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I hope you don't get deceived by those scammers

  "I'm just like this, I can't change it"

  This man, as the old man said, was completely invisible.

  At one time, he felt that this man was not worth mentioning, but after a brief contact with Ri, he only felt that this man was mysterious and unpredictable.

  When you think you can see him clearly, it is actually just an illusion, and the real counterpart is looming and difficult to distinguish.

  Tian Shen said: "A walking tank, as long as you don't do things that are harmful to the country, the country will definitely stand behind you and do your best.

  Strong backing. "

  Zhou Yun smiled and said, "You don't need to tell me, I'm a down-to-earth **! This life is the next life, or"

  The two of them laughed together for a long time

  In the end, Tianwen chose the Life Envoy transfer certificate and left the Orb of Life and the Orb of Advanced Promotion to Zhou Yun.

  After separating from the people who cast eyes on the guild, Zhou Yun clicked on his guild column.

  Since the Battle of the Demon Dragon, he has kept the guild system free, seeing the old strategist who is always here working hard in the broken house.

  I can't bear it, it's a man who does things for him, isn't it?

  Garbage Dragon Domain (Leader Type)

  Guild Level: 3

  Guild size: 1000

  Gold quality gold produced, must be a boutique.Under the current quality, all guild effects cool down -3%x3

  Guild effect (leader type)

  Leader Aura: When the effect cools down, activate this aura, all members of the guild temporarily gain the leader's own single aura

  Effect. (If there is no halo, a certain attribute will be randomly increased) Cooldown 24H

  Double Prestige: When the cooldown of this skill expires, this effect is activated, and all the guild's prestige values ​​will be doubled on the cooldown


  Single Soldier Swiftness: This skill only works in leader guilds.When the cooldown of this skill is over, activate this effect, all guilds

  Members temporarily gain a 20% self boost for 5 minutes.Cool for 3H.

  Guild promotion (leader type)

  Promotion to Level 4: Requirement met

  Platinum quality: 600 guild effect skills (completed), platinum heart (not acquired)

  Click to upgrade the guild, and Zhou Yun raised the guild level of the Junk Dragon Domain little by little.

  He lacks everything right now, just money and high-end hardwood perfection orbs.


  [Your Guild Garbage Dragon Domain is promoted to LV10, reaching the upper limit]


  Please improve the guild quality, otherwise the guild level cannot be improved

  Level [-] is the upper limit of the current garbage dragon field, and if you want to surpass this level, you must have a heart of platinum

  But this thing, Zhou Yun don't talk about it, I haven't heard of it.

  ""Would you like to try this?"

  The Platinum Heart sounds like a spherical crystal item, and he has several similar items, which may be substituted.

  Zhou Yun fiddled with the backpack, took out the mechanical core, the advanced promotion orb, and the advanced promotion orb.

  First, Zhou Yun started the experiment from the mechanical core.


  【A guild promotion item similar to the Platinum Heart has been detected, do you want to use it?】

  Zhou Yun's expression brightened, his guess was correct, he could use other items instead of the Platinum Heart.

  "Can I check the estimated situation after promotion?"


  【In the process of systematic review】

  [Jian players have a base of technology system and are allowed to check the promotion status in advance. 】_

446. Long-distance · Fanatical Horn (two more)

  Garbage Dragon Domain (Leader Type) (Mechanical Core Preview

  Guild Level: 10

  Guild size: 10w

  Platinum quality: Platinum produced, must be a boutique Under the current quality, all guild effects cool down -4%x3

  Guild effect (leader type) slightly

  Promotion to level 11: 10w low-level promotion orb

  Brilliant Quality: Guild Effect Skill 6 Brilliant Hearts

  guild building

  Mechanical Minion (upgradeable)

  Level: 1

  Attack: 3-4

  Life: 12/12

  Magic: 0/0

  Armor: 10

  Attack Speed: 10

  Movement Speed: 2.0

  Talent: Heart of Mechanics (a sub-talent built under the Mechanic Core. When this talent exists, the unit will not die, it can be

  To repair) Mechanical installation As long as you have powerful weapon blueprints and supplies, it will be extremely powerful in just three seconds)

  Skills: Rush, Cleave, Self-destruct

  Evaluation: This unit is a unique product of the guild, occupying a guild player unit.

  mechanical repairman

  Level: 1

  Attack: 0-0

  Life: 100/100

  Magic: 0/0

  Attack speed:

  Movement speed:

  Talent: natural maintenance expert in mechanical maintenance, can repair mechanical soldiers 953)

  Skill: Repair Speed

  Evaluation: This unit is a unique product of the guild, occupying a guild player unit.

  Zhou Yun

  This makes him go further and further on the road of technology.

  First, destroy the tanks, and now even the guild is doing this.

  However, he is a very democratic person, and when he is a shopkeeper, he must have the appearance of throwing away his hand.

  He gave this screenshot to eternity

  "Look at the development direction of such a guild, do you want it?"

  Eternal is always promoted to the vice president of the guild, and he also has reminders for the continuous upgrading of the guild.

  He was very concerned about this.

  Especially since there are so many materials, it is impossible to upgrade the guild level earlier, must it be upgraded now?

  You've done it all in one go, and he's the one in charge, but you're exhausted.

  But when he saw the screenshots Zhou Yun sent him, all kinds of grievances disappeared.

  what the hell?

  He was busy looking for the Platinum Heart to be promoted to the guild, and there was no news at all, so the other party found a way to promote it?

  And it is the mechanical core that distinguishes platinum

  Eternal always knew the importance of this matter, and did not rush to restore Zhou Yun, but thought carefully about this guild transformation belt.

  advantages and disadvantages.

  After a while, he made a decision.

  "President, this guild's development direction, you can give it a try."

  "You can do it, I believe in your moonlight."

  Eternal Chang has no opinion on this guild manager, and he is naturally happy as a hands-off shopkeeper.

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