why Lucifer would go to the Luciferian Empire...might save the brain's life down the road.

You never know, and this is why the brain wanted to know.

After all, a strong demon like Lucifer can stir up quite chaos even in the Luciferian Empire.

Although it might not look like it, Berde is a strong demon who could possibly give Oumu and Rouge a tough time...while he is fighting them at the same time.

And since Lucifer can beat him so easily, the brain knew how strong Lucifer must be.

Well, that is not really correct since the brain does not even suspect of Lucifer being a Hell God, but it is still correct for him to think that Lucifer is crazy strong.

That was why it would benefit the brain in the long run if he had the information of why Lucifer would come to the Luciferian Empire.

He would be able to know if he should get out of the Luciferian Empire or no.

He would know if he should just abort the purpose of him going to the Luciferian Empire or not.

Things like that...would really be helpful considering that the brain does not really have a body for him to move around with.

That was why the brain offered Lucifer to come with them since that would be easier.

What's more, even if Lucifer is rushing to the Luciferian Empire, it would not really matter since...the brain and Berde were also rushing to the Luciferian Empire.

Just from their speed alone when they were still traveling could tell someone how they were rushing to their destination.

In other words, if Lucifer wanted to go to the Luciferian Empire as fast as possible, it would be no problem for the brain.

Well, except that the brain did not know that Lucifer can just fly towards the Luciferian Empire in the blink of an eye.

However, even though Lucifer knows that he can just go straight to the Luciferian Empire if he knows the direction of where it is located, Lucifer...decided on a very strange decision.

And that is...

"Alright...I will go with the two of you. How about the horses, though? I killed them so there would be no means of pulling this carriage." Lucifer said.

Right...Lucifer has decided to take the brain's invitation. And it was very weird.

It was apparent as hell that the brain is willing to give the information that Lucifer wanted if he just asked and declined the invitation, and everything would have been fine.

Lucifer was able to see that as well, so it was very weird of him to join them in this journey to the Luciferian Empire.

However...if one thinks about the current situation of Lucifer, it is not really that weird for him to try and join the two of them in this journey to the Luciferian Empire.

Lucifer...does not have any connection in the Luciferian Empire right now.

Even though the Luciferian Empire worships him, it does not really matter right now.

And for him to go inside the Luciferian Empire without being detected by its guards or soldiers is not an easy task, even for Lucifer.

The Luciferian Empire is an empire that could even go toe-to-toe with the demons in Hell.

Why? It is because the Luciferian Empire is built to be the base of demons during the war.

Back then, it was considered to be a fortress until Lucifer's influence grew big enough for the Luciferian Empire to be called an empire.

In other words, the Luciferian Empire would have the soldiers, quality of demons, top-quality tools in their hands to see if there is anyone trying to enter the empire without any permission.

Of course, if Lucifer really tries to put in the effort to go inside the Luciferian Empire unnoticed, then he would probably be not noticed.

However, Lucifer did not want to risk it.

The Luciferian literally a jungle with several lion kings. And several lion enough to finish off a dying lion god.

Well, Lucifer is not really dying, but his condition is definitely not good enough for him to fight against several demon kings.

That was why Lucifer took this invitation of the brain to go to the Luciferian Empire together since it would seem like the brain would have the permission to go inside.

That way, Lucifer would be able to go inside the Luciferian Empire without facing any risks or anything of the sort.

Anyway, the brain was able to hear what Lucifer said, and he just replied that it was no problem since the horses are made with magic.

Of course, now that they were set on a course of action, Berde and the brain went back to work to make this carriage operational again while Lucifer just watched them.

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