"Hehe, I'm just betting on that possibility, you care about me? Besides, even if I spend 2ee, my money is more than yours,

  You are only a 2e ghost. "

  In this regard, Zhou Yun smiled lightly.

  "I'm poor? Are you still living in a dream?"

  Zhou Yun raised his hand and called for the price.



  Stina's eyes widened, and she looked at Zhou in disbelief.

  This man, didn't he say that he only has 2ee?

  "You...you lied to me?"

  "No no I didn't lie to you, I really only had 2ee at the time, but then I suddenly remembered that in my other wallet

  And money. "

  Stina is pissed.

  There are many backpacks in "You Zhigaojie", but there is only one wallet, where can the second wallet come from?

  Damn, doesn't this man want any dignity?

  In her cognition, the other party confessed their mistakes so sincerely and expressed their conviction, which should be the truth.

  But now it seems that she is obviously being fooled.

  "You don't deserve to be a man, you don't have the dignity and credit that a man should have, but you are willing to be subservient to a woman"

  Zhou Yun said lightly: "You can't say that, I'm called being able to bend and stretch, if you don't fool you into spending 2ee, I will

  How to compete with the big guys for this finale item"

  Speaking of this, Zhou Yun made another bid to suppress the bids of other players.





  Stina gritted her teeth and shouted her maximum ceiling.

  She's out of money and that's all she has over 6e gold.

  She just made a bid, and Zhou Yun immediately surpassed her.


  After more than 4ee, only Zhou Yun and Stina were left to bid, and the others did not have the financial resources.

  "Man, I remember you, this account, I will settle it with you at the Turner Leggs World Series when you have

  Kind don't run. "

  In the face of Stina's fierce generals, Zhou Yunli ignored him and said to Bond, "Master, you have watched all the way, although you also

  You are borrowing me to teach that woman, but seriously, this is not enough, the royal education has to keep up."

  "According to my opinion, she should be thrown into the slums, feel the hardships and hardships, and let her know how to spend the money."

452. If you want to fight, then give it a try! (two more)

  Bond's face paled.

  Is education okay? That's the matter of other people's stars and royal families. You stinky brat, aren't you too presumptuous?

  Just when I don't know who you are?

  "A walking tank, don't think that you can act recklessly if you pit the Arum Royal Family 6ee"

  "If it weren't for our friendly lover of the Galactic Federation, your solar system would not have reached this day."

  A walking tank?

  Stina was startled.

  If she remembered rightly, the walking tank was the inhabitant of the solar system, and entrapped that stinky house of the Arum Empire.


  This incident was introduced to the royal family of the Arum Empire as early as a few days after the incident, and Yeno was directly locked up for this reason.

  ghetto to grind

  No, wait...

  Stina suddenly thought of something and shivered inexplicably.

  If the matter of her being fooled by the other party is passed back to the royal family, she won't be sent to the slum by the mother emperor too?

  Wow, don't, it's terrifying.

  Zhou Yun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "It's not bad that you are a giant in the galaxy, you can guess my identity so quickly, but I want to correct you two things.


  "First, I didn't harm him, I clearly marked the price of the medicine as 00we because he bought it without looking at the price, and wanted God

  Be proud, don't blame me.And I gave him a chance to get his money back, but unfortunately, he is too naive and useless."

  "Second, it is also something I want to refute harshly. What qualifications and shame do you have in the Galactic Federation to say that you are friendly and loving? It's up to you.

  We are here thinking about how to take away the good talent that belongs to our solar system? Bond, if it is not because of your old age

  Wisdom, I already beat you up. "

  Bond looked at Zhou and said: "Once a new district is opened, there will be talent to replace this kind of thing. This is the rule of the system.

  , Our Galactic Federation is just doing things according to the rules. "

  Zhou Yun sneered.

  "Didn't you say you were friendly and loving? Now you're doing things by the rules again? Don't you feel blush?"

  Bond: "Aren't you the same with each other, and you have hurt countless compatriots with your thick skin?"

  "Hunting? Why are you talking about this? If I hadn't spied on the sinister intentions of your Galactic Federation early on, I wouldn't be as strong as I am now.

  If there is a strong I in the World Y3 competition, our solar system will be slaughtered by you. "

  Bond chuckled lightly: "You mean to say, with a strong you, your solar system players will not be slaughtered. This is a bloodbath.

  The lesson of this, any new district has been exploited before, you Turner Leggs, you can't escape"

  Zhou Yun stared at Bond: "Then give it a try."

  "Soon, you will understand what you are facing."

  Bond is dismissive of Gan Zhouyun's idea.

  How many people like Zhou Yun used to want to support their region, but how can they face the federal government?

  The huge lack of strength of Chinese players made them a crushing defeat.

  This loss and most of the good talents have been replaced, and the entire group has become both pitiful and weak.

  He never thought that the solar system where Zhou Yun was located could win this battle, and the solar system would lose.

  In the end, the endless fragile light was obtained by Zhou Yun, and the auction under the gods ended here.

  When the auction under the gods is about to close, Stina finds Zhou.

  "Walking tank, see you in the World Y3 Competition, I want your upgradeable resistance talent."

  Zhou Yun looked at her

  "What? This shows the ferocious edges and corners ready to devour our solar system?"

  Stina looked at Zhou Yun with a pitiful light

  "Although I have no hatred for your solar system, this is the rule of the system, and we are also under the rules of the system and do our best to

  It is possible to obtain resources only. "

  "In the words of your solar system, it is the great road."

  Zhou Yun said lightly: "It's still a great way to fight for the front, why don't you say Tianyan forty-nine, if you don't understand it, don't pretend to understand it, go home.

  It's good to be enlightened, but the IQ is hard to get up from nb anywhere. "

  Seeing the other party bring this up again, his face shows anger

  "Walking tank, don't just hold on to this, one day, I will let you take back this sentence."

  "Yes yes, the princess of the royal family of stars, she is so wise, she counts the heavens and the earth. I'm not as good as the rubbish I'm waiting for."

  Seeing Zhou Yun leaving, Stina stomped her feet angrily.

  This damn man, obviously just a player of the galaxy, actually disrespects such a beautiful and charming princess of the stars.


  "Walking tank, in the World Y3 competition, you will regret the L"


  【You quit the auction under God】


  [Countdown to the start of the World Y3 Competition at 00:10:00, please be prepared]

  Before you know it, the World Y3 Competition is about to start.

  "I don't know what the form of the World Y3 Competition is. Looking at the people from the Galaxy Road Federation, they seem to be flat against the World Y3.

  The competition is well understood. "

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