
  I still have a chance, as long as I burn through his magic, I still have a chance!

  Kakana's recovery

  "Walking tank, you are stronger than I expected, but you can't beat me!"

  She took a few steps back and held up the colorful scepter

  the realm

  Tongtian Mulu!

  Evil sickle

  After the cooldown refreshes, Kakana re-accumulates colorful

  "City Lord, she intends to exhaust my magic and consume us to death by fighting."

  "Don't give her a chance, take advantage of her illness and kill her."

  Mu Xien's moonlight condenses

  Zhou Yun's recovery really scared him.

  11e's treatment is horrible.

  But fortunately, he is also a person who has seen the world, so he calmed down quickly, started a refractory dog, and chased Kakana.


  The tide of battle began to change.

  Under the terrifying treatment effect of Zhou Yun, Mu Liang's grace turned from bad to good, and he didn't have to worry about the lack of blood, and attacked Kakana crazily.

  The group of players below and the evil army also dealt tons of damage with the help of Zhou Yun's [-] million annihilation tanks.

  Not only did he defend the Sky Village, but he also played the Sky Village and began to defeat the evil legion on the front line.

  Time passed little by little.

  One hour!

  Three hours!

  six hours!

  A damage proof!

  Three anti-damage!

  This battle lasted a full day and a half

  In this day and a half, Kakana changed from the initial clamor to a rat crossing the street, and the blood volume recovered, and it didn't even recover.

  He didn't dare to fight Mu Xien at all, and he didn't even want to touch his refractory dog.


  The refractory dog ​​swiped with a single blow, blasting the Bamboo tree out and hitting Kakana.



  Kakana screamed, her blood volume bottomed out, and she was knocked down.

  Sean fell in front of her, took out the steel forbidden orb that had been prepared for a long time, and prepared to imprison her.

  But at this moment, an evil voice came from afar.

  "Walking tank, I really underestimated you."

  "I thought Kakana would win this war, but your role is far beyond my imagination."

  "During a day and a night, you didn't exhaust your magic, it seems that what that person said was right, you have Poros

  National Protector Class: National Teacher. "

  The Sulfuric Goblin King walked over slowly, his face gloomy

  "To be honest, at first I didn't imagine that you could use the omnipotence and omnipotence of that class."

  "But obviously I was wrong. I have advanced enough to integrate with other classes."

  The Sulfuric Goblin King walked not far from Kakana and took off his cloak and leather cap that covered his ugly face

  "I feel that it is necessary for me to end your legend here, Almighty Knight, and not be allowed to grow up."

  "You... dare to fight?"

  Zhou Yun narrowed his eyes, and just as he was about to speak, Mu En arrived: "A walking tank, I am not allowed to participate in this war,

  The reason why I can join the battlefield is because of my relationship with Kakana but the goblin king sulfate, I have no ability

  Shooting the supreme god limits me"

  Zhou Yun's words did not surprise Zhou Yun

  He has been playing "You Zhi Gaojie" for almost a year. What kind of urine does the system have, he still doesn't understand?

  The Opposite Sulfuric Goblin is only level 50. In this case, if the system lets the level 0 Mu Xien take action, then the system will fail.

  It's not that stupid system.

  "Things, my account with it, I will settle with her in person."

  Zhou Yun walked to the opposite of the Sulfuric Goblin King.

  "Aunt Ellens still has a task in my hands, and she wants you to be killed."


  The Sulfuric Goblin King thought for a moment and smiled: "The aunt who was tied up by me in the hole to be eaten?

  Mother, what good reward can I give you.Otherwise, you come to be my subordinate, and after I deprive you of the all-around class, I will give you a powerful class. "

  Zhou Yun laughed.

  "Then it doesn't have to be. I don't have the habit of working with a rubbish that harms others."

  "After all, not living with garbage is the true meaning of our country since ancient times."

  The Sulfuric Goblin King sneered: "What a true meaning! Then I'll see how you can defeat the all-around [-]th rank [-] fighter.



  The Sulfuric Acid Goblin King slapped the ground with both hands, and endless sulfuric acid poured out of it, corroding the surrounding surface.

  Mu Xien's face was heavy: "Walking tank, you have to be careful, if I remember correctly in 4.5, the sulphuric goblin king is a long time.

  A powerful character before, its skills are elusive. "

  Zhou Yun nodded, "I know."


  [You enter the field of sulfuric acid goblin king: sulfuric acid decay, you get the debuff buff sulfuric acid decay

  Sulfuric acid decay: outside the sulfuric acid decay field, you cannot conquer the sulfuric acid decay field, all active recovery

  Invalid, all active buff bonuses are invalid

  The Sulfuric Goblin King is a powerful existence that even Mu Xien has to export reminders. The effect of this field alone makes Zhou Yun's

  The holy choise piano is ineffective.

  Not only that, all the effects of active buff nullification are also terrifying.

  But Zhou Yun stepped in without hesitation.

  Some accounts should always be calculated

  s Thank you for the reward and will not forget it

419. The Dark Ancient Arena! (two more)

  I thought you wouldn't come in. "

  The Sulfuric Goblin King looked at Zhou Yun confidently

  "How can you beat me without the recovery effect."

  Zhou Yun said indifferently: "I saw you in the cave, your IQ has increased a lot, have you eaten goblins? I heard that you goblins

  Eating the same kind is great. "

  The Sulfuric Goblin King narrowed his eyes: "A walking tank, you have nothing but a mouth."

  Zhou Yun took out the strong shield of Narens Light and the guardian goddess Panara from the backpack.

  "I haven't even carried you yet, and you know that I'm not capable anymore."

  "Sulfuric acid goblin king, let's take action, let me see how the strength of the defeated general is now"

  The Sulfuric Goblin King had a grim expression on his face.

  The shame that he couldn't defeat Zhou Yun and fled the road is still vivid in the past.

  Being mentioned by the other party like this, anger could not stop flooding into my heart.

  "as you wish!"


  The Sulfuric Acid Goblin King quickly ejected, the hindering effect brought by the sulfuric acid swamp was like nothing to him, and the speed was only seen.

  Road 25 Optoelectronics.


  Sulfuric Goblin King (Old)

  Level: 50

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