"This man is under the protection of my lord, and you cannot kill him!" The angel human shouted towards Ten Steps and Emperor Tang.

"That's not up to you." Ten steps and Emperor Tang had the same mind, and said in unison.

After speaking, he rushed forward in ten steps, and with a teleportation he arrived at Heng Lei's side, and the Ruyi Measuring Heaven Ruler in his hand turned into an emerald-colored long sword, stabbing at Heng Lei's chest.

The angel hurriedly took the cross and held it. So, ten steps fought with the angels.

Ten steps to use the Demon Shadow Clone Technique, and ten more of them stabbed at Heng Lei at the same time.

Seeing this, the angel raised the cross and shouted: Angel guards.

A circular shield of light shrouded Henray in it. Ten ten-step attacks were separated by a light mask.

At this moment, Emperor Tang had already thrown Baoding over, and the nine divine dragons that flew out immediately entangled the angel. Then, the angel was detained by Baoding.

Tang Huang shouted: "Collect!"

Then Baoding fell back into the hands of the Tang Emperor.

Inside the treasure ding, the divine pattern lit up, and the angel human had been compressed to the size of a ginseng fruit. The body is wrapped in a golden chain of divine patterns.

Tang Huang glanced at Ten Steps, and Ten Steps shook his head with a smile.

So, Emperor Tang took out the angel ginseng fruit with his hands and swallowed it into his stomach in one gulp.

Ten-colored divine light flowed around Emperor Tang. For a long time. The Tang Emperor entered the state of enlightenment and cultivation.

Ten steps then, began to protect the Tang Emperor.

On the other side, without the protection of angels, Heng Lei had already been torn into a pile of pieces by the more than 100 humanoid ghosts and devoured alive. It was really clean and left no traces.

Five minutes later, Emperor Tang ended his state of enlightenment cultivation and accepted Baoding. smiled and said, "Yes, this thing works for me." The divine essence inside has raised my skills to another level.

"So good! Let's get ready to go back! Ten

steps to finish. He turned to the hundred or so ghosts again. Today, your vengeance has been avenged, and your resentment has vanished. Hurry up and report to the underworld, and be reincarnated as soon as possible!

The demons obeyed. He kowtowed to the ten steps, and then dispersed.

At this moment, the black storage bag on the waist of ten steps jingled, and

a green one appeared. Excess Revenant Merit: 112.

"Hehe, the ghost bag that the Son of Yama gave me." Without waiting for Emperor Tang, he preemptively explained.

"Oh! Another treasure. This day is really good for you! Tang Huang smiled.

After saying that, the two had disappeared in place. On the highway, I escaped to the world of online games with my mobile phone.

Ten minutes later, dozens of police cars roared to the scene of the incident. A police helicopter also flew over.

"The whole process is closed, organize the police to carry out a dragnet search in this area, and we must find out the old city lord's son Henglei!" A veteran police dignitary in Xiangcheng ordered.

"Yes!" The police commissioners of all the places around him answered together.

As a result, a vigorous mine-finding operation was quickly launched on the airport highway at midnight.

However, apart from the discovery of eight unrecognizable bodyguard bodies, there was no more valuable gain.

It's unbelievable that such a big living person has disappeared without a trace.

A group of forensic doctors gave the autopsy results, which are even more incredible:

after a series of examinations, the comprehensive identification results are alternative murder of non-human acts.

There was an uproar in the police circles.

A day later, the entire Xiangcheng people knew about it, and it became the gossip of people after dinner, and it was extremely scary to think about it.

As a result, the incense of the Wong Tai Sin Temple in the city became more vigorous. The number of believers in the temple is also several times greater than in the past.

The second brother's high court lawsuit also came with good news of winning the lawsuit. Yunfan received a total of $1,238 million in claims from insurance companies.

So at the Shangri-La Hotel in Xiangcheng, the second brother also held a family banquet. In addition to the original team of the eldest brother's banquet event, the second brother also specially invited everyone from the extraordinary company.

At the banquet, everyone gathered together again. Uncle, aunt, eldest brother, sister-in-law, second brother, second sister-in-law, and second girl took turns to toast Ye Fan and thank him.

Ye Fan had no choice but to dry nine large cups of XO, and the courage to drink was also impressed by everyone present! The waiter's jaw dropped when he saw it.

"Oh my God! That's three whole bottles of brandy! The one just drank it. Moreover, he didn't frown, he was still talking and laughing, and everything was wooden! Uh-huh, God! The waiter shouted inwardly.

However, this is not the end of the story. The lonely couple, Jun Xiang and Xiao Niu, also raised their wine glasses and toasted to their bosses.

Ye Fan then drank four more glasses of XO, which made him a little drunk. He didn't deliberately resist this dizzy feeling, because it was very subtle.

Ye Fan felt that the people who could let themselves drink so openly, in addition to the other two themselves, Shibu and Tang Huang, in addition to a pig man, there were only a few relatives and friends now.

For more than 20 years, Ye Fan has never been really cared about or taken seriously. He struggled alone in his own world, and Yu Yu walked alone.

His shouting, his crying, his loneliness, his frustration! But who will listen and care? He just walked like this, and the road seemed to never end. What a terrible nightmare this is!

The banquet continued, and Ye Fan did not fall. The waiter poured first, mainly because he didn't believe that Ye Fan was drinking wine. I secretly poured a little and tasted it myself in the food room. So, he was scared! He forgot that he had a fever due to a cold in the morning, and he had eaten two head cannons, and the result was tragic.

No matter how long the banquet is, there is a time to end. The relatives were reluctant to give up again and said goodbye warmly. The second brother sent someone to drive them all back to the villa.

Erya helped Ye Fan to the bed. Untie his clothes, wipe his face and hands. Then, I also removed all the burdens by dividing them by two. Stay by his side, gently caress him with her hands, and kiss him with warm lips.

Ye Fan just looked at her obediently and didn't do anything. At her mercy. So, she bravely climbed up...

Ye Fan suddenly remembered the kind of video game he played more than ten years ago.

That Super Mario is amazing! She wanders everywhere she wants. Eat everything in front of her. Make your excitement and reward points higher and higher. Fight the boss tirelessly in hand-to-hand combat, and knock him out to win the final victory...

That little pink plane is also too watery and too vegetable. As long as the player touches the bullet lightly, it falls down and hangs up. The first round of the game ended in a hurry.

In the second round, the bumblebees had good combat power, constantly circling, circling, circling. Eventually, the player's enthusiasm was ignited, and the weapon was fired violently, and finally it exploded! It's so cool!

Wait for the last round, and the big plane will come up. No amount of bullets will help. That's a bit of an embarrassment of not being able to control the situation. I had to continue to fight patiently, fight, fight! A man never gives up!

When the expected ending finally came, it was really cool.

You give, you get. You've fought, you're a hero. You have lived this life in vain.

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