Outside the Thunderstorm City is a leveling area for levels 10-15.

There are level 10 slimes and level 15 wandering goblins everywhere.

Unlike the beast monsters in the novice area, these are all low-level monsters. They can explode magic crystal cores and other things on their bodies. They can be exchanged for money in the main city store and are the current source of income for players.

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Outside the city gate, there are groups of players chasing monsters everywhere.

At the entrance of the refugee area under the city wall is the corpse refresh point of Thunderstorm City.

Wang Yuan's summoning of skeletons has been upgraded to level 2. In addition to the two skeleton soldiers Dabai and Xiaobai, he can also summon another skeleton warrior, so he went straight to the corpse refresh point.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

As soon as Wang Yuan approached the corpse refresh point, several warrior players blocked Wang Yuan. The bald head in the lead stared at Wang Yuan and the two skeletons and asked.

"Recruiting babies." Wang Yuan showed his identity as a necromancer.

"This corpse spawn point is occupied by our Black Dragon Society. Now it's one silver coin per time! No bargaining!" The bald man glanced at Dabai and Xiaobai behind Wang Yuan.


Wang Yuan casually threw out a silver coin and entered the corpse spawn point.

The main task now is to change jobs. There is no need to waste time fighting with this group of idiots.


Seeing Wang Yuan take out a silver coin so happily, several warriors couldn't help but look at each other, especially the bald man, who showed a greedy look.

You know, level 10 players are just out of the novice area, and they don't have much money.

Learning skills requires spending all your money, and one silver coin is definitely not a small amount.

The guy who can take out a silver coin so easily must be a rich man.

When he came to the corpse spawn point, Wang Yuan saw seven or eight players standing in the middle of the spawn point.

However, there was only one necromancer among these players.

The mage waved his hand and summoned four tall black skeletons holding battle axes.

Several other players went up and chopped the skeleton to pieces.


Wang Yuan was shocked when he saw the skeleton summoned by the necromancer.

Skeleton Warrior! It turned out to be a third-level undead skeleton warrior. Is this guy already level 20?

As a third-level undead, the skeleton warrior can only be summoned after learning the third-level summoning technique after level 20, which means that the guy in front of him is at least level 20.

You know, the game has only been open for three days, and the current first-line players are only about level 15 or 16. The necromancer in front of him has actually reached level 20.

However, what are they doing?

Wang Yuan was a little confused.

"I didn't expect that in this era, there is still such a primitive way to brush skills!" Xiaobai sighed.

"It's good that it's still in the game. I can get this bug. After the world merges, I can't do it this way anymore." Dabai also sighed.


"Brush skills?"

Wang Yuan suddenly realized.

Good guy, it turns out that you can still play like this, how many corpses will be wasted? It's such a waste of resources...

But judging from their appearance, they should be in the same group as those guys who blocked the refresh point. Damn, the big guilds are awesome. Other necromancers have to spend money to get a corpse, but they use it to refresh their skills.

As expected, at this time, a player said beside him: "Boss, if nothing goes wrong, you can practice to level 4 skeleton summoning today, and then you can summon skeleton generals!"

"Summon the skeleton general, and the boss will be the best necromancer in the whole server!"

"You know shit! Now the boss is the best necromancer in the whole server! Look who can summon skeleton warriors? Those rubbish can only summon skeleton warriors at most!"

"Haha! There are always people who are better than you."

The necromancer also smiled and said: "There are many hidden talents in the game. Now it may not be that no one can summon skeleton warriors, but as long as I can summon skeleton generals, I will definitely be able to suppress all necromancers."


"Rubbish" Wang Yuan curled his lips and used the summoning technique casually. The corpse in front of him lost its flesh and blood. A white skeleton holding a round shield in his left hand and an iron sword in his right hand climbed up and came behind Wang Yuan woodenly.

"Haha, look how stupid that skeleton warrior is."

Seeing Wang Yuan's skeleton warrior, the others couldn't help laughing.

Wang Yuan left the refresh point without looking back.

"Hey, buddy, say something?"

"Brother, are you also reborn?"

Xiaobai and Dabai looked up and down at the newly summoned skeleton warrior.

However, the skeleton warrior had no thoughts at all, and followed Wang Yuan like a machine.

Obviously, this skeleton warrior did not have a soul.

Although Wang Yuan was a little disappointed, he was not surprised.

Even a great wizard like Zul could not summon a skeleton with a soul. He was lucky to be able to summon two. It was reasonable that the third one had no soul. How could he be greedy.

With the newly summoned skeleton warrior, Wang Yuan walked deep into the forest.


At the same time, several players followed from behind.

If Wang Yuan saw these guys, he would definitely recognize them. They were the guys outside the corpse refresh point. In addition to them, there were also several players of other professions following.

"Brother Gun, this guy's equipment doesn't look that good. We won't be caught off guard, right?" One of the assassins asked the bald warrior with a frown.

"You know nothing! This guy is very generous, he didn't even blink an eye for a silver coin, he must be a rich man." The bald man called Gun Brother said: "Besides, although his equipment is very rubbish, didn't you see his two teammates? They all have good equipment, especially the one holding the staff, it must be bronze equipment at least, most likely silver equipment."

"Silver equipment? Really? Our boss doesn't have silver equipment."

Everyone was excited when he heard it.

"Hehe, grab it and give it to the boss, won't it benefit us too." Brother Guang smiled: "When the BOSS drops the equipment, won't we just pick it up?"

"Makes sense! Makes sense!"

Everyone nodded: "Catch up quickly, don't lose it!"


"By the way, do you two really have souls? It seems that you are much smarter than Bai Saner."

Along the way, Wang Yuan also intuitively felt the difference between the two reborn skeletons and ordinary skeletons.

Although the skeleton warrior is a second-level undead, its IQ and combat skills are many times worse than those of the two battle-hardened reborns.

Just like the gap between a top professional player and an ordinary monster, even if Dabai and Xiaobai have no equipment, it is easy to defeat the soulless skeleton warrior.

No wonder Zul has devoted his life to summoning skeletons with souls. This advantage is too obvious.

Zul's previous nonsense is not without benefits.

With Zul's pointing out the soul, at least Wang Yuan and the two skeletons don't have to pretend to act anymore.

Facing Wang Yuan's doubts, the two skeletons were stunned at the same time.

"Teacher Wushuang, how should we answer?"

"Don't act too smart, he will be scared, we just need to show a little bit."

As he said that, Dabai nodded like a fool, with a dull face, and Xiaobai also nodded.

"Well, although it has a soul, it doesn't seem to be particularly smart. We have to take it slow." Wang Yuan pretended to talk to himself.

The two skeletons looked at each other and said proudly: "We fooled it. We acted so well!"



Just as several people were competing with each other in acting skills, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded behind them.

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