The effect, I'm afraid not to leaf blood

  And within these ten minutes, even if he relied on the blood-returning medicine, his blood volume began to be unsustainable.

  His innate skills must hit the enemy, relying on blood to fight to keep fighting.

  But now, he can't hit the opponent at all.

  Two aQs plus a high-level kite skill, combined with a low-end wind step, almost made him mad at the Haston show.

  In this way, even if the other party's mouth is open, he will be giggling from beginning to end.

  Haston has killed the sub-god-level battlefield for many years, and has never seen such a shameless and hateful person like Zhou Yun.

  This kind of person is not hateful in terms of strength, but that mouth, tmd, whoever listens to it wants to kill

  "Walking tank, don't fight, I'll admit defeat!"

  Although he was extremely reluctant, the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but argue.

  Rather than being defeated, it is better to admit defeat generously.

  "Haston you are crazy how can you admit defeat!"

  When Cass heard Haston's words, he angrily scolded: "If it's a big deal, we'll use it..."

  Haston interrupts Cass

  "Shen Yan, if there is any bad news, it won't be good for you or me."

  Cass is still angry, his face is full of unwillingness

  He looked at Zhou Yun and snorted coldly, "If the walking tank hadn't been suppressed by the system this time, and it couldn't use that thing, I would have done it earlier.

  I'll kill you!"

  Zhou Yun sarcastically said: "You've been screeching for a long time, but you're using your own thing, you don't dare to use your hammer.

  while playing. "

  "you you……

  Cass' face turned red.

  "Trash of the native galaxy, you will only use this shoddy language to arouse the anger of others."

  Zhou Yun snorted, "It's your galaxy that is as noble and noble as you, and you were killed by me, a native trash, hanging and beating you.

  Aren't you ashamed? If I were you, I would have gone back to a noble country in disgrace. "

  Cass's tantrum suddenly surged up.

  tmd If he doesn't use his trump card today, his Cass name will be written upside down

  But just as Cass was about to use his hole card, his friend column flashed.

  Cass was surprised

  Super God Ha Tiandi actually contacted him

  He quickly opened the communication and said, "Heavenly Emperor, are you looking for me for something?"

  Super God · Ha Tiandi's huge dog head squinted at him

  "I watched the live broadcast and you seem to want to use that thing. Have you considered the consequences?"

  Cass shivered all over, and the cold sweat couldn't be stopped.


  At this moment he felt that he was only a thin line from death.

  "I'm sorry..."

  "Don't say sorry to me, your temper tantrums, take something that you can use, but it's not right to put it on you

  Give it to Haston, and he will keep it for the time being. "

  "Yes, I understand"

  "Well, now, turn on the communication screen, I want to talk to the walking tank."




  Cass said to Zhou Yun: "Walking tank, Emperor Ha Tian, ​​one of the three super gods of the Super God Guild, wants to see you"

  Zhou Yun smiled coldly: "If you say that if you see me, you will see me, isn't it shameful for me?"

  Cass did not restore Zhou Yun, but turned on the communication screen, so that Zhou Yun and the super god Ha Tiandi were separated by an unknown distance.

  look at each other.

  "This should be the first time we meet, players from the Sun Galaxy, walking tanks."

  Looking at the dog creature on the opposite side of the screen that was exactly the same as Erha, Zhou Yun almost laughed.

  This thing, I'm afraid it's not just Ha Shiqi, right?

  But if the other party is a strong person, the name is still very nb, he has to give face.

  So Zhou Yun forcibly endured and said, "Hello, noble dog thing Yiyi."

473. I am praising you! (three more)

  Super god Hardiguang looks at Zhou Yun

  "You scold me?"

  Zhou Yun hurriedly shook his head.

  "no no!"

  "Why would I scold Emperor Ha Tiandi, one of the three super gods of the Super God Guild?"

  "The reason why I call you dog thing is to compliment you."

  "Originally, I wanted to call you Mr. Dog, but I always thought it was nondescript, so I thought about it and came up with this dog thing.

  Three words that express my inner respect. "

  "First of all, you see, dog is the appellation of your race, this is definitely not wrong, right? Second, as for things, it is the right

  Fang praised something like a work of art, which is definitely the best title. "

  Super God · Ha Tiandi's mouth twitched

  If it weren't for the information he got, the most evaluation of this guy Guan Gan was to run the train with his mouth full of holes, he really might have

  Being fooled by the "[-]" party

  He has lived for so many years, and it is the first time he has heard people say the words "dog things" so full of positive energy.

  "A walking tank's slick tongue will never go far, and it's the shore that turns back."

  Super God Ha Tiandi speaks indifferently

  Zhou Yun put his hands together on the earth: "Amitabha, dog thing, did you forget a sentence before, put down the butcher knife"

  The super god Hardy's face sank and became a little angry

  Dog thing dog thing barking, really think he has no temper?

  "Walking tank, I'm here to negotiate with you, not to play tricks with you."

  "If you want to see my strength, you can come to the Super God Guild to find me."

  Zhou Yun: ?

  "Dog thing, I used to be a doctor, I think there may be something wrong with your forehead. Or you often bully

  It makes you forget the code of conduct as a dog.It's not right to bully the small."

  "I'm only level 50, you asked me to find something like you that looks like a few hundred levels?


  In the end, Zhou Yun showed a hint of pity.

  Super God · Ha Tiandi's nostrils, almost exploded

  He is a dignified super god-level player, even in reality, he is already an invincible powerhouse.

  A civilization that has never been born to the garbage that steps on the starry sky is cursed.

  "Walking tank, do you know what the price is for offending a strong man who steps on the starry sky?"

  "Believe it or not, I'm going to Earth now and destroy the planet you live on."

  Zhou Yun bared his teeth and smiled, extremely confident.

  "No, you won't"

  "If you really wanted to destroy the earth, you would have done it a long time ago instead of waiting for me to praise you here."

  "Presumably, there is something in the solar system that makes you excited or care about?"

  Super God · Ha Tiandi's pupils shrank and stared deeply at Zhou

  The indigenous people of this solar system are very y

  The Turner Legos area has just opened its first year of service, and it has already been spied on and has been spied on.

  "You should be thankful, if it weren't for the laws of the Galactic Federation, your Earth would have long been my dead soul."

  "Walking tank, join my super god guild, and I will let you advance to level 600 and step into the ranks of gods with a terrifying background."

  Super God Ha Tiandi finally stated the purpose of his trip.

  Zhou Yun is a good chess piece, and he is going to take it into his pocket to develop the follow-up plan.

  Zhou Yun gave Er Ha a surprised look.

  "How terrifying is the horror in your mouth? Can you pinch you to death with one finger?"

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