This tm is only over level 50, and it has already reached the speed of 1000, reaching the level of afterimages of gods.

  How does this t play?

  "Damn it, there is no upper limit on the ability of the walking tank to increase the movement speed and attack speed."

  "That's not the key, the real key is the blood tank of the tank you see walking in the video."

  At this time, the alien players discovered that Zhou Yun's blood bar was always empty, and even the dense damage floated over his head, which was extremely incomparable.


  "Could it be that when this guy uses a buff to gain attack speed and movement speed, he needs blood, but if that's the case, and

  The Valley of the Wind was completely inappropriate at that time. "

  "No, look at the damage to the players in the solar system behind him, compared to the damage before he appeared."

  The discerning person can immediately see that the comparison of the two damages has decreased by 0 year-on-year.

  "Impossible! Where did he come from this kind of divine skill of protecting the country, this is a divine skill that can only be possessed by the god system, he has a 50

  How can a level player be qualified to…

  But halfway through, the alien player was speechless.

  He found that the walking tank, this beast, cannot be measured by ordinary standards. It is too detached and too incomprehensible.

  "You can't say it yourself, it means that you also believe that he already has the magical skill of protecting the country and absorbs 90% of the damage.

  The terrifying magic skill is not only that, his magic skill, _ may have the effect of saving death, otherwise it is impossible to understand why he is bloody.

  The slot is always empty. "

  "Having a buff-enhancing skill and protecting the country, I tmd, did this guy already know that we would loot

  To seize the solar system, have you prepared a hand early?"

  "Impossible! This is the decision of the top of the Galactic Federation, and the solar system is so remote that it is impossible to reach all the places in the Milky Way.

  It doesn't work in your statement. "

  "Then what should we do now?"

  "What else can I do, submit a joint application, ask the NPCs of the ancient gods to cooperate, and use the terrifying group of players to live

  The magic skill of protecting the country and crushing the walking tanks!"

  The wise alien player is full of confidence

  "You know, no matter how strong the national protector skill is, there is still a limit. When the damage exceeds a certain limit, I think his national protector god

  Skill is n, but it will not help.”

  The persuasive remarks spread quickly, and soon, all the alien players decided to jointly submit an application and request to join the district in advance.

  , the end of the campaign match.

  This is a feasible operation under the system rules, but as the price of ending the campaign early, that is to reduce the event revenue by 50%

  benefit, win or lose.

  But alien players have no way out.

  They came with the idea of ​​depriving the gods of their talent, which is no longer a rare talent. If the talent is not deprived, they will be deprived of it.

  After a tragic torture, then their face of this new generation was really thrown into it.

  Therefore, they have no way to retreat, there is only one battle!

  Only by beheading the walking tanks, they can be proud and reclaim their nobility and prestige.

  "I, Cadiz Norrint, submitted an application for a combined zone for which I am willing to give up 5% of the tournament revenue"

  "I... submit an application for a joint district..."


  One by one, the applications for the combined districts were sent out and handed over to the NPC in charge of the ancient gods in their districts.

  When they saw the application submitted by the reincarnator, their expressions were solemn and they quickly responded to the ancient gods.

  The battle situation is very bad!

492. I'm sorry, I'm also a coward! (one more)

  What kind of light cult army can't win the battle match?

  "This is impossible!"

  "The reincarnators of the ancient kingdom of God should be the new generation, the extremely young generation who came from there, they should not have the strength.

  And the ability to fight against the power of the Light God Cult Army. "

  "However, if this is false, there is no need for our reincarnators to apply for a war zone merger, which means they are victorious,

  The reward is only 50%. "

  "Who can tell me, what's going on here? The first one who plundered the spring water is now a combined area, and this batch of reincarnations

  Is the quality so bad?"

  The gods of the ancient gods NC are silent

  How should they answer this question?

  It’s not bad, but it’s not bad, at least the players of the ancient kingdom of God are pressed and carried.

  But it is such an advantage, they really can't figure out what is going on, so that the reincarnators who have the advantage can

  Exit zone signal.

  "The problem is in the No. 7 theater. There must be some kind of merger there. Towards the 7th theater."

  "It can only be like this, I can't see the battle of the weak, can only rely on themselves, the best resources are the strongest power

  It's been given to them and if they still lose, it's their own incompetence. "


  [The application request you submitted for joining the district has been approved, please move closer to the No. 7 theater immediately

  After receiving the system prompt, the alien players were very excited

  "Come here, the application has been approved."

  "Walk, No. War Zone, walk with a walking tank, you must die"

  "It is absolutely impossible to let him continue to act recklessly like this, otherwise we will win the battle of gods, and the talents that can be deprived will be pitiful.

  While the alien players were evacuating one after another, the solar system players were stunned.

  what's the situation?

  Why did you just leave?

  And what the hell is this zone?

  Merge towards theater 7?

  Isn't that the war zone guarded by the president of the Rose Guild?

  Could it be... what happened over there?

  "Support the Rose Guild, although they are not our strong country guild, but in the face of the common enemy, we are solid


  "The people of the Rose Guild must not be allowed to fall. This is related to the life and death of the entire solar system."

  "How can the Great Cold Kingdom be under the protection of the earth and protect the solar system L"

  The major guilds of the solar system, with their own guild members, poured into the No. 7 theater.


  [You are affected by the walking tank skill "Dedication of the Great Shield", 90 of the damage you love will be transferred to him

  The moment they stepped into the No. 7 theater, the solar system players obtained the protective effect of Zhou Yun's skills, and they all gasped.

  What kind of skill is this?

  Can actually help resist 90% of the damage 0

  "I received the skill effect from the walking tank, what is the dedicated giant shield called, have you received it?"

  "Yes, I have too"

  "What? You have them too?"

  "My God, shouldn't this skill cover all allies?"

  "I know I know!"

  A player screamed.

  "The Rose Guild is not about to lose, but with the help of walking tanks, it is about to win, so the forces of the ancient gods suddenly merged.

  , estimated to kill walking tanks. "

  The players' eyes lit up.

  They agreed with this statement, otherwise how to explain the sudden announcement of the joint district.

  Zhigan said why they didn't think about this at first, the reason is very simple, from Zhou killing the enemy to information dissemination to cooperation.

  District application submissions are all completed within a very short period of time, and there is almost no opportunity for solar system players to upload news to the forum

  This leads them to subconsciously ignore the two "advantages".

  Bi, from the battle competition to the present, they have all been disadvantaged, who would suddenly think of the advantage.


  Alien Party!

  "What's the use of hiding in the Shrine of Reincarnation? Only by fighting can you have a chance to survive. Is it possible to stand here and slaughter the walking tanks?"

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