[Players are asked to make a choice: go to the Tower of Life or the Abyss of Death]

  "The Tower of Life."


  [You are teleported into the first floor of the Tower of Life]


  [You are affected by life loss effect, -10/s this effect cannot be immune]

  The first floor of the Tower of Life corresponds to levels 1-10. With Zhou Yun's strength, it is easy to pass this floor.

  However, due to the orderly guard tower type that he passed through the customs, the difficulty level of the tower of the God of Life increased geometrically.

  life puppet

  Level: 10

  Attack: 360-720

  Life: 12w/12m


  Armor: 12

  Rose Speed: 2.0

  Movement Speed: 4

  Talent: health regeneration (+1% golem skin (damage reduction 70%)

  Skills: Slightly

  Strong attributes, Zhou Yun remembered correctly, the quicksand wolf at level 22 didn't have the same attributes as level 10.one

  The second floor is easy to clear, and you will soon enter the second floor


  [You are affected by the life loss effect of 100/s, the effect cannot be immune]

  The life loss effect of the second layer is directly increased by 100 times

  However, with Zhou Yun's life recovery, he was still able to fight.

  Compared to the first floor, the monster's attributes have been improved a lot, but it is still not difficult for Zhou Yun to clear the customs quickly and enter the third floor.


  [You suffer from the effect of life loss -1% / this effect cannot be immune]

  The life loss of the third layer directly becomes a percentage deduction.

  This made Zhou Yun cautious.

  With his level, he should be able to brush up to the fifth floor.

  But this is only three layers, and it is equal to his life recovery.

  The third floor was not difficult, and it took Zhou Yun an hour to successfully clear the level and enter the fourth floor.


  [You are affected by life loss effect -2%s, this effect cannot be immune]

  The 2% life loss was already greater than Zhou Yun's life recovery.





  A heavy voice came from a distance, and a stone giant with a mace came over.

  Mountain Giant

  Level: 40

  Attack: 1-1.2w

  Life: 1200w/1200m

  Magic: 0/0

  Armor 999 (91

  Attack Speed: 170

  Movement Speed: 20

  Talent: mountain talent (50% chance of celestial crit and 10 times crit), order breath (order difficulty unique talent

  All damage comes with 20% order damage

  Skill: Forced Taunt

  This is the first time Zhou Yun has seen a monster with taunt skills.

  To be honest, wild monsters are taunting, he doesn't know how the system is going to operate, forcibly control the player's body to lift the weapon and smash it

  "Wow, this is not the place for you to come, get out L"

  The mountain giant at the forefront roared and swung his mace, slamming Zhou Yun hard.

  Accelerate the halo!

  Slow down the halo!

  Attack Speed ​​Aura!

  Degenerate aura!


  Take a seat!

  After Zhou Yun dodged the attack of the three-headed mountain giant, another mountain giant approached.

  Forced mockery!



  [Your luck is too low, you are forcibly ridiculed and your body is out of your control, and you will attack with all your strength for three seconds. 】


  This dead system really plays the game of forcing control over the player's body.

  His body in the game was out of his control, and under the forced mockery, he frantically went to the mountain giant who mocked him.




432. The confident prince Yeno! (three more)

  20% order damage brings 2.4w damage to Zhou Yun

  Zhou Yun calculated that relying on the Holy Light baptism, it was not a big problem and he could handle it.

  Here is what someone wants to ask, with a holy bleak piano, blood recovery is not a problem at all.

  At the end of the White Elf battle, Zhou Yun also thought so.

  However, the system does not allow players to enjoy the ug equipment that can only be owned by this kind of battle, so the suits in the Holy Goddess store are all

  The Ministry was reclaimed its euphemistic name, and the wartime discount was restored to the original price. I wanted to buy it, and came back with enough merit.

  And the 20 work moves spent in Zhou Yun's campaign (the previous chapters were too many, I forgot to include the [-] discount in the upper ground and returned to the ground).

  come back.

  Zhou Yun, who has not enough merit, can only exchange it for Zhu Xie Sheng Qingzhu, which sells for 10 merits

  The remaining 10 meritorious feats are simply not needed.





  As soon as Zhou Yun was taunted by this one, he was taunted by the other, and he was hurt by a head of mountain people.


  [You have suffered the damage of the sizing order, and the resistance to physical damage of the order -+6%]

  Zhou Yun didn't know how many times he had suffered taunts and order damage, but when he heard the system prompt him that his talent was adaptive.

  Resistances successfully adapted to initial -Order physical damage

  Relying on the interval of not being ridiculed, Zhou Yun madly nursed himself and added blood to himself.

  In this way, touch strong to maintain the blood volume around 50, and then start the long journey of brushing resistance

  When he brushed the resistance, on the other side, Ye Nuo entered the order-level tower-guarding difficulty.

  It is exactly the same difficulty as Zhou Yun's order-level tower defense.

  Damn it! This is the second wave, is it so hard to fight?"

  "No, I won't be able to stop."


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