"That's it, come on then"

  "Boss, you have to work hard. I heard that the Super God Guild that you defeated sent a super n player over."

  Zhou Yun was shocked.

  Yeah, how did he forget the cute alien civilization player.

  Alien players want money and money. Because the forum is temporarily not interoperable and the news is lagging, it is an excellent moment to make a fortune.

  "It's okay, they will come when they want, and I will meet them later.

  "Hee hee, the tank boss is amazing and domineering."

  Returning to the city lord's mansion, Zhou Yun began to use his Enerlu agency to change the price of the Enerlu reincarnator's agency

  Compared with the first-level main city and the jade-level main city, the price of items is better and more expensive.

  King-level Restoration Potion

  Price: 100 gold coins

  King level magic potion

  Price: 100 gold coins

  In addition to these medicines, there are all kinds of medicines, and there are so many types that they are not comparable to first-level main cities.

  Zhou Yun concluded that if the group of alien civilization players wanted to fuck him, they would absolutely have to go through Enerlu, and through Enerlu would be absolutely impossible.

  To repair and buy, then the money will not come?

  Alien players have always looked down on their solar system cultural resistance: Under such circumstances, Zhou Yunkeng people are full of confidence

  After thinking about it, Zhou Yun decided to increase the price of no medicine by [-] million.

  Either don't sell it, or sell it directly

  Adhering to this concept, Zhou Yun raised the price of all the agents' items by [-] million.

  "No... not good, His Majesty's walking tank he... he"

  Seeing the white elf woman panting, Mu Xien's mouth twitched.

  The secretary chosen by this special person has no literacy at all, making a fuss and panting at every turn.

  "What's the matter? Did something happen again?"

  After being swayed by Zhou Yun, Mu Xien was thinking about how to save the reincarnated person, and severely beat the opponent.

  "Your Majesty, he... raised the price of all goods facing the reincarnated

  The white elf woman's eyes widened, obviously frightened.

  "Third times? Hundred times? Thousand times?"

  "I've told you how many times, calm and calm. When I was the Lord of Longjue City, I never saw any scenes."

  Mu Xien sneered in his heart

  He had already expected Zhou Yun's actions

  "No... No, he has improved a hundred million times, a full one hundred million times."


  Mu Xien jumped up from his seat, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

  "How many times did you say?"

  "One hundred million times! The king-level recovery potion that sells for 100 gold coins (cfef), he increased to 100e a bottle."

  Mu Xien held his heart

  mb, my heart hurts.

  The pit ratio of shit actually increased the price of Enerlu by [-] million times for them. Who would dare to come to their Enerlu?

  "I didn't tell him the whereabouts of Nass and Trimeri, this damn bastard, is it necessary to target me like this?"

  "I t…

  Mu Xien's fat face twitched, obviously not very angry.

  "Your Majesty, that... or you and the walking tank apologize, peace..."


  "I'm Uncle Cui Moli, he's his elder, he treats me like this, he's sorry to me, I can't think that he will die without apologizing.

  It might be a big deal that we Enerlu don't need reincarnators. "

  Does he have no dignity?

  It was impossible for him to bow his head and apologize to Zhou Yun's junior.

  "Is that the city of Enerlugan in the Turnereggs area ahead?"

  "No, I deliberately came to the main consciousness clone to come here."

  This woman has a graceful figure and is dressed in strict but delicate fashion, but even so, it cannot hide her beautiful face.

  Choo Choo Choo!

  Millions of bluebirds come to surround beautiful women

  "Do you think I'm beautiful? Do you really want to do something to me? Do you have the heart?"

  Choo Choo Choo!

  The Moon Blue Birds that surrounded the beautiful woman seemed to be controlled by some kind of force, and scattered, ignoring the passage of the other party.

  The beautiful woman came to Enerxia through the holy courtyard with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

  she took a deep breath

  "It's still the good atmosphere of the elf clan's territory that attracts natural freshness."

  "Go into the city to supply basic materials, and then I can start my plan to conquer the followers of the solar system players."

  This beautiful woman is none other than Wu Ni who hides in Zhou Yun's house as a nanny with a fake face, formerly known as Ruth, Bingyue

  Her Royal Highness Princess

  "Hello, may I help you?"

  "Little brother, do you think I am beautiful? Can it be cheaper?"

  Ruth charms the NPC

  "Beauty, you are the most beautiful in the world."

  "Then can you sell me a potion at half price?"

  "As long as you need, I will send everything to you."

  "Giggle! You can really joke that I only need a thousand bottles of various potions."

  "Yes, wait a moment."

  After the NPC got the goods, Ruth didn't even look at it, she took out a special bright card and swiped it in the middle of the store.


  [You buy a total of 30 items of six categories of goods, and consume [-]we]


  [Your virtual network card account is insufficient to deduct all the gold coins and you get 50 bottles of six types of goods]

  The sudden system prompt confused Ruth.

  what the hell?

  So little garbage 30e?

427. You are a senior, this order please! (one more)

  How much is a bottle of medicine here?

  Ruth's eyes widened, what charm skills, all forgotten

  "Hello, a 100 billion bottle of king-level recovery potion."


  She wondered if she had stepped into a pseudo-god, so she did not understand the production of players below level 10.

  100 billion bottles of what the hell?

  The legendary artifact of level 50 is also very strong - is this price good?

  100 billion a bottle, half price 50 billion

  In this way, she bought a total of 50 pieces of 6X300 and spent 1,5 million

  1.5 million, this is all the money she smuggled to the new district with.

  just now…

  All gone

  "Brother, do you see me beautiful?

  "Beauty! You are the most beautiful in the world."

  "Then can I return it? People buy too much."

  "I'm sorry, the Supreme God has made a rule that the reincarnated person cannot return it."


  Ruth slapped the table.

  "Tell the old lady, who is the representative of the reincarnator of Enerlu City."

  "It's a walking tank"

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