Thielence was ready for a massive hemorrhage.

  She doesn't ask for anything but to use it (cfe a man

  It's so hard to be followed by this man

  "Maybe if I don't kill you, but you know, I'm very trustworthy and not beheading you means I've violated my original intention.

  , the cost is enormous”

  "Look what you can come up with in exchange for your life."

  Dielunsi has an expression that I know you want a lion to open your mouth.

  "I'll exchange three things for you to leave."

  "The first, there is a way to get out of the false prison, but I don't guarantee that this method will work because no one can

  Leave, everything is a theoretical illusion. "

  "The second piece, a skill book, is a skill that I spent a long time brushing in the false prison tower, which is just right for

  You ride ten. "

  "The third thing, I swear to you, in any future battlefield, as long as you appear, I will retreat and refuse to fight.

  Zhou Yun gave Dielunsi a surprised look.

  This woman seems to have changed a lot, not as arrogant as before.

  Sure enough, he is a great man, good at teaching others

  Look at how arrogant and conceited Dielunsi was at the beginning. If Ling, is not obedient and has no temper.

  "Okay, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll break my promise not to kill you for now.

  to go"

  "Take it, this is what you want"

  Dielunsi took out the skill book, threw it to Zhou Yun, and said: "If only one false theory is feasible, it will become false.

  Prison Tower, get through the tenth floor.And so far, no god who has entered the false prison has been able to clear customs. It is not only a test of strength and skills

  , is a test of our initial talent.If you think you can do it, try it."

  " bastard walking tank, I don't want to meet you again if I kill you!"

  After ruthlessly spurned, Dielunsi took a relaxed pace and disappeared into the vain.

  Zhou Yun didn't yell at her, but shook his head with a smile.

  This woman, Dielunsi, is still a bit feminine, and she can still "bah".

  After sending the other party away, Zhou Yun checked the skills given by the other party.

  Upper limit advanced skill book

  Using this skill book, you can forcibly upgrade one level regardless of all skills at level L9 or above.

  Note: For any skill, you can only use this skill book once.And when stored in the hands of non-God-level units, it has not been used within three days,

  The skill book disappears, but the refresh time cannot be reset.


  This system doesn't allow even a bit of a loophole to be drilled.

507. Want me to tell a story? (one more)

  Since the system does not allow players to take advantage of the loopholes, the question is how to use his current sealed body.

  He tried to use the upper limit advanced skill book.


  [You are affected by the ban effect, you cannot use the skill book, and the skill book's existence time is extended until the attribute is restored

  Three days

  Fortunately, the system is not unreasonable. In his situation, he can keep the skill book indefinitely.

  Put away the skill book, he walked towards the city ahead

  According to Dielence's meaning, if he wants to leave the False Prison, he needs to go to the False Prison Tower and where is the False Prison Tower, he must

  gotta know

  Entering the city and looking around evenly.

  "Friends of God, you shouldn't go this way, you should go this way... Yes, that's it."

  The whole city is completely different from the real metropolis, and the gods here are very loose and do nothing.

  In front of him, there are two gods playing something similar to Go.


  Their tactics are very simple, how simple is it?

  Can't even compare to backgammon

  "Junior, what are you doing?"

  Zhou Yun poses as an elder

  The two gods did not wrinkle.


  Where is the rude guy.

  "Why are you friends talking about juniors? Do you think you are older than us?"

  Zhou Yun smiled lightly: "Not only am I better than you, my research on this thing is also far better than you."

  The two gods raised their eyebrows.

  "Better than us?"

  "This thing is created by the goddess of the cloud, and it is called Yunyan. The legend is that it evolved from the culture of another world.

  Are you sure you understand?"

  Zhou Yun glanced at Yun Yan in astonishment, this Dong Liang was created by that woman, the Goddess of Yun?

  This IQ, I am afraid that I did not pay the IQ tax.

  "This kind of thing, I can win it with a wave of my hand.

  "Hehe, let's have a plate then?"

  "OK fine."

  Zhou Yun thought that the opponent was going to play such a low-level chess game with him, but he was wrong.

  The so-called cloud performance is not going down, but deduction.

  Play this simple chess game in the direction of Go.

  After he listened to the deduction rules of the opposite god, Zhou Yun almost laughed.

  Combined with what the other party said earlier, the cloud goddess of the cloud evolved from the culture of another world, and he has reason to believe that

  , It was the goddess of the cloud who heard about this thing, but she couldn't let go of the goddess to go back to the player to ask for it, so she made a cloud show

  , want to use the power of countless gods to deduce

  In this way, when a player discovers this in the future, the gods have reason to say that it was invented by themselves and

  Not plagiarizing them*

  Such a good thing, how could Zhou Yun not get involved.

  "Junior, but after the deduction is completed, you can still get the favor of the woman of the Goddess of Clouds."

  This is the most crucial question in Zhou Yun.

  According to the routine in reality, this kind of thing will usually be rewarded in the end.

  And looking at the worship of these gods when they mentioned the goddess of clouds, presumably the goddess of clouds is not an ordinary person.

  Under such circumstances, the most effective and cheap reward is to get a chance to see

  "Don't be a junior, my friend, we are not weaker than you, if this is not a false prison, I will fight you directly"

  "Hurry up Yun Yan, if you can perform some profound things in Yun Yun, I will convince you to call yourself a junior"

  Zhou Yun is light and cloudless

  Yun played a hammer, how could he play this thing.

  However, it is still possible to move the essence of *.

  "Mu Pan gave me three minutes for a so-called chess game."

  The two Yun Yan gods couldn't help but admit and laugh: "My friend, pretending to be a little kid will get thunder.

  "Yes or no, you'll know right away, don't you?"

  Saying that, Zhou Yun started to move, copying all the rules and playing methods of Go, explaining and demonstrating to the two gods.

  "This way... and this way... now you understand?"


  The two gods took a breath and looked at Zhou Yun in horror.

  "Senior is extremely intelligent, and he is actually performing a perfect cloud performance in three minutes."

  Facing the praise of the two, Zhou Yun smiled lightly.

  "It's all trivial matters, since you weak gods are weak and lack wisdom, I'll give you two more deductions.

  Let's play chess and enrich your prison life. "

  The two gods were startled and immediately sat up straight

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