"This...why is him, I have a bad feeling.

  "It seems that he took advantage of the loophole and entered the false prison through the void passage of the Moyuan era."

  Hope and the goddess has some downtime in her head.

  What's going on here?

  As the seven or six pillars of their new gods, they were so frightened by a reincarnated person?

512. He is a scourge! (three more)

  Six pillars, the little girl is not clear, that person is just a reincarnation, why are you so shocked.

  The goddess Wang asked the doubts in her heart.

  The sixteen gods looked at each other and let out a long sigh

  "That guy is a cancer!"

  "That guy, it's a trick!"

  "That guy is a dog"

  Each pillar has a different evaluation of Zhou Yun, but to understand their meaning from a broader meaning, that is, Zhou Yun

  Personal pit forces one to meet the best.

  "He... a reincarnated person, so unbearable?"

  The Moon Goddess frowned.

  She looked at Zhou Yun in the Moon Moon Tower, full of sense of justice, and said what the coexistence faction wanted to say but dared not say.

  Sixteen pillars:

  "Mochizuki, do you have a crush on him?"

  The goddess Wang was shocked and shook her head quickly

  "No, no, how could I have a good impression of a reincarnator who is only over 50 levels"

  "It's best if you don't have it! What that guy likes the most is acting and hurting others."

  Ten Pillars began to explain their understanding of Zhou Yun

  "Do you know the World Y3 Tournament? With the power of one person, he forced the older generation of reincarnators to fight in the war zone with one battle and one hundred million.

  Shengsheng reversed the results of their reincarnated people every time the World Y3 competition, and even the flank Dongfeng army leader Yongzhen listed him

  As the third-class observation object of the ancient gods, this person's strength, at the same level, can be described as earth-shattering. "

  "But unfortunately, this person has a bad personality, is extremely rogue, and only seeks profit. Wherever there is benefit, he will run away."

  "Even on the scourge list of the ancient altar, he is on the list."

  The lovely little mouth of the goddess Wangji opened slightly, with a look of disbelief.

  The scourge list, are all on it?

  Is that guy really that scary?

  Thinking of Zhou Yun, who was sitting in the Tower of the Moon Goddess, the Goddess of the Moon Moon was interested in the reincarnated for the first time.

  "The Sixteenth Pillar, since he is such a scourge, should we take action if the best interests are made clear?"

  "Urgent, I have informed the leaders of the powerful faction that you are the leaders of the new gods, and it is up to you who leads the new gods in the end.

  on our own"

  After a while, a gloomy middle-aged man dared to come.

  He squinted at the Moon Goddess and smiled coldly

  "Goddess Mochizuki heard that someone in you had the effect of the light of faith, so she wouldn't know that she was about to collapse, so

  Come on, don't break it, don't you stand?"

  "Then I advise you to give up the idea of ​​our strong faction is the most correct one, you coexistence faction, you can't win"

  Goddess Wang Qi said lightly: "Our coexistence faction will not play down this time because of a little pressure.

  to the reincarnated. "

  The gloomy middle-aged man froze and laughed

  "Joke! Sixteen Pillars, their coexistence faction has lost their minds, and they have withdrawn the reincarnated in the false prison. This is when I am

  mentally handicapped?"

  The Sixteen Pillars looked at the gloomy middle-aged man, but did not get angry, and said, "The reincarnated tank named Walking is an ancient god.

  Ming San and other subjects of observation, and high on the list of scourges, is this kind of achievement okay?"

  "It's him?"

  The gloomy middle-aged man looks darker

  He hates this ID to the core

  Originally, the battle between him and the Goddess of Clouds could be said to be a complete victory, and the Goddess of Clouds was overwhelmed.

  It can be said that if he wins that battle, if there is any coexistence faction in Ruling, there is only the voice of a faction that they strongly send.

  But for some unknown reason, the goddess of the cloud received a lot of light of faith through divine power communication, which made her combat power not small.

  Promoted so that his advantage was wiped out.

  As a result, the strong faction was slightly stronger, but it was unable to defeat the coexistence faction.

  "It's good to know him, or not to know him. Now is your chance, cut to pieces."

  A pillar opened his mouth to remind the gloomy middle-aged man, that is, Chopping, obviously, he was a strong supporter.

  "I will seize this opportunity, this, our strong faction, will definitely win."

  After he finished speaking, he looked at the Moon Goddess

  Goddess of Hope According to the contract, neither of us shall disclose information, and strive to improve the strength of the leaders of the two factions to advance in a hundred years.

  Do a test.But now, the information is exposed and the contract is voided. "

  "Our new pantheon will be the victory of the coexistence faction where you open up the light of faith, compete with each other, and eat meat, or we will enjoy it exclusively.

  The light of faith, the powerful faction that creates the pillars of victory. "

  "Goddess Mochizuki, I'm looking forward to it."

  Wang and the goddess stared at the crack.

  "Your ideas deprive the gods of their freedom, and you will not win."

  "Humph! The results will prove everything, stop talking nonsense, see you here in a day."

  After he finished speaking, he strode away.

  At this moment, he was in a very happy mood.

  I thought that the Coexistence faction would survive for a hundred years, but if Ling seemed to have to thank the reincarnated walking tank.

  However, thanks to thank you, the other party made him waste more time in the dispute between the two factions, and he still has to settle it.

  The goddess of hope returns to the head of the three gods in the Yunyue City Tower

  "The battle is going to start tomorrow, and our winning percentage is very low."

  "There's still a hundred years left to develop, if Ling, I can only give it a shot."

  "That walking tank guy, really can't find anyone else? Damn thing, bad I coexist and send a good thing."

  Three gods, the goddess of clouds, the goddess of the moon, and a male god, he claimed to be the gods of heaven.

  "Go to heaven, the goddess of clouds and I still have some things to talk about, can you go to the city and make an announcement to clear the battle between the two factions.

  The public at the bottom?"

  Gui Tian glanced at the two of them, said nothing, nodded, turned and left

  After he left, Mochizuki said to the goddess of clouds: "Sister Yunling, your initial talent. Are you better now?"

  It turned out that the peers created by the Moon Goddess and the Cloud Goddess were false.

  The real relationship is that Mochizuki is small, and the goddess of clouds is more respected

  Yun Ling shook his head: "No, in that battle, my talent was invaded by evil, I can stay awake now, it's not bad.

  Wang and the goddess let out a long sigh

  "Sister Yun Ling, can you promise me that you won't participate in the next factional battle."

  Yun Ling shook his head.

  "If it wasn't for you to save me, I would have already died. I owe you a favor.

  In the future layout, in this battle, I must participate in the battle of [-] million. "

513. Facing the Sixteen Pillars! (one more)

  The goddess Wang was silent, she didn't know how to persuade the goddess of clouds.

  Indeed, she was the one who took the other party back then.

  But it was precisely because she didn't want the other party to die that she gave up her life to save the other party.

  "Sister Yun Ling, if you participate in the war, you will be fascinated by evil."

  Yun Ling smiled lightly and didn't answer any more.

  She didn't need to answer, she really wanted to live, to go on alive, and even find someone who depended on each other to go on with her.

  But that doesn't excuse her not to repay her kindness

  What she owes Mochizuki, she has to pay it back.

  Seeing this, the goddess Wang and the goddess let out a long sigh.

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