Wang Yuan opened his bank account and looked at the balance.

As an older young man who is unemployed at home, Wang Yuan is not wealthy to begin with.

Hearing people say that you can make money by being a professional player in the game, Wang Yuan spent 10,000 yuan to buy a helmet and prepared to compete in the game.

As a result, I spent three days wandering around the game and didn't even go out to Novice Village.

Then I heard the news that the world was about to end.

This day was like a joke. Fortunately, Wang Yuan was very sober now, otherwise he would have doubted whether it was an hallucination.

This morning I poured another thousand yuan into the game. Now Wang Yuan only has two thousand yuan left in his card, which is his last living expenses.

Thinking that the two thousand yuan would become useless paper in a month, Wang Yuan went straight downstairs to the canteen.

In the apocalypse, nature is food and fresh water.

Although two thousand yuan can't buy too many supplies, it is enough for Wang Yuan to last for a while at the end of the day.

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"Brother Wang, what's going on? You bought so much instant noodles and water?" Xiao Zhang, the owner of the canteen, was a little surprised to see Wang Yuan buy so much instant noodles and water.

The canteen is right downstairs. You can come down anytime you want something to eat. Why did you suddenly buy so much?

"The world is going to end." Wang Yuan glanced at Xiao Zhang and said seriously.

On weekdays, Wang Yuan and Xiao Zhang have a good relationship. The boy often gives himself some ham sausages that are due for delivery. Naturally, he will do it when he can.


When Xiao Zhang heard what Wang Yuan said, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Wang, you are really good at joking. I haven't heard of any doomsday predictions since 2012."


Wang Yuan finally figured it out. Now if he talks nonsense about the end of the world, no one will believe it. If he insists on promoting this stuff, he will be regarded as mentally ill at least, or he will be detained by Uncle Hat for disturbing public safety. .

It seems that it is not easy to save a few more people before the end.

Although I am not a bad person, and I am not the kind of person who is in a hurry, I will naturally not say anything to cause trouble for myself.

"Ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan laughed and changed his words: "I played a game recently and plan to stay home for a month."

"I know, "Breaking Dawn", right? It is said that many people are addicted to this game." Xiao Zhang said clearly: "I will find someone to carry your things upstairs later."

"Thank you!" Wang Yuan finished paying the bill and was about to go out when he suddenly stopped: "Xiao Zhang, you'd better stock up on more goods recently."

"I know!"

Xiao Zhang said: "There must be many people hoarding food like you recently. I will fill the warehouse to the full."

"Yes!" Wang Yuan nodded happily.

I can only help so much.

After a while, Wang Yuan looked at the living room full of bottled water and half the room full of instant noodles. His sense of security improved a lot. Although he spent all his savings, Wang Yuan did not feel any regrets.

After all, these are the necessities of life. Even if the doomsday does not come in a month, it is not a waste. At least it will be enough for you to use for a few months.

The money I have now can only be used for these preparations. When I make money in the game, I will save more other supplies. Even if it is the end of the world, I will vomit if I eat instant noodles every day.

After doing all this, Wang Yuan returned to the bed and put on his helmet.

However, Wang Yuan did not enter the game directly, but logged into the forum.

After level ten, players will enter the main city and change jobs, so they must read the strategy in advance.

Open the forum, and all kinds of messy posts are flying everywhere.

Some are pretending to be experts, some are dating girls, some are begging their brothers to take care of them, and some are recruiting people from the guild.

The most popular post was a post complaining about the explosion rate of the game. He said that even after killing the Silver BOSS, none of the hair exploded. The Goubi game should be destroyed as soon as possible.

Wang Yuan finally found the job transfer strategy post he wanted among a pile of garbage.

The game's official website only has information on the eight major professions. Players have to explore to change professions. It is said that there are a large number of hidden branches in the game, so each player's career change direction will be different depending on their encounters.

But for now, the main regular occupations are divided into sixteen.

Warriors can be transformed into output-focused weapons warriors and defense-focused guardian warriors.

Fighters can transform into Qigong masters who focus on internal strength and boxing masters who focus on moves.

Magicians are divided into ice magic and fire magic according to the selected elements.

Necromancers are divided into necromancers who focus on curse magic and necromancers who focus on the undead army.

Assassins include stalkers and assassins.

Archers have snipers and hunters.

Priests are divided into divine priests and shadow priests, and paladins are divided into guardian knights and disciplinary knights.

With the heroic history book in hand, Wang Yuan will definitely choose the undead summoner route now.

[Have you ever noticed anything strange about your body? 】

Wang Yuan exited the post and was about to log into the game when a new title suddenly attracted Wang Yuan's attention.


Wang Yuan clicked on the post curiously and took a look.

The poster is a magician named Dahai Wuliang. This guy claims to be a magician. After going offline today, he suddenly felt an energy fluctuation in his mind, which is exactly the same as the magic fluctuation in the game. Now I am posting for help to see other people. Is this also the case?

The post was written very sincerely, but the replies below were very forum-style.

"Hey? You are so cool and refined, I'm impressed!"

"Yeah, those idiots who show off their equipment are so inferior to the OP..."

"I'd like to call you the King of Thugs, I hope you can show off better results in the future."


Looking at the comments below, Wang Yuan couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, in a game forum, there are all kinds of people showing off, but they are nothing more than which BOSS they killed, which dungeon they cleared, and which equipment they got,

and they can't get out of the game.

This guy said that he felt the magic fluctuations, which was really unexpected.

It's reasonable to be treated with sarcasm.

Although he laughed, Wang Yuan didn't question it like others.

After all, he held two reborns in his hands, which was more bizarre than the poster, so he was not surprised.

The appearance of this post made Wang Yuan more convinced that the words of the two skeletons were true.

The end of the world is really coming.

The world is really going to change.

Only by hoarding supplies and improving strength can we have a greater chance of surviving in the apocalypse.

Logged into the game again, Xibei Town was still as lively as usual.

Level 10 players can be teleported through the village chief and directly teleported to the main city area closest to the novice area.

The scene in front of him changed, and Wang Yuan was teleported to the gate of a magnificent main city.

[Thunderstorm City was discovered, you gain 1000 experience points. ]

This main city is Thunderstorm City.

Unlike the exquisite Northwest Town, the towering walls and rough architectural style of Thunderstorm City give people a majestic and epic feeling.

The novice area was delayed for three days. At this time, many players have already reached level 10 and entered the main city. Players are everywhere as they walk into the city.

Without saying a word, Wang Yuan took two skeleton soldiers and walked straight to the cemetery of Thunderstorm City.

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