"Is this moment finally here? Walking tank, your first blood, I want L"

  "Quack plundering spring water, what a wonderful term, although this was first opened by the natives of the new area, it still cannot be changed


  Our stronger fact. "

  "The ants of the solar system, your good talents, I want them all"

  Kill, for the heritage, for a better tomorrow, plunder them"

  "Find the plundering spring and take him away."

  The alien players were so excited that they couldn't contain their excitement.

  The appearance of the plundering spring means that they can plunder the enemy's talent.

  "The big tank has opened the plundering spring, this should be the reliance of the alien beasts to plunder our talent and must not let them

  Take away the plunder spring"

  "For the better tomorrow of our solar system, war!"


  [You open the plundering spring, the coordinates of the plundering spring: xx

  [Please guard the plundering spring water, and try not to be discovered, otherwise it will become a source of rights for your talent to be deprived]

  Looking at the coordinates, Zhou Yun looked strange.

  This thing, it is not good to open it, but it is at the highest point of the spleen meridian.

  Don't be too conspicuous there.

  He originally planned to hide the plundered spring water so as not to let it be discovered, but now it's better, I guess he doesn't need to say it, everyone knows it


  "Does anyone know where the plunder spring is?"

  "I don't know, I have to find a way... No, wait, you look at the light at the top of the mountain range, it seems to be plundering

  The light of spring water. "

  "I see! Haha, it's the plundering spring, it's really it, it's great."

  "Treading through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it. It takes no effort to get it. God is helping us."

  "Players of the solar system, you are destined to be deprived of talent and bear this lesson."

  Found a large number of alien players rushing towards it to loot the spring

  "Grass! Why does the plundering spring appear in such a conspicuous place, is the sky going to kill our solar system?"

  "If the powerful talent is deprived, how can we become stronger in the future?"

  "I heard that the more the game goes to the later stage, the utility of talent attributes is the most important.

  If you can't go up, you're a waste!"

  cnmb, fuck them, even if I die, I will never let them easily deprive us of our talent. "

  "Yes, absolutely can't sit still! Kill!"

  The solar system players who felt the desperate situation rushed to the plundering springs and killed the alien players.

  "Don't make a desperate struggle. Your solar system is destined to be doomed."

  "Bah! You bastards in sheep's clothing, we shouldn't have let you into the solar system in the first place"

  "You can't say that, without our technology, the architecture of your solar system might not have been destroyed by your explosive qualities.

  Everything has two sides. "

  "Hehe, why make excuses! If you are a bad person, just say it bluntly, and no one will look down on you."

  "We are bad guys, but we are recognized by the system. You may not know that the system has

  It has already buried a great hole.”

  "What do you mean?"

  "Remember the one-year anniversary event before the opening of the World Y3 Competition? Is it fun to use the intermediate grade gemstones? Is it cool to consume?

  "You... what do you mean!"

  Solar system players feel bad.

  "Haha started to panic? You're walking 100 meters forward, you'll know."

  The unknown solar system player approached 00 meters towards the location of the plundering water spring and was blocked


  [It is detected that the player has less than 10 intermediate-level promotion gems, and he is not eligible to participate in this plundering spring competition 1

  "This... how is this, how is this possible... the system is tricking us"

  This is not the voice of a single solar system player, but the voice of countless solar system players.

  They were duped by the system.

  This kind of pit is far more powerful than Zhou Yun's pit.

  After all, no matter how much Zhou Yun is pitted, the resources are still circulating internally, but the pit of the system is indeed pushing the solar system to a dead end.

  "Tiansha's Dogecoin system is on my cnm

  "Damn, I can't go up!

  A large number of solar system players are stuck on their way to the plundering springs, unable to move an inch.

  Players who were vigilant at the time of the first anniversary exchange, although they have a mid-level promotion orb greater than 1, but in the face of people

  There are a huge army of alien players, tens of millions of them. They are like floating in the sea, and they are indescribably weak.

  At this moment, countless solar system players gave up.

  They are a small galaxy, and they have to face not only a new generation of ice but also all the other galactic federations.

  The new generation of the empire, this huge crowd, how could the poor 000e of the solar system be able to resist?

  The mantis arm is the car, and it is beyond its own strength, ah, billion!

468. Unexpected harvest, dragon scales! (one more)

  was laid out

  Lin Yongheng looked at the news he received and let out a long sigh.

  Since losing to Zhou Yun, he thinks that he has changed a lot and recognizes many mistakes, but this time he is still careless.

  However, the disgusting operation of the system was not seen.

  This pit, his eternal guild also jumped.

  Not just him, most players in the entire solar system jumped.

  At that time, a subordinate told him whether the first anniversary event would be a pit.

  He didn't think much about it at the time, just kidding, who would be like a walking tank, who would kill people for nothing?

  But reality hit him hard.

  The system really sucks.

  "What should the president do now?"

  Lin Yongheng's subordinate asked him.

  Staring at the plundered spring water on the top of the Pisui Mountains, Lin Yongheng slowly closed his eyes and said word by word, ""Nine Six Three" and the country

  Contact us at home and follow the arrangements of the state. "

  All the top-ranked guilds, such as the Casting Eyes Guild, the Rose Guild, the Deity Guild, the King of All Beings Guild, and so on, were recruited.

  One can imagine that to participate in a battle to plunder the spring water, there is also a storage of intermediate-level promotion orbs.

  Where does this lead them to look?

  Some players who are cautious and keep the middle-level promotion orbs, although there are, but the number is too small, completely unable to control the battle situation.

  They all turned their eyes to the old man who worked hard for the **

  Congress of the Solar System.

  **The old man looks at President Jian Guo

  "Now, are you satisfied with this result?"

  President Jian Guo snorted and turned his head, not daring to look at the old man

  His original intention was to use the strength of the Galactic Federation to weaken the influence of the ** on the solar system, so as to regain the strength that should belong to them.

  country's world number one

  But he did all the calculations, and he still missed the greed of the Galactic Federation.

  The other party has focused on the talents of the solar system players from the very beginning.

  "You've been like this all your life, and you won't admit defeat."

  "If you want to be the first, then use your strength to defeat me with policy, rather than using such inferior means."

  ** The old man scolded the President of the country for a few words, then stopped talking about the matter, and turned to say "I *was dying, but according to

  Relying on the cohesion of the nation, it survived.Now, it's time for our entire solar system class to unite against the Galactic Federation

  Time for wolf ambition. "

  "If you are still stubbornly longing for the illusory title of the first power in the solar system, then our solar system is really far away.

  Death is not far away"

  "Back to me, my compatriots in the solar system, you just choose to surrender or fight them!"

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