I don't even dare to put a fart."

  "If you don't cheat people, seriously, I want to blow up being a hero."

  The players were in a good mood. After all, Zhou Yun had said before that he would not harm them, so they were very relieved.

  "How can you say that to people?"

  Zhou Yun said angrily: "Maybe they are trying to beat me in some way? As long as it is talent, there is a way to restraint.

  Law.By the time they find me, I'm not done. "


  We tm are touting you, can you not grow other people's ambition and destroy your own prestige?

  "Okay, what you say is what you say, we won't argue with you."

  "I heard that you went to the White Elf Emperor's enthronement ceremony, how about it? Isn't Queen Luluka very beautiful?"

  "Envy, if only I could go to the White Elf Holy Land to participate in the enthronement ceremony."


  These people are living in a dream, when did Luluka become the White Elf Emperor?

  "Are you mistaken? The White Elf Emperor is not Luluka, but Mu Xien, the former city lord of Longjue City."


  "True or false? That fat man is the White Elf Emperor?"

  "I cnm! Shady! Absolutely shady. My goddess Luluka is so beautiful, she cannot be tolerated as a white elf."

  "Walking tank, do you know where the Lady Luluka went?"

  Zhou Yun nodded

  "I know"

  Really? Where did it go?”

  "She's following me now and is my third hero."

  As soon as Zhou Yun's words fell, the players cast a light of contempt.

  "Okay, you're fooling people, who doesn't understand it! You are fooling people, seriously."

  "Really, I didn't lie to you, she is really my hero now."

  "Haha! I believe you are a big head."

  No one believed that Zhou Yun was like a wolf coming. Zhou Yun had too many people who didn't believe it.

  As a result, Zhou Yun is now regarded as a fart when he tells the truth.

  "Okay, if you don't believe it or not, let me in."

  Players roll their eyes, get out of the way

  also go in

  If the players were able to enter the victory office in this battle, they would have...

  Hey, my grass, what the hell!

  Watching Zhou Yun open and close the door, sitting at the award window for the victory of the battle for a month, dumbfounded, a bad premonition came over me.



  The player at the front pointed to Zhou Yun and then to the Battle Victory Office, stuttering a little.

  "What is this? Don't be nervous, brother, talk slowly if you have something to say."

  "The tank I walk on is very authentic, so I must listen carefully."

  The player smiled bitterly

  "You...should...would you be acting as a proxy for the awarding of campaign rewards?"

  Zhou Yun gave him a thumbs up and gave him a thumbs up.

  "Brother, yes, this wisdom is comparable to the mental retardation of some guilds."

  "You are right, in order to thank me for my contribution to the peace and stability of their group, the White Elves deliberately won the battle.

  Agents of materials to me, I will distribute them to you. "


  In an instant, all players in Jiping were heartbroken.

  I'm tmd, I've worked so hard to wait for supplies here, but the rewards haven't arrived yet, I've waited until a pit

  "Then...our supplies, you...you shouldn't swallow it, right? You...at the beginning...said...agreed."

  Zhou Yun nodded and said very seriously: "Well, I promised you that I will never embezzle your materials, and I have always held on to it.

  With this idea. "


  Hearing that Zhou Yun would not swallow their supplies, he let out a long breath.

  "The white elves gave me this batch of supplies, and I hope that I can use this to clear up the misunderstanding between you and me.

  I don't have a good reputation in the gamer community, don't I?

  "Yes, the white elves are too insightful, it should have been so long ago."

  "You also think that's right, don't you?"

  "Of course, it is definitely a great blessing for us to be able to clean up."

  "Hey, it's because I think the same as you guys, so I've been tricked."

  The players are stunned

  "Tank boss, you... said you wouldn't pit us."

  Zhou Yun widened his eyes and looked innocent

  "Yeah, I didn't cheat you!"

  "But tmd, Mu Xien's dead fat man avenged his personal revenge, and he actually counted himself as the White Elf Emperor and I was an arrow to the Dragon City.

  hatred. "

  Zhou Yun slammed the desktop hard, furious

  "You don't even know how many materials he gave me, basically a dozen low-level promotion orbs and high-level hardwoods.

  Nothing at all. "

  "After I got the agent's material rights, I understood that he wanted to put all the charges on me, and use this to attack me.

  I disgust me. "

  "After all, I have cheated you a lot on 943, and I will definitely subconsciously think that I swallowed your rewards."

  The more Zhou Yun said, the louder his voice became.

  "But he was wrong this time, even if I try to go bankrupt, I will give you the rewards that belong to you, absolutely not

  will be less of you"

  "Now, everyone send me a screenshot of their system reward list, and I will distribute materials according to your system reward list.

  I swear here, I will never embezzle any of your supplies. "

  What Zhou Yun said was called the most generous, and the players were moved when they heard it, and were angry with Sean's actions.

  This dead fat man actually changed the way to embezzle their materials.

  "This group of white elves, as expected, are still the same as before, they are arrogant privately, bah"

  "Walking tank, I support you this time."

  "Yes, I support you this time too!"

  Zhou Yun was very moved

  "Thank you, thank you, I will try to do better in the future."

  "But before that, I want to ask everyone a favor."

  "The actions of the white elves are so chilling, I am going to evacuate Enerlu to develop my sky village. I hope everyone can help me.

  Arm strength. "

  "Of course, I will not ask you to join permanent membership. You can rest assured of this.

425: Mu Xien who vomited blood (two more)

  "Don't give us any permanent membership, you send our rewards first

  "The eyes of the masses are sharp, and everyone can see at a glance whether you have pitted us."

  "Yes! What do you do with so much nonsense, and give out rewards."

  Zhou Yun clapboard

  "Okay! I'll send it to you right now. I'm cheating you, the tank I'm walking on is eating shit."

  Zhou Yun began to distribute supplies, and distribute each player's respective campaign rewards to everyone.

  Soon, the rewards for all campaign players will be distributed

  "The campaign rewards have been sent to you, please consider what I said earlier."

  "Sien and I have a grudge, it is impossible for me to develop in Enerlu."

  "If you can afford my walking tank, help me, go to Skydu, I'm going to develop it into a new king-level main city.

  Zhou Yun has experience in the promotion of the main city, so he is confident to upgrade the sky village to the king-level main city.

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